Deuteronomio 20:13-14

13 Cuando el SEÑOR tu Dios la entregue en tu mano, herirás a filo de espada a todos sus hombres.
14 Sólo las mujeres y los niños, los animales y todo lo que haya en la ciudad, todos sus despojos, tomarás para ti como botín. Comerás del botín de tus enemigos, que el SEÑOR tu Dios te ha dado.

Deuteronomio 20:13-14 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter rules are given to be observed in times of war. When a battle was near, a priest was to address the soldiers, and encourage them to fight, De 20:1-4, then the officers were to declare who might return home, De 20:5-9 when an enemy's city was approached, peace was to be proclaimed on certain conditions, which, if accepted of, the inhabitants were to be tributaries and servants, but if not, when taken, all were to be put to the sword, excepting women, children, and cattle, De 20:10-15, but those of the seven nations were to be utterly destroyed, De 20:16-18, and, during a siege, no trees bearing fruit fit for food were to be cut down, De 20:19.

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