Salmos 91:10

10 nenhum mal te sucederá, nem praga alguma chegará � tua tenda.

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Salmos 91:10 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 91:10

There shall no evil befall thee
The evil of sin cleaves to the best of saints, the evil of temptations besets them, and the evil of afflictions comes upon them, as chastisements from the Lord; for they must expect to receive evil, in this sense, as well as good, from his hands; but the evil of punishment never touches them; and therefore, when any public calamity befalls them in common with others, yet not as an evil of punishment; it is not an evil to them, it is for their good:

neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling;
how should it, when they dwell in God, and have made him, the most High, their habitation {u}; ( Psalms 91:1 Psalms 91:9 ) otherwise it may come nigh their temporal dwellings; (See Gill on Psalms 91:7) though it may not enter into them; and, should it, yet not as an evil, or by way of punishment; see ( Proverbs 3:33 ) .


F21 (Knwem tmv Nwyle) "excelsum posuisti habitaculum tuum", Pagninus, Montanus, De Dieu, Gejerus.

Salmos 91:10 In-Context

8 Somente com os teus olhos contemplarás, e verás a recompensa dos ímpios.
9 Porquanto fizeste do Senhor o teu refúgio, e do Altíssimo a tua habitação,
10 nenhum mal te sucederá, nem praga alguma chegará � tua tenda.
11 Porque aos seus anjos dará ordem a teu respeito, para te guardarem em todos os teus caminhos.
12 Eles te susterão nas suas mãos, para que não tropeces em alguma pedra.

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