Salmos 46:5

5 Deus está no meio dela; não será abalada; Deus a ajudará desde o raiar da alva.

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Salmos 46:5 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 46:5

God [is] in the midst of her
The church and people of God; not merely by his essence, power, and providence, as he is in the midst of the world; but by his gracious presence, and which always continues, though not always perceived; and is a sufficient antidote against all fear of men and devils;

she shall not be moved;
though the earth may; and when it is, ( Psalms 46:2 ) , neither from the heart of God, on which his people are set as a seal; nor from the hands of Christ, from whence they can never be plucked; nor from the covenant of grace, which is immovable; nor off of the rock Christ, on which they are built; nor from the state of grace, of justification, adoption, and sanctification, in which they stand; nor out of the world, by all the cunning and power of antichrist;

God shall help her, [and that] right early:
or "when the morning looks out" F24. When it is night with the church, it is the hour and power of darkness with the enemies of it; and this is the time of the reign of antichrist, whose kingdom is a kingdom of darkness: but the "morning cometh, and also the night"; the former being about to break forth, and the latter to be at an end; yea, at eventide it shall be light: and the Lord will be a suitable, seasonable, and timely help to his people; for though weeping endures the night, joy comes in the morning.


F24 (rqb twnpl) "respiciente mane", Pagninus; "ad prospectum aurorae", Musculus; "at the looking forth of the morning", Ainsworth; that is, "speedily and quickly", as Suidas interprets it in voce (prwi) .

Salmos 46:5 In-Context

3 ainda que as águas rujam e espumem, ainda que os montes se abalem pela sua braveza.
4 Há um rio cujas correntes alegram a cidade de Deus, o lugar santo das moradas do Altíssimo.
5 Deus está no meio dela; não será abalada; Deus a ajudará desde o raiar da alva.
6 Bramam nações, reinos se abalam; ele levanta a sua voz, e a terra se derrete.
7 O Senhor dos exércitos está conosco; o Deus de Jacó é o nosso refúgio.

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