30 Days of Back to School Prayers

Here is a month of prayers you can pray during this first month of going back to school. There are 20 prayers, one for each school day. The prayers include prayers for children, prayers for parents, and prayers for staff.
With the air gets crisp and the school bells begin to chime once again, our hearts turn towards the exciting yet challenging season of heading back to school. In these times of transition, it's only natural for parents to carry concerns for their children's well-being, academic growth, and the environment they'll step into. While the world around us may seem uncertain, we find our steadfast anchor in the unchanging grace and wisdom of our Creator.
As we embark on another school year, let us embrace the power of prayer to not only seek His guidance but also invite His presence light the paths of our students, educators, and parents. With hearts filled with gratitude and faith, let us delve into this dedicated month of prayers, each day an opportunity to uplift our intentions and aspirations for the school days that lie ahead.
Monday: For Favor and Blessing Over the School Year
Dear God, we pray for your blessing and favor today over our teachers, our kids, and our schools. Please allow your face to shine on them today, be gracious to them Lord. Fill them with your Spirit and light; and give them peace in every circumstance. We know that every gift and blessing come straight from your hand. We will not take it for granted. Remind us today of your great love and care over all those we love. We thank you Lord that you work powerfully on our behalf, and we commit our ways to you. May each purpose and plan you have for our teachers, succeed, flourish, and prosper in every way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (By Debbie McDaniel)
Tuesday: A Prayer for Strength
God, I ask that you would help my child to be strong and courageous as they tackle a new school year! Take from them any dread, anxiety, or grief that may want to steal their joy as they embark on a new school year. Remind them daily that you are with them! You will never leave them and give them the strength they need to walk through each day. Amen. (By Amanda Idleman)
Wednesday: A Prayer for Fun at School
Jesus, I ask that my child's school year would be filled with sweet memories that they will cherish for their lifetime. Infuse their days with fun that will keep them filled with joy as they grow and learn. Give them a cheerful face that is contagious as they walk through this school year. Amen. (By Amanda Idleman)
Thursday: A Prayer for Teachers and Staff in the Midst of COVID
God, give educators the strength and courage to bear the extra burden of teaching and caring for students in this season of COVID-19. May you inspire them with creativity as they navigate being thrust into needing to teach in new ways, with new schedules, and with new parameters around how they can reach their students. Fill them with peace as they find ways to deal with the many new concerns they have to address to do their jobs this school year. Amen. (By Amanda Idleman)
Friday: A Prayer for Teachers
Dear God, grant our teachers an abundance of Your wisdom. Prepare their hearts to welcome and love our loved ones, and may we make sure to show them love and respect in return. Give them grace as they help students who aren’t thriving, courage to say what needs to be said, tools and knowledge on how and when to speak love, and strength when they feel weak. When they feel unseen, remind them that no moment goes unnoticed. They are shaping the future in one million small - yet incredibly important - ways every day. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of learning they share with our children. Bless them, Lord, and may they see even just a glimpse of how their faithfulness will forever impact generations to come. Amen. (By Kaitlyn Bouchillon)
Monday: A Teacher's Prayer
Help me to be a fine teacher, to keep peace in the classroom, peace between my students and myself, to be kind and gentle to each and every one of my students. Help me to be merciful to my students, to balance mercy and discipline in the right measure for each student, to give genuine praise as much as possible, to give constructive criticism in a manner that is palatable to my students. Help me to remain conscientious enough to keep my lessons always interesting, to recognize what motivates each of my students, to accept my students' limitations and not hold it against them. Help me not to judge my students too harshly, to be fair to all, to be a good role model, but most of all Lord help me to show your love to all of my students. Amen. (By Olga de Juana)
Tuesday: A Prayer for Safety
God, it’s hard to let go of our kids, and send them out into a world that is so unstable and so volatile. But You are bigger than all of our worries. You are bigger than our worst fears. Send Your Holy Spirit to quicken in our hearts as we seek You in Your Word and pray to You for comfort. Remind us that our children are Your children, and that You love them infinitely more than we do. You love us, and them, so much that You sent Your Son Jesus to die on a cross. In the most cruel way to die, the Savior of the World hung there for us. For all of us. My we always cling to the cross for our hope, and light the path for our children to, as well. In Jesus Name, Amen. (By Meg Bucher)
Wednesday: A Prayer for My Children's Wellness
Father, we praise You for our health. For, if we have awakened to breathe today, You have a purpose for us. This is a day You have made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. We give thanks to You! The Author of all life, our Healer, Abba Father. Thank You for the advances in modern medicine and holistic healthcare. Thank you for the entire community of caregivers that provide diagnosis, treatment, and healing for our ailments, both short and long term. Bless and equip the doctors who care for our children with wisdom to diagnose and treat symptoms.
