Deuteronomio 8:9

9 una tierra donde comerás el pan sin escasez, donde nada te faltará; una tierra cuyas piedras son hierro, y de cuyos montes puedes sacar cobre.

Deuteronomio 8:9 Meaning and Commentary

Deuteronomy 8:9

A land wherein thou shall eat bread without scarceness
That is, should have plenty of all sorts of provisions, which bread is often put for:

thou shall not lack anything in it;
for necessity and convenience, and for delight and pleasure:

a land whose stones are iron;
in which were iron mines:

and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass;
both which are taken out of the earth and the stones of it, ( Job 28:2 ) and were to be found in the land of Canaan, and particularly in the tribe of Asher, as seems from ( Deuteronomy 33:25 ) and more particularly at Sidon and Sarepta, which were in that tribe; the latter of which seems to have its name from the melting of metals there, and the former is said in Homer F20 to abound with brass.


F20 (ek men sidwnov polucalkou) . Homer. Odyss. 15. l. 424.

Deuteronomio 8:9 In-Context

7 Porque el SEÑOR tu Dios te trae a una tierra buena, a una tierra de corrientes de aguas, de fuentes y manantiales que fluyen por valles y colinas;
8 una tierra de trigo y cebada, de viñas, higueras y granados; una tierra de aceite de oliva y miel;
9 una tierra donde comerás el pan sin escasez, donde nada te faltará; una tierra cuyas piedras son hierro, y de cuyos montes puedes sacar cobre.
10 Cuando hayas comido y te hayas saciado, bendecirás al SEÑOR tu Dios por la buena tierra que El te ha dado.
11 Cuídate de no olvidar al SEÑOR tu Dios dejando de guardar sus mandamientos, sus ordenanzas y sus estatutos que yo te ordeno hoy;
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