Colosenses 3:13

13 soportándoos unos a otros y perdonándoos unos a otros, si alguno tiene queja contra otro; como Cristo os perdonó, así también hacedlo vosotros.

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Colosenses 3:13 Meaning and Commentary

Colossians 3:13

Forbearing one another
Not only bearing one another's burdens, and with one another's weaknesses, but forbearing to render evil for evil, or railing for railing, or to seek revenge for affronts given, in whatsoever way, whether by words or deeds:

and forgiving one another;
all trespasses and offences, so far as committed against themselves, and praying to God to forgive them, as committed against him:

if any man have a quarrel against any;
let him be who he will, high or low, rich or poor, of whatsoever age, state, or condition, and let his quarrel or complaint be what it will, ever so great, or ever so just and well founded, yet let him put up with it, and forgive it:

even as Christ forgave you,
so also do ye; what God is said to do for Christ's sake, (See Gill on Ephesians 4:32), what here Christ is said to do: as Mediator, he has procured the remission of sins by the shedding of his blood; and as God he forgives sins freely, fully, forgetting the injuries done, not upbraiding with former offences, and that too without asking, and before there is any appearance of repentance; and so should the saints forgive one another, as they expect to have an application and manifestation of forgiveness to themselves.

Colosenses 3:13 In-Context

11 una renovación en la cual no hay distinción entre griego y judío, circunciso e incircunciso, bárbaro , escita, esclavo o libre, sino que Cristo es todo, y en todos.
12 Entonces, como escogidos de Dios, santos y amados, revestíos de tierna compasión, bondad, humildad, mansedumbre y paciencia;
13 soportándoos unos a otros y perdonándoos unos a otros, si alguno tiene queja contra otro; como Cristo os perdonó, así también hacedlo vosotros.
14 Y sobre todas estas cosas, vestíos de amor, que es el vínculo de la unidad.
15 Y que la paz de Cristo reine en vuestros corazones, a la cual en verdad fuisteis llamados en un solo cuerpo; y sed agradecidos.
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