1 Reyes 3:9

9 Da, pues, a tu siervo un corazón con entendimiento para juzgar a tu pueblo y para discernir entre el bien y el mal. Pues ¿quién será capaz de juzgar a este pueblo tuyo tan grande?

1 Reyes 3:9 Meaning and Commentary

1 Kings 3:9

Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart, to judge thy
Not an understanding of things spiritual, nor of things natural, though both were given him, but of things political, what related to the civil government, that he might be able to judge or rule the people of Israel in the best manner:

that I may discern between good and bad;
not merely between moral good and evil, of which he had a discernment; but between right and wrong in any case or controversy that came before him between man and man, that so he might be able to pass a right sentence, and do justice to every one:

for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?
who are so very numerous, and have so many causes to be heard and and those many of them very intricate and difficult; so that no man is equal to such arduous work, unless he has more than an ordinary capacity given him by the Lord.

1 Reyes 3:9 In-Context

7 Y ahora, SEÑOR Dios mío, has hecho a tu siervo rey en lugar de mi padre David, aunque soy un muchacho y no sé cómo salir ni entrar.
8 Tu siervo está en medio de tu pueblo al cual escogiste, un pueblo inmenso que no se puede numerar ni contar por su multitud.
9 Da, pues, a tu siervo un corazón con entendimiento para juzgar a tu pueblo y para discernir entre el bien y el mal. Pues ¿quién será capaz de juzgar a este pueblo tuyo tan grande?
10 Y fue del agrado a los ojos del Señor que Salomón pidiera esto.
11 Y Dios le dijo: Porque has pedido esto y no has pedido para ti larga vida, ni has pedido para ti riquezas, ni has pedido la vida de tus enemigos, sino que has pedido para ti inteligencia para administrar justicia,
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