We confess the worry we have over our children’s health. We are acutely aware of the fragility of life and the disease and sickness in the world. Only You know the number of our days Father and those of our children. But we ask you to protect their wellness. Bless our children and keep them healthy. Heal their bodies from the illness and ailment only You can see. Protect them from invisible viruses and strengthen their immune systems to ward off strains of the flu, colds, and allergies. When their bones break and muscles tear and strain, bless them with hasty healing, and patience during the process.
Bless and guard the health of their minds, Father. Protect their mental health and give children who are old enough the courage to ask for help when they know something is not right. Give them the wisdom and perspective, sometimes beyond their years, to talk to us, a school nurse, or doctor about what doesn’t feel right. May we as parents have the wisdom, insight, observance, and knowledge to see signs our children might be suffering from anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses, and seek treatment for them at the first signs. Bless the counselors and mental health professionals that care for our children. Strengthen them, as they counsel and comfort us. Thank You for the gifts of first responders, counselors, and medical professionals, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (By Meg Bucher)
Thursday: A Prayer for My Children's Safety
Father, This world is a terrifying place to raise a child. Help us to see the world through Your eyes and surrender our fears and anxieties to You daily. When we worry about our children’s safety at school, their friends’ houses, walking home, at their extracurricular activities, and once they're out into the world to live their own adult lives … remind us of Your love for them and care for them. Please, Jesus, walk with them through every fire they face and protect them from harm and danger. Keep them physically safe, Lord. Protect them from the dangers of this world, from ill-intended people and those who wish to harm them or take advantage of them. Divinely intervene, Lord, when they are in harm’s way.
Protect our children from the dangers they cannot see coming and those they willingly walk into. Bless the homes they visit and live in when they leave ours. Keep those structures sound and safe from fire, flood, wind, and intruders. As they sleep, in our home or if they are grown and on their own, keep any and all evil at bay. Guard their minds against nightmares and disturbing dreams. Give them a peaceful and restful sleep nightly. Though our human bodies need sleep and have limits, we know You are limitless. May Your army of angels guard our children while they are awake and while they sleep.
For our children’s safety, we pray. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (By Meg Bucher)
Friday: A Prayer of Protection
“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26). Lord, you know I want to protect my children with everything in me. But help me remember you are the one who gives them breath each morning and sleep each night. Lord bless them, keep them, and shine your mighty light on them. Amen. (By Micah Maddox)
Monday: A Prayer of Peace
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). Lord, in a world where mental health struggles and anxiety are at all-time highs, please give my children your peace. Let them not seek peace through worldly pleasures or temporary gain. May they find lasting peace through Jesus. Amen. (By Micah Maddox)
Tuesday: A Prayer to Shine
Lord, help ____________to shine the light of Jesus at school today by simply being kind. Amen. (By Micah Maddox)
Wednesday: A Prayer of Comfort
Lord, give ____________ a keen awareness of your presence with them today so when they feel nervous or afraid, they know you are with them. Amen. (By Micah Maddox)
Thursday: A Morning Prayer for Kids Going Off to School
Dearest Lord, this is the day that You have made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You, Lord, for another opportunity to serve You and to live life in fullness. Thank You for the good night’s sleep You have given to us. Thank You for restoring our strength for today. Thank You for the bright hope that we have for the day ahead. Truly, Lord, life is more worth living with You to guide us always.
Today, I ask You to bless my kids, Lord, that they too might experience Your grace today. Thank You that they are well-rested and ready to face another day. I am also grateful, Lord, for the wisdom You give to their young minds. Guide them always, Lord, to express love to the people around them – their classmates, teachers, and friends. May they always exhibit the fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Let them be fountains of blessing to everyone around them.
As I send them on their way to school, Lord, protect them all the way. Be their Guardian in the hours that I am not with them. Shield them from accidents, disease, and other forms of harm. Protect their minds from evil influences. Guard their hearts against any ungodly character. May their tongues always speak words that give life, and may their hands be extensions of Your grace to others.
As my kids go about their way, Lord, also enable them to be positive influencers for Your glory. Let them spread Your love to their community. May their friends catch a glimpse of who You are through their actions. Let them be salt and light to the world around them.
All these I pray in Your Name, Amen. (By Pearl Dy)
Friday: Prayer for a Sick Child
Lord Jesus, my child has fallen prey to disease. My precious little one is hurting, and I almost cannot bear to see the pain in her eyes. As a parent, there is nothing that hurts me more than seeing my child suffering. It is during these times that I wish I could do something more, but I just cannot. For that reason, Lord, I need You now, and my little one needs You even more.
Lord, I firmly believe that You have the power to heal my child. You are greater than this disease. You are the author of her life, and You are fully able to bring her back to normal. Touch her now with Your healing hands, God. Remove the affliction from within her body. Enable her to rise up and walk again. Bring the smile back to her face.
