Understand These 3 Truths to Face Your Giants Like David

When we face problems of all kinds, we can have peace when we remember that ultimately, it's God who promises to help us! Zachariah 4:6 tells us, “So he said to me, ‘This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” How do we overcome the obstacles we see in our lives? Not by our might or power, but by God’s Spirit!
When we truly realize this to be true, it’s so freeing. Honestly, life without God leading us is exhausting. Just this year my husband and I finally decided to give up our right to figure things out our own way, to keep fighting to be right in our marriage, and just seek and trust the Lord to heal the things that had broken between us. After years of struggle, we are feeling joy, peace, grace, and love blossom again. It’s not by our might but only through the power of God’s Spirit at work in our lives that we can change.
If the battle is about more than meets the eyes, then we need a different set of tools that helps us find practical and spiritual victory! David knew he needed God to prevail. But he also knew that the years of experience he had defeating creatures that were much larger than he was had given him the practical skills required to defeat this man. He gathered the tools that had worked for him – a handful of rocks and a slingshot – and set aside the armor that didn’t work when fighting this kind of enemy. He honored God and ran past his fear towards the enemy!
We also need to marry our practical knowledge with spiritual wisdom when approaching the issues we face. God moves when we move! Faith often looks like taking a practical step towards healing and asking God to come along with you.
Matthew 16:19 states, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” This is a bold declaration that we have power in the spiritual world! How we choose to live on earth impacts the heavens. David’s faith propelled him towards the enemy and God brought the victory. David is remembered because he trusted God. Those lacking faith are often forgotten because they never find victory on their own.
Do you know what made David stand out among all the Israelites? He saw a possibility rather than ruminating on the problem. While the people grumbled and cowered in fear for forty days, David showed up and immediately was ready to take action because he knew his God was able!
If we want to have the faith of David, we have to start seeing that God can overcome, and believing that more than we believe in the power of our problems. Meditate on God’s words of provision, find others that can encourage you on the journey, and seek God in prayer as you trust him to make a way for you. When we get caught up staring too hard at the giant, we become discouraged. Change your view and change your life.
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/francescoch