Salmos 28:2

2 Ouve a voz das minhas súplicas, quando a ti clamo, quando levanto as minhas mãos para o teu santo templo.

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Salmos 28:2 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 28:2

Hear the voice of my supplications
Which proceed from the Spirit of grace and of supplication, and are put up in an humble manner, under a sense of wants and unworthiness, and on the foot of grace and mercy, and not merit;

when I cry unto thee;
as he now did, and determined he would, and continue so doing, until he was heard;

when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle:
the holy of holies, in the tabernacle and in the temple, which was sometimes so called, ( 1 Kings 6:23 ) ; compared with ( 2 Chronicles 3:10 ) ; where were the ark, the mercy seat, and cherubim, between which the Lord dwelt, and gave responses to his people; or heaven itself, which the holy of holies was a figure of; where is the throne of God, and from whence he hears the prayers of his people directed to him; or else Christ himself, who is the most Holy, and the "Debir", or Oracle, who speaks to the Lord for his people; and by whom the Lord speaks to them again, and communes with them. The oracle had its name, "debir", from speaking. Lifting up of the hands is a prayer gesture, and here designs the performance of that duty to God in heaven, through Christ; see ( Lamentations 3:41 ) ( 1 Timothy 2:8 ) ; it was frequently used, even by the Heathens, as a prayer gesture F18; see ( Psalms 141:2 ) .


F18 "Duplices manus ad sidera tendit--et paulo post--et ambas ad coelum tendit palmas", Virgil. Aeneid. 10. vid. Aeneid. 2. "Ad coelum manibus sublatis", Horat. Satyr. l. 2. satyr. 5. v. 97. "Coelo supines si tuleris manus", ib. Carmin. l. 3. Ode 23. v. 1. "Et pandere palmas ante Deum delubra", Lucretius l. 5. prope finem (dh ceira anascwn) , Homer. Iliad. 5. v. 174.

Salmos 28:2 In-Context

1 A ti clamo, ó Senhor; rocha minha, não emudeças para comigo; não suceda que, calando-te a meu respeito, eu me torne semelhante aos que descem � cova.
2 Ouve a voz das minhas súplicas, quando a ti clamo, quando levanto as minhas mãos para o teu santo templo.
3 Não me arrastes juntamente com os ímpios e com os que praticam a iniqüidade, que falam de paz ao seu próximo, mas têm o mal no seu coração.
4 Retribui-lhes segundo as suas obras e segundo a malícia dos seus feitos; dá-lhes conforme o que fizeram as suas mãos; retribui-lhes o que eles merecem.
5 Porquanto eles não atentam para as obras do Senhor, nem para o que as suas mãos têm feito, ele os derrubará e não os reedificará
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