What Does Biblical ‘Love in Action’ Look Like?

Love in action. What is the definition of love in action? Have you been on the receiving end of love in action? The Bible shares ways that Jesus showed compassion and care through His words and deeds. Praying, traveling long distances to provide comfort and healing to the sick and dying, sharing quiet time with God, and more, Jesus provided examples of ways for us to show love in action. Jesus never asked to be given compliments or accolades for what He shared and how He loved others. Jesus called us to love one another. In showing care and love for others, we have the opportunity to bring people closer to Him (John 13:34-35 NIV).
What Is Love in Action in the Bible?
Reading Scripture can show us how love in action was shown in the Bible. One of the most profound and special ways love was shown is when God gave His only Son so that we would not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16 NIV).
Thinking about the love God has for His creations can remind us of how much we are cared for and cherished by Him. Comfort can be found knowing we are loved by Him.
The action of God giving His Son so that we may not perish is truly love in action.
What about forgiveness? Can forgiving someone who has hurt us help to show love in action? We can forgive without agreeing with the harm that was done. Think about a disagreement you may have had with a friend, loved one, or stranger. Were harsh words exchanged? Were opinions strong? Would the conversation have been different if everyone paused and prayed before speaking? There are times to speak and times to remain quiet and listen. When we have a hard time forgiving, we can go to God for help.
Scripture shares how we can offer hope to others who may be experiencing difficult times. A dear friend of my husband and mine recently passed away due to coronavirus. This special friend and her husband were the first people to welcome us into the neighborhood. They arrived at our door carrying brightly colored flowers. A visit with this sweet couple allowed us to learn more about their lives and for us to share with them. A wonderful friendship was formed, and we continued to visit almost every day and enjoy laughter and meaningful conversations.
When our friend was diagnosed and admitted to the hospital, the neighborhood was notified. Immediately, people began asking how to help. A meal train was organized by one neighbor. Other neighbors mowed the lawn, took care of the outside trash cans, and purchased needed items from the grocery store. All of these people were showing love in action.
As the sweet woman has passed on to heaven, the neighbors continue showing love and compassion to her husband. More meals have been prepared and more offers to help with whatever is needed come daily.
We are truly blessed to have a loving and caring community. Prayers and help during this difficult time are appreciated by the family who has lost their loved one. This is love in action.
Why Is Love an Action?
Love is an action. We say, write, or type the words “I love you.” Yet, words don’t have the same impact if they are given without action. As neighbors are providing meals and cutting grass and taking care of grocery shopping for friends, they are showing love and not just saying the words.
When we are not able to physically show love in action, we can let someone know we are praying for them. Perhaps you learn about a situation in another state or country. You want to help but aren’t sure what to do. Praying is a vital part of strengthening a relationship with God. When we take our requests to God, we know He is listening. God will answer in His timing and in His way.
I enjoy sending mail via snail mail. Cards and letters in the mailbox brighten my day, so I hope to make others happy by mailing a note saying hello. I often include a note letting the person know that prayers are being said for them. Love in action. When I say I will pray, I pray.
Examples of Love in Action in the Bible
The Bible shares how Jesus was concerned about the hungry people. We learn how Jesus had withdrawn from the people to a solitary place after learning about what had happened to John the Baptist (Matthew 14: 13 NIV). He needed quiet time to pray to the Father. When Jesus learned about the crowds following, He healed the sick. Jesus learned there were only five loaves of bread and two fish. Many people knew that would not be enough food for the large crowds. Jesus knew different. Holding a small amount of food, Jesus looked up to heaven and gave thanks. He broke the loaves. There was more than enough food for everyone. The people received physical nourishment and spiritual nourishment. Jesus showed love in action.
When Jesus decided to have a meal with Matthew, the tax collector, the Pharisees and other people questioned the choice to eat with sinners. Jesus shared how He came to save the sinners. By sharing a meal with known sinners, Jesus was showing His love in action. Jesus called Matthew to follow Him, and the response of Matthew was inspiring. He closed his tax booth and went with Jesus. Through Jesus showing love to Matthew, that tax collector’s life was forever changed.
As Jesus traveled to the home of Jairus, Jesus felt someone touch the hem of His garment. Pausing to inquire who touched the hem, a woman spoke and shared how she knew that by simply touching His garment, she would be healed from a bleeding condition. That woman had dealt with this condition for over 12 years. Jesus was on the way to heal the daughter of Jairus. Yet, Jesus paused to provide healing to the woman. Jesus showed love in action.
As Jesus arrived at the home of Jairus, there was wailing and sadness from the people. Jesus was told that the girl had died. Jesus explained that she was only sleeping. He healed the girl. Love in action.
How Can We Make Our Love Be Full of Action Today?
We have the opportunity to share the love and glory of Christ in every moment. Whether we are physically able to act or not, we are given ways to share His love. Prayer. When we don’t know how to physically show love in action, we can pray. Pray out loud. Pray in whispers. Pray with others. Pray alone. God is listening.
Opportunities to show love in action are found every day. From caring for sick friends, helping neighbors with chores, holding the hands of someone grieving, to sitting still and listening, God provides ways for us to show love.
Are there times when we have difficulty showing love in action? Yes. We are human and we have faults. When those times come, we can go to the Father and ask for His guidance (1 Corinthians 16:14 NIV).
An important part of showing love in action is being alert to His message. There are times when listening instead of speaking can be showing love in action.
We are His beloved children. Showing His love to others can strengthen relationships with God.
How can you show love in action today?
In His Name,
Melissa Henderson
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Jack Hollingsworth
Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister.
Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and at http://www.melissaghenderson.