Filipenses 1:4

4 orando siempre con gozo en cada una de mis oraciones por todos vosotros,

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Filipenses 1:4 Meaning and Commentary

Philippians 1:4

Always in every prayer of mine for you all
The apostle was a praying believer, and a praying minister: notwithstanding all his gifts, and graces, and high attainments, he was not above the work and duty of prayer, and in which he was sensible he stood in need of the assistance and direction of the Spirit of God, As soon as he was converted he prayed, and continued to do so without ceasing, as he himself directs; he was constant and assiduous at the throne of grace, and was concerned for others, as well as himself, for all the churches, and for this church, and all the saints in it.

Making request with joy;
for what God had done for them, and continued with them. Requests are to be made known to God with thanksgiving. When we request a favour of him, it becomes us to return thanks for what we have received from him. Thanksgiving is a branch of prayer; as we have always mercies to ask for, we have always mercies to be thankful for.

Filipenses 1:4 In-Context

2 Gracia a vosotros y paz de Dios nuestro Padre y del Señor Jesucristo.
3 Doy gracias a mi Dios siempre que me acuerdo de vosotros,
4 orando siempre con gozo en cada una de mis oraciones por todos vosotros,
5 por vuestra participación en el evangelio desde el primer día hasta ahora,
6 estando convencido precisamente de esto: que el que comenzó en vosotros la buena obra, la perfeccionará hasta el día de Cristo Jesús.
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