John 11:17

17 Now when Jesus came, he made the discovery that Lazarus had been put into the earth four days before.

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John 11:17 Meaning and Commentary

John 11:17

Then when Jesus came
The Alexandrian copy, and all the Oriental versions add, "to Bethany"; though it seems by what follows, that he was not come to the town itself, but near it; and it looks as if it was not far from Lazarus's grave; and it was usual to bury without the city; and here he had intelligence of his, Lazarus's, death, and how long he had been dead:

for he found he had lain in the grave four days already;
it is very likely that he died the same day that Mary and Martha sent to Christ to acquaint him with his sickness, and the same day he was buried; for the Jews used to bury the same day a person died, and so they do now: and after Christ had this account, he stayed two days where he was, and on the third day, he proposed to his disciples to go into Judea; and very probably on that, or on the next day, which was the fourth, they set out and came to Bethany; (See Gill on John 11:39).

John 11:17 In-Context

15 And because of you I am glad I was not there, so that you may have faith; but let us go to him.
16 Then Thomas, who was named Didymus, said to the other disciples, Let us go so that we may be with him in death.
17 Now when Jesus came, he made the discovery that Lazarus had been put into the earth four days before.
18 Now Bethany was near to Jerusalem, about two miles away;
19 And a number of Jews had come to Martha and Mary to give them comfort about their brother.
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