Zacarias 2:11

11 E naquele dia muitas nações se ajuntarão ao Senhor, e serão o meu povo; e habitarei no meio de ti, e saberás que o Senhor dos exércitos me enviou a ti.

Zacarias 2:11 Meaning and Commentary

Zechariah 2:11

And many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day,
&c.] The Gospel will be preached in all nations, and multitudes will be converted, and embrace and profess the Christian religion, and join themselves to the churches of Christ, which, in the New Testament, is expressed by being joined to the Lord, ( Acts 5:13 Acts 5:14 ) see ( Jeremiah 50:5 ) ( Isaiah 56:3 Isaiah 56:6 ) : and shall be my people;
shall appear to be so, who before were not the people of God; did not profess themselves, and were not known to be, the people of God, though they secretly were in the counsel and covenant of God; but now, being called by grace, they become openly and manifestly his people, ( 1 Peter 2:10 ) : and I will dwell in the midst of thee;
in the church, consisting of people of many nations, as well as of Jews: and thou shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee;
to the Jews, as well as to the Gentiles; (See Gill on Zechariah 2:9).

Zacarias 2:11 In-Context

9 Porque eis aí levantarei a minha mão contra eles, e eles virão a ser a presa daqueles que os serviram; assim sabereis vós que o Senhor dos exércitos me enviou.
10 Exulta, e alegra-te, ó filha de Sião; pois eis que venho, e habitarei no meio de ti, diz o Senhor.
11 E naquele dia muitas nações se ajuntarão ao Senhor, e serão o meu povo; e habitarei no meio de ti, e saberás que o Senhor dos exércitos me enviou a ti.
12 Então o Senhor possuirá a Judá como sua porção na terra santa, e ainda escolherá a Jerusalém.
13 Cale-se, toda a carne, diante do Senhor; porque ele se levantou da sua santa morada.
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