2 Timoteo 4:13

13 Cuando vengas, trae la capa que dejé en Troas con Carpo, y los libros, especialmente los pergaminos.

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2 Timoteo 4:13 Meaning and Commentary

2 Timothy 4:13

The cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus
About the word here rendered a "cloak", interpreters are not agreed: some take it for a garment, and about this they differ; some would have it to be a dignified robe, such as the Roman consuls and senators of Rome wore; which is not likely, this being not suitable to the apostle's character, state, and circumstances. Others take it to be a courser and meaner garment, wore in cold and rainy weather, to preserve from the inclementencies of it; and winter now coming on, ( 2 Timothy 4:21 ) the apostle sends for it; which he perhaps had left at Troas in the summer season, as he came: but others take it to be a kind of desk or scrutoire, to put papers in, or a chest for books, a book press; and so the Syriac version renders it; and which agrees with what follows. Jerom understands it of a book itself, of the Hebrew volume of the Pentateuch F7. Troas, where this cloak, or book press, or book was, was a city in Asia Minor, that stood upon, or near the same place where old Troy stood, and from whence it seems to have had its name, and lay in Timothy's way from Ephesus to Rome; (See Gill on Acts 16:8) (See Gill on Acts 20:7) and as for Carpus, he was Paul's host when he was at Troas. Some make him to be first bishop of Laodicea, and then of Crete; he is reckoned among the seventy disciples, and is said to be bishop of Berytus in Thrace; (See Gill on Luke 10:1).

When thou comest, bring with thee;
he would have him call for it at Troas as he came by, and bring it with him:

and the books;
that were in it, or were there, besides the Hebrew Pentateuch: the apostle was a great reader of books, of various sorts, both Gentile and Jewish, as appears by his citations out of the Heathen poets, and his acquaintance with Jewish records, ( Acts 17:28 ) ( 1 Corinthians 15:33 ) ( Titus 1:12 ) ( 2 Timothy 3:13 ) . And though he was now grown old, and near his exit, yet was mindful and careful of his books, and desirous of having them to read; and herein set an example to Timothy and others, and enforced the exhortation he gave him, ( 1 Timothy 4:13 ) .

But especially the parchments:
which might contain his own writings he had a mind to revise before his death, and commit into the hands of proper persons; or some observations which he had made in his travels, concerning persons and things; though it is most likely that these were the books of the Old Testament, which were written on parchments, and rolled up together; and hence they are called the volume of the book; and these the apostle had a special regard for, that whatever was neglected, he desired that these might not, but be carefully brought unto him.


F7 Epist. ad Damas. qu. 2. p. 12. Tom. 3.

2 Timoteo 4:13 In-Context

11 Sólo Lucas está conmigo. Toma a Marcos y tráelo contigo, porque me es útil para el ministerio.
12 Pero a Tíquico lo envié a Efeso.
13 Cuando vengas, trae la capa que dejé en Troas con Carpo, y los libros, especialmente los pergaminos.
14 Alejandro, el calderero, me hizo mucho daño; el Señor le retribuirá conforme a sus hechos.
15 Tú también cuídate de él, pues se opone vigorosamente a nuestra enseñanza.
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