Salmos 24

1 Do Senhor é a terra e a sua plenitude; o mundo e aqueles que nele habitam.
2 Porque ele a fundou sobre os mares, e a firmou sobre os rios.
3 Quem subirá ao monte do Senhor, ou quem estará no seu lugar santo?
4 Aquele que é limpo de mãos e puro de coração; que não entrega a sua alma � vaidade, nem jura enganosamente.
5 Este receberá do Senhor uma bênção, e a justiça do Deus da sua salvação.
6 Tal é a geração daqueles que o buscam, daqueles que buscam a tua face, ó Deus de Jacó.
7 Levantai, ó portas, as vossas cabeças; levantai-vos, ó entradas eternas, e entrará o Rei da Glória.
8 Quem é o Rei da Glória? O Senhor forte e poderoso, o Senhor poderoso na batalha.
9 Levantai, ó portas, as vossas cabeças; levantai-vos, ó entradas eternas, e entrará o Rei da Glória.
10 Quem é esse Rei da Glória? O Senhor dos exércitos; ele é o Rei da Glória.

Salmos 24 Commentary

Chapter 24

Concerning the kingdom of Christ, and the subjects of that kingdom. (1-6) Concerning the King of that kingdom. (7-10)

Verses 1-6 We ourselves are not our own; our bodies, our souls, are not. Even those of the children of men are God's, who know him not, nor own their relation to him. A soul that knows and considers its own nature, and that it must live for ever, when it has viewed the earth and the fulness thereof, will sit down unsatisfied. It will think of ascending toward God, and will ask, What shall I do, that I may abide in that happy, holy place, where he makes his people holy and happy? We make nothing of religion, if we do not make heart-work of it. We can only be cleansed from our sins, and renewed unto holiness, by the blood of Christ and the washing of the Holy Ghost. Thus we become his people; thus we receive blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of our salvation. God's peculiar people shall be made truly and for ever happy. Where God gives righteousness, he designs salvation. Those that are made meet for heaven, shall be brought safe to heaven, and will find what they have been seeking.

Verses 7-10 The splendid entry here described, refers to the solemn bringing in of the ark into the tent David pitched for it, or the temple Solomon built for it. We may also apply it to the ascension of Christ into heaven, and the welcome given to him there. Our Redeemer found the gates of heaven shut, but having by his blood made atonement for sin, as one having authority, he demanded entrance. The angels were to worship him, ( Hebrews 1:6 ) : they ask with wonder, Who is he? It is answered, that he is strong and mighty; mighty in battle to save his people, and to subdue his and their enemies. We may apply it to Christ's entrance into the souls of men by his word and Spirit, that they may be his temples. Behold, he stands at the door, and knocks, ( Revelation 3:20 ) . The gates and doors of the heart are to be opened to him, as possession is delivered to the rightful owner. We may apply it to his second coming with glorious power. Lord, open the everlasting door of our souls by thy grace, that we may now receive thee, and be wholly thine; and that, at length, we may be numbered with thy saints in glory.

Chapter Summary


\\<>\\. This psalm is thought by some of the Jewish writers {d} to have been wrote when the ark was brought from the house of Obededom to the city of David, and put into the place prepared for it by him, 2Sa 6:17; to which reference is supposed to be had in Ps 24:7-10; or after that David had built an altar in the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, and had knowledge of the hill Moriah, as the place where the sanctuary was to be built; called the hill of the Lord, and his holy place, Ps 24:3; however, it was certainly written by David, under the inspiration of the spirit of God; and is a prophecy of Christ, and of the Gospel church, and describes the members of it. {d} Aben Ezra & Kimchi.

Salmos 24 Commentaries

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