Despite all of this, I am still thankful, Lord, that You have given my little one a chance to rest. Thank You, Lord, that she is able to be comfortable at home as she recovers her strength. Thank You for giving her an unexpected day off from school. When the disease has left, she will be once again ready to face the challenges ahead of her. Amen. (By Pearl Dy)
Monday: A Prayer for Students to Make New Friends
Lord Jesus, school can be a welcome place or a lonely experience for our students. Guide them as they seek to make new friends. Encourage the timid students and give them boldness and strength in knowing they are loved, unique, and created by You. To the insecure, grant confidence so they can be free to help others find the same assurance in You.
Guard our students from those who bully or tease because of their own insecurities. As iron sharpens iron, may they choose friends wisely, always asking You to lead them and guide them in their relationships. Help them to be slow to anger and quick to listen. You have promised to give wisdom when we ask, so prod them to speak up when their words can make a difference. Show our students how to bless their friends, to stand up for them, and to take the initiative in helping others in times of discouragement. Help them understand that friendship is a boomerang. Kindness and unselfishness given away will return to them as a blessing. And above all, may they always consider You, Lord, as their Best Friend. Amen. (By Rebecca Barlow Jordan)
Tuesday: A Prayer for Students to Study Well
Lord, bless our students with the kind of study habits that help them do their best. Teach them how to manage their time and energy as good stewards of all You have given them. Show them how to develop their talents, to find the path You have set before them, and to be courageous and adventurous to try new things and learn new skills. Place our students in the kind of classroom atmosphere that will both challenge them and encourage them, but still be conducive to their particular abilities. Show them the importance of learning, remembering that You are always with them, leading them as they acknowledge You daily. Eliminate the distractions in their lives that keep them from excellence. Give them persistence and the desire to follow through with each assignment. When things seem difficult, provide the help they need. Help them to be excited about their studies, to be creative in their endeavors, and to remember Who and Whose they are at all times. Amen. (By Rebecca Barlow Jordan)
Wednesday: A Prayer for Students to Balance School and Faith
Lord, we want more for our students than mere survival. We pray You will make them outstanding leaders and imitators of Your character, secure in their faith. Our students deal with tests often, not just with their schoolwork, but in their spiritual lives. Help them to be bold as lions, in the sense that their faith won’t be shaken by those who attack or question it. Give them knowledge of Your Word and time to memorize and meditate often on its biblical truths. Teach them to respect others’ beliefs without compromising their own.
Like a tightrope walker, Lord, our students are trying to balance familiar Truth against a host of other unfamiliar voices that are trying to sway their beliefs and make them fall. In a world where values are decreasing, morality is fading, and persecution is increasing, help our students to walk humbly, to honor You daily, and to remain true to their calling in Christ. Let them be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks them for the hope or confidence they possess and a reason why they have chosen a relationship with You. Help them to let their Light shine at school and wherever they go so that others who observe their attitudes and actions will know that they are the real thing.
When our students make mistakes or feel they have become imbalanced, help them find the courage to admit, “I was wrong. Forgive me,” or “Lord, I need help.” Let them treasure their “difference” as a gentle yet bold believer, never to flaunt it or to hide it because of timidity or embarrassment. If they encounter challenges that pit their studies against their faith, remind them that You are always on their side and that You are their Wise Counselor, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You are the One who can dispel lies and deceit. Whether they face fear or danger or simply need comfort, may they always turn to You, the One Who always hears their cries, and the One who will never leave them or forsake them. Amen. (By Rebecca Barlow Jordon)
Thursday: Prayer for Peace
Lord, I pray that my kids (grandkids) will experience the peace of God this year that exceeds all understanding. I pray they will not worry about things they cannot control, but that You will guard their hearts and minds and keep them trusting in You. I pray they will not only enjoy the peace of God, but peace with God. I pray they will develop a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving as they look to You daily for their needs. I pray that You will give them the capacity for joy that bubbles up from Your peace. Amen. (By Rebecca Barlow Jordan)
Friday: A Prayer for Going Back to School During COVID
Dear Lord, we pray for the elementary students and teachers going back to schools this next school year. We pray for their health and safety as classrooms and schools have been modified to allow for proper social distancing and hygiene. We pray for the janitorial staff and cafeteria workers, as well as the office staff who are essential employees at schools that are open; we pray that you would keep them safe and protected from the virus. Please protect the families of the students and teachers as they return home each day; please slow the spread of the virus so that it would not infect these families. Lord, we also pray for energy and rest for the students and teachers so that they would be able to plan their lessons and effectively teach all their students, also that the students would be able to learn and keep up with their lessons. We also pray for their spiritual growth, in Your name, Jesus. Amen. (By Liz Auld)
Further Reading:
4 Prayers to Pray for Our Children Before School
What I'm Praying as School Starts
A Mother's Back to School Prayer
Encouraging Prayers for Students and Teachers
Photo Credit: Getty Images/palidachan