Salmos 43:3

3 Envia a tua luz e a tua verdade, para que me guiem; levem-me elas ao teu santo monte, e � tua habitação.

Salmos 43:3 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 43:3

O send out thy light and thy truth
By light is meant, not the law, as Arama; but rather, as some Jewish F16 interpreters understand it, the Messiah, the sun of righteousness, and light of the world; who is the author of all light, natural, spiritual, and eternal; and whose coming into the world is often signified by being sent into it. The Spirit of God also is the enlightener of men, both at first conversion and afterwards, and is sent down into their hearts as a comforter of them, by being the Spirit of adoption. The Gospel of Christ is a great and glorious light, which, with the Holy Ghost, is sent down from heaven; though perhaps here rather may be meant the light of God's countenance, the discoveries of his favour and lovingkindness, which produce light, life, joy, peace, and comfort: and by "truth" may be meant, either Christ himself, who is the truth; or the Gospel the word of truth; or rather the faithfulness of God in the fulfilment of his promises; and so the words are a petition that God would show forth his lovingkindness, and make good his word, which would be of the following use:

let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy
that is, to the place of public worship, where the tabernacle was, the "hill" where it was, which seems to be Mount Zion; and is called "holy"; not that there was any real holiness in it; only relative, because of the worship of God in it; and the "tabernacle" is called "tabernacles", because of the holy place and the most holy place in it; the one being the first, the other the second tabernacle, as in ( Hebrews 9:2 Hebrews 9:3 ) ; and this hill and tabernacles represented the church and ordinances of God, to which such who are possessed of light and truth are led.


F16 Midrash Tillim, & Jarchi, in loc.

Salmos 43:3 In-Context

1 Faze-me justiça, ó Deus, e pleiteia a minha causa contra uma nação ímpia; livra-me do homem fraudulento e iníquo.
2 Pois tu és o Deus da minha fortaleza; por que me rejeitaste? por que ando em pranto por causa da opressão do inimigo?
3 Envia a tua luz e a tua verdade, para que me guiem; levem-me elas ao teu santo monte, e � tua habitação.
4 Então irei ao altar de Deus, a Deus, que é a minha grande alegria; e ao som da harpa te louvarei, ó Deus, Deus meu.
5 Por que estás abatida, ó minha alma? e por que te perturbas dentro de mim? Espera em Deus, pois ainda o louvarei, a ele que é o meu socorro, e o meu Deus.
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