Salmos 23:3

3 Refrigera a minha alma; guia-me nas veredas da justiça por amor do seu nome.

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Salmos 23:3 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 23:3

He restoreth my soul
Either when backslidden, and brings it back again when led or driven away, and heals its backslidings; or rather, when fainting, swooning, and ready to die away, he fetches it back again, relieves, refreshes, and comforts with the discoveries of his love, with the promises of his word, and with the consolations of his Spirit, and such like reviving cordials, (See Gill on Psalms 19:7);

he leadeth, he in the paths of righteousness;
in the plain paths of truth and holiness, in which men, though fools, shall not err; in right ones, though they sometimes seem rough and rugged to Christ's sheep, yet are not crooked; there is no turning to the right hand or the left; they lead straight on to the city of habitation; and they are righteous ones, as paths of duty are, and all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord be; moreover, Christ leads his by faith, to walk on in him and in his righteousness, looking through it, and on account of it, for eternal life; see ( Proverbs 8:20 ) ; and all this he does

for his name's sake;
for his own glory and the praise of his grace, and not for any merits or deserts in men.

Salmos 23:3 In-Context

1 O Senhor é o meu pastor; nada me faltará.
2 Deitar-me faz em pastos verdejantes; guia-me mansamente a águas tranqüilas.
3 Refrigera a minha alma; guia-me nas veredas da justiça por amor do seu nome.
4 Ainda que eu ande pelo vale da sombra da morte, não temerei mal algum, porque tu estás comigo; a tua vara e o teu cajado me consolam
5 Preparas uma mesa perante mim na presença dos meus inimigos; unges com óleo a minha cabeça, o meu cálice transborda.

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