Salmos 148:10

10 feras e todo o gado; répteis e aves voadoras;

Salmos 148:10 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 148:10

Beasts, and all cattle
Wild and tame; the beasts of the field, and the cattle on a thousand hills, which are all the Lord's, made, supported, and supplied by him; he gives them their food and drink, which they wait for and receive from him, and in their manner praise him for the same; and these are useful to men for labour or for food, and therefore should praise the Lord for them; see ( Isaiah 43:20 ) ;

creeping things, and flying fowl:
of "creeping things" some belong to the sea and others to the land; see ( Psalms 104:25 ) ; and there is not the least creature on the sea or land, the meanest reptile or worthless worm, but is of such exquisite workmanship as gives praise and glory to the Creator; and so do every fly and every insect, as well as "flying fowl" of the greatest size, as the eagle, vulture these, though they fly in the air, had their original from the waters, ( Genesis 1:20 ) .

Salmos 148:10 In-Context

8 fogo e saraiva, neve e vapor; vento tempestuoso que excuta a sua palavra;
9 montes e todos os outeiros; árvores frutíferas e todos os cedros;
10 feras e todo o gado; répteis e aves voadoras;
11 reis da terra e todos os povos; príncipes e todos os juízes da terra;
12 mancebos e donzelas; velhos e crianças!
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