Regularly Taste and See That God Is Good

Nothing can separate us from the love that God has determined to set upon us. We need not be afraid. But we will grow in our maturity as we lean our faith on Jesus and the work of His Spirit more and more each day. You see, God is glorified as we make progress in the Christian life, as we move our faith forward and trust when times are challenging. And, as His very own special washed, sanctified, and justified people, we want to glorify Him. That is our deep, dear desire.
He has put the deposit of the Spirit into our hearts. We know it’s all true — the good that He has done for us and our souls. So, let’s maximize the deposit. Let’s live according to it and give great return to Jesus for all He’s given us.
James says that the one who doubts is like a wild wave of the sea (James 1:6). So, let’s never doubt our salvation. Let’s never doubt that, yes, God will forgive us once again. Let’s never doubt that we have received the Holy Spirit to help us walk with Jesus in this life.
With this kind of confidence, let’s see what God will do! God will do great things in and through us as we stake our trust in Him. He will take us from where we are and show us wonderful things in His Word. He will lead us forward through fellowship and prayer. He will allow us to be lights in the world through Him. He allows us to know the joys of praising Him, as the psalmist writes: “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be on my mouth” (Psalm 34:1). And, He will keep us — let us rejoice — as His very own precious-to-Him people. Taste and see that the Lord is good through the love that He has poured into our hearts through the Spirit He has enabled to be there.
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Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Yolya
Lianna Davis is author of Keeping the Faith: A Study in Jude and Made for a Different Land: Eternal Hope for Baby Loss. She is also a contributor to We Evangelicals and Our Mission with Cascade Books. Lianna is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She lives in Illinois with her husband and daughter. You can learn more about her writing at her website.