Salmos 30:9

9 Que proveito haverá no meu sangue, se eu descer � cova? Porventura te louvará o pó? Anunciará ele a tua verdade?

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Salmos 30:9 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 30:9

What profit [is there] in my blood?
&c.] Should that be shed, and he die by the hands of his enemies, through divine permission: death is not profitable to a man's self by way of merit; it does not atone for sin, satisfy justice, and merit heaven; even the death of martyrs, and of such who shed their blood, died in the cause of Christ, and for his sake, is not meritorious; it does not profit in such sense: there is profit in no blood but in the blood of Christ, by which peace is made, pardon procured, and redemption obtained. Indeed death is consequentially profitable to good men; it is an outlet of all sorrows and afflictions, and the inlet of joy and happiness; it is the saints' passage to heaven, and upon it they are immediately with Christ, and rest from their labours: nor is there profit in the blood of the saints to them that shed it; for when inquisition is made for it, vengeance will be taken on them who have shed it, and blood will be given them to drink, as will be particularly to antichrist: nor is there any profit in it to the Lord himself; which seems to be what is chiefly designed, since it is used by the psalmist as an argument with him in prayer, that he might not be left by him, and to his enemies, so as to perish, since no glory could accrue to God by it from them; they would not give him thanks for it, but ascribe it to themselves, and say their own hand had done it; so far, the psalmist suggests, would his death be from being profitable to God, that it would rather be a loss to the interest of religion; since he had not as yet fully restored religion, and settled the pure worship of God in order, and made the preparations for the building the house of God he intended. God may be glorified in the death of his people; either by their dying in the faith of interest in him; or by suffering death for his name's sake; but, in a strict sense, there is nothing either in life or death in which man can be profitable unto God; see ( Job 22:2 Job 22:3 ) ( Job 35:7 Job 35:8 ) ; some understand this of life; because the life is in the blood: as if the sense was, of what advantage is life to me? it would have been better for the if I had never been born, had had no life and being at all, if I must for ever be banished from thy presence, and go down to the pit of hell, which they suppose is designed in the following phrase;

when I go down to the pit;
though the grave seems rather to be meant, and the former sense is best;

shall the dust praise thee?
that is, men, whose original is dust, being reduced to dust again, as the body at death, when laid in the grave, and corrupted there, is; this lifeless dust cannot praise the Lord: the soul indeed dies not with the body; nor does it sleep in the grave with it; nor is it unemployed in heaven; but is continually engaged in the high praises of God: but the sense of the psalmist is, that should he die, and be buried, and be reduced to dust, he should no more praise the Lord in the land of the living, among men, to the glory of divine grace and goodness; so that this revenue of his glory would be lost. Shall it declare thy truth? either the truth of the Gospel, which lies in the word of God; or rather the faithfulness of God in the performance of his promises; see ( Psalms 40:10 ) ( Isaiah 38:18 Isaiah 38:19 ) .

Salmos 30:9 In-Context

7 Tu, Senhor, pelo teu favor fizeste que a minha montanha permanecesse forte; ocultaste o teu rosto, e fiquei conturbado.
8 A ti, Senhor, clamei, e ao Senhor supliquei:
9 Que proveito haverá no meu sangue, se eu descer � cova? Porventura te louvará o pó? Anunciará ele a tua verdade?
10 Ouve, Senhor, e tem compaixão de mim! Ó Senhor, sê o meu ajudador!
11 Tornaste o meu pranto em regozijo, tiraste o meu cilício, e me cingiste de alegria;
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