1 Samuel 29:6

6 Aquis llamó a David y le dijo: Vive el SEÑOR que tú has sido recto; tu salir y tu entrar en el ejército conmigo son agradables a mis ojos, pues no he hallado mal en ti desde el día en que te pasaste a mí hasta hoy. Sin embargo, no eres agradable a los ojos de los príncipes.

1 Samuel 29:6 Meaning and Commentary

1 Samuel 29:6

Then Achish called David
Being so near him, that he could call unto him himself, or he sent some person to him, to require his presence with him:

and said unto him, surely, [as] the Lord liveth;
or "Jehovah liveth"; an oath by the true God, of whom Achish might have some knowledge, as he also had of angels, from his conversation with David; though the Heathens had a notion of a supreme Being, and yet worshipped other gods, and whom they called Jove, from this name of Jehovah. Kimchi observes, that all confess a first cause; and therefore when he swore to David, he swore by him in whom David believed, perhaps out of complaisance to him, or that David might pay the greater regard to his oath:

thou hast been upright;
sincere, honest, faithful, and just in all his deportment; yet not so sincere as he thought him to be, witness the road he pretended he had taken against the south of Judah, ( 1 Samuel 27:1-12 ) ;

and thy going out and thy coming in with me in the host [is] good in
his behaviour in the army, attending him as the keeper of his head, or captain of his bodyguard, was exceeding agreeable to him, and he could wish to have him continued:

for I have not found evil in thee, since the day of thy coming unto me
unto this day;
whatever he had done before to the Philistines, having greatly afflicted and distressed them in his wars with them, of which this seems to be an exception:

nevertheless, the lords favour thee not;
or thou art not acceptable to them, yea, very offensive and disagreeable.

1 Samuel 29:6 In-Context

4 Pero los jefes de los filisteos se enojaron contra él, y le dijeron: Haz volver a ese hombre y que se vuelva al lugar que le asignaste, y no le permitas que descienda a la batalla con nosotros, no sea que en la batalla se convierta en nuestro adversario. Pues, ¿con qué podría hacerse él aceptable a su señor? ¿No sería con las cabezas de estos hombres?
5 ¿No es éste David, de quien cantaban en las danzas, diciendo: "Saúl mató a sus miles, y David a sus diez miles"?
6 Aquis llamó a David y le dijo: Vive el SEÑOR que tú has sido recto; tu salir y tu entrar en el ejército conmigo son agradables a mis ojos, pues no he hallado mal en ti desde el día en que te pasaste a mí hasta hoy. Sin embargo, no eres agradable a los ojos de los príncipes.
7 Ahora pues, vuelve y vete en paz, para que no desagrades a los príncipes de los filisteos.
8 Y David dijo a Aquis: Pero, ¿qué he hecho? ¿Y qué has hallado en tu siervo desde el día en que estuve delante de ti hasta hoy, para que yo no vaya y pelee contra los enemigos de mi señor el rey?
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