6 Uplifting Prayers in the Face of Job Loss and Financial Crisis Due to COVID-19

The world as we know it has changed. The new buzzword ‘social distancing’ has people worldwide confined to their homes in hopes of flattening the curve of the coronavirus. This means many are not only educating their children from home, but many are trying to work from home simultaneously.
Scroll through any social media platform and you’ll likely find friends posting concerns about their pets as their new fur-covered co-workers. However, millions of individuals aren’t as blessed to have the ability to work from home.
To flatten the curve of spreading the virus, officials in some countries, cities, and states have encouraged individuals to stay home, and others have made it mandatory.
Despite these efforts, the coronavirus is spreading rapidly around the world. The World Health Organization declared the virus to be a pandemic on March 11.
A picture of the economic devastation in North America and Europe is beginning to emerge with Goldman Sachs predicting 2.25 million Americans will file for unemployment.
Job loss can leave you feeling vulnerable, worthless, and afraid.
We wonder how we will provide for ourselves and families. One of the most powerful steps we can take is to turn to God, our Yahweh Yireh, meaning the Lord will provide. In the Book of Genesis, Jehovah-jireh or Yahweh Yireh was a place in the land of Moriah. It was where Abraham took his son to be offered to as a burnt offering. Abraham named the place after God provided a ram to sacrifice in place of Isaac.
And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen. – Genesis 22:14
Provision isn’t a word we think much about until life brings us to our knees. If you’re one of the millions affected financially by the coronavirus, here are six powerful prayers to offer hope:
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1. A Prayer for God to Strengthen Your Faith
Father God, I thank you that you are the God who provides. Your Word is filled with story after story of your provisions. You remind me you are the steadfast One, the One who does not turn. You go forward in moments like this preparing the way. I need your Word to come to life for me more than ever. Like the story of the father who came to Jesus because of his demon-possessed son, help me overcome my unbelief and doubts.
During your ministry on this earth, you showed your power and caring as you healed people of disease, suffering, and even death. You healed the blind; you helped the poor. Please be present with us now for each and every one of us who have been touched physically by the coronavirus as well as those like me whose finances are being hit by the virus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Mark 9:22-24
‘If you can’?’ said Jesus. ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’ Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’
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2. A Prayer for When I Wrestle with Worry
Jesus, I hear you say “Child, do nothing on your own. Confess it now. Confess all the fears, lay burdens down now.” I hear you telling me I wasn’t meant to carry the weight of this financial crisis.
I know all things are possible in your name. Take away the fear, anxiety, and feelings of worthlessness while my family and I are under quarantine and facing crisis. I thank you for your Word and ask that it continues to be my source of peace, calm, clarity and comfort. Help me remember you are in control. You know the past, the present, and the future because you are the Author of time and my story. You weren’t fazed by the coronavirus and you aren’t fazed by this troubling and overwhelming financial situation.
When my thoughts begin to spiral out of control because of my job loss, Lord anchor my thoughts on you. Amen.
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
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3. A Prayer to Combat Confusion
Lord, I feel confused about life at the moment. I can’t seem to figure out which way is up or down. I’m not sure what to think or what or do. Your Word says, “Let my cry come before you, O Lord; give me understanding according to your word!” Help me steady my thoughts on you. Help me remember all the good you have brought into my life. Thank you that when I am confused, you have already gone before me—and you will make my paths straight.
You turn the day into night. You cause the sun to rise. You put breath in my lungs. You turn sadness into joy. You are on the throne and still in control. You have the ability to take the ugliest packages in life and turn them into the best gifts, just like you turned the tomb and the cross into my salvation.
Help me capture every thought and anchor my mind on you. For You are not a God of confusion but peace. Please comfort those who are living in fear, please free them from the bondage that anxiety and stress creates within. Remind them that You are still on the Throne and that You are still in control.Amen.
Psalm 119-169
Let my cry come before you, O Lord; give me understanding according to your word!
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4. A Prayer for Peace and Provision
Lord, you are the God who Provides. Help me to trust in you as I look for new work. Lead me to the right job. Help me to be patient in the waiting. I know it’s in the waiting where you do your greatest work in my heart. I will rest in your goodness. Help me to be steady and strong for my family yet help me remember to be honest about my fears and how I am putting my trust in you.
Help me as I seek to find, apply, and interview for each position. I trust you will close the doors that need to be closed and open the doors that need to be opened. Let this uncertainty be a chance to strengthen my faith in you. Let this job loss be the opportunity for you to re-arrange my life for the better. Let it be a chance to pursue you more. Lord, I ask for more than a wage, let it be a job where your light will shine through me.
Lead me to a position where I will feel valued, respected and part of a team. Please watch over me and my family in this time of waiting. Though times are uncertain, remind us to be generous. Help us share what we have and support each other the best way we can.
Help me to be confident in knowing your will. Amen.
Philippians 4:19
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
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5. A Prayer for Faith over Finances
Father God, you have blessed me with so much in my life. As I think about the blessings and the ways you have provided in the past, it makes me grateful to serve the One true living God! You remind me to come to you with the blessings, the questions, the confusion and hurt. I thank you for Your love and devotion, but today I must lay a burden of mine at your feet. I don’t know how to provide for my family because of my job situation. But you are the God of possibilities.
I am not putting my faith in money, but in you. You know there are bills to be paid, mouths that need feeding, other expenses. Father, I am giving this situation completely to You. I thank You because You are loving, gracious and generous. Amen.
Hebrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
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6. A Prayer for Those Facing Job Loss without the Church
Father God, thank you for your protection of my health and family. Thank you for the calm and safety in this storm. Thank you that my job is stable. I know losing a job can be hard on the entire family, from spouse to children. Even the smallest costs can create stress.
I lift up my friend’s family during this difficult time. Help me and my church find ways to be your hands and feet to minister to their needs. Let this be a time in history where your mighty church creates miracles.
I pray that my friend and his family have the strength to remain calm and hopeful even as things seem to be falling apart. I pray their children are fed and clothed, and please give my friend the courage to let me know if how I can help. Help us show your love and mighty power in hopes they will get to know you. Amen.
Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
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