Job 31:12

12 It would be a fire burning even to destruction, and taking away all my produce.

Job 31:12 Meaning and Commentary

Job 31:12

For it [is] a fire [that] consumeth to destruction
Referring either to the nature of the sin of uncleanness; it is inflammatory, a burning lust, a fire burning in the breast; see ( 1 Corinthians 7:9 ) ; or to the effect of it, either the rage of jealousy in the injured person, which is exceeding fierce, furious, and cruel, like devouring fire, not to be appeased or mitigated, ( Proverbs 6:34 Proverbs 6:35 ) ( Song of Solomon 8:6 ) ; or else it may respect the punishment of this sin in the times of Job, and which we find was practised among the Gentiles, as the Canaanites, Job's neighbours, burning such delinquents with fire; see ( Genesis 38:24 ) ( Jeremiah 29:22 Jeremiah 29:23 ) ; or rather the wrath of God for it, which is poured forth as fire, and burns to the lowest hell, and into which lake of fire all such impure persons will be cast, unless the grace of God prevents; and which will be a fire that will consume and destroy both soul and body, and so be an utter and everlasting destruction, ( Revelation 21:8 ) ;

and would root out all my increase;
even in this world; adultery is a sin that not only ruins a man's character, fixes an indelible blot upon him, a reproach that shall not be wiped off, and consumes a man's body, and destroys the health of it, but his substance also, the increase of his fields, and of his fruits, and by means of it a man is brought to a piece of bread, to beg it, and to be glad of it, ( Proverbs 6:26 Proverbs 6:33 ) ( 5:10 ) .

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Job 31:12 In-Context

10 Then let my wife give pleasure to another man and let others make use of her body.
11 For that would be a crime; it would be an act for which punishment would be measured out by the judges:
12 It would be a fire burning even to destruction, and taking away all my produce.
13 If I did wrong in the cause of my man-servant, or my woman-servant, when they went to law with me;
14 What then will I do when God comes as my judge? and what answer may I give to his questions?
The Bible in Basic English is in the public domain.
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