Romanos 1:30

30 sendo murmuradores, detratores, aborrecedores de Deus, injuriadores, soberbos, presunçosos, inventores de males, desobedientes ao pais;

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Romanos 1:30 Meaning and Commentary

Romans 1:30

Who more publicly defamed the characters of their neighbours, and hurt their good name, credit and reputation, though behind their backs:

haters of God;
some read it, "hated of God"; as all workers of iniquity are; but rather this expresses their sin, that they were deniers of the being and providence of God, and showed themselves to be enemies to him by their evil works:

both by opprobrious words, and injurious actions:

of their natural knowledge, learning, eloquence and vain philosophy:

of their parts, abilities, wisdom and works; all which they attributed to themselves, and to the sharpness of their wit, their sagacity and industry:

inventors of evil things;
of evil schemes of morality and philosophy, and of evil practices, as well as principles:

disobedient to parents;
which was acting contrary to the light of nature.

Romanos 1:30 In-Context

28 E assim como eles rejeitaram o conhecimento de Deus, Deus, por sua vez, os entregou a um sentimento depravado, para fazerem coisas que não convêm;
29 estando cheios de toda a injustiça, malícia, cobiça, maldade; cheios de inveja, homicídio, contenda, dolo, malignidade;
30 sendo murmuradores, detratores, aborrecedores de Deus, injuriadores, soberbos, presunçosos, inventores de males, desobedientes ao pais;
31 néscios, infiéis nos contratos, sem afeição natural, sem misericórdia;
32 os quais, conhecendo bem o decreto de Deus, que declara dignos de morte os que tais coisas praticam, não somente as fazem, mas também aprovam os que as praticam.
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