Hebreos 1:5

5 Porque ¿a cuál de los ángeles dijo Dios jamás: HIJO MIO ERES TU, YO TE HE ENGENDRADO HOY; y otra vez: YO SERE PADRE PARA EL, Y EL SERA HIJO PARA MI?

Hebreos 1:5 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 1:5

For unto which of the angels said he at any time
That is, he never said to any of the angels what he has said to Christ; namely, what follows,

thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee
for though angels are called the sons of God, ( Job 1:6 ) ( 2:1 ) ( 38:7 ) yet are never said to be begotten by him; or, with this clause annexed to it, "this day have I begotten thee"; nor are they ever so called in a proper sense, or in such sense as Christ is: this is said to Christ, and of him, in ( Psalms 2:7 ) and that agreeably to the sense of the Jewish church at this time, or the apostle would never have produced it to the Hebrews in such a manner; and not only the whole psalm in general, but this verse in particular, is owned by Jewish writers F20, both ancient and modern, to belong to the Messiah. Christ is the Son of God, not by Creation, nor by adoption, nor by office, but by nature; he is the true, proper, natural, and eternal Son of God; and as such is owned and declared by Jehovah the Father, in these words; the foundation of which relation lies in the begetting of him; which refers not to his nature, either divine or human: not to his divine nature, which is common with the Father and Spirit; wherefore if his was begotten, theirs must be also, being the same undivided nature, common to all three; much less to his human nature, in which he is never said to be begotten, but always to be made, and with respect to which he is without Father; nor to his office, as Mediator, in which he is not a Son, but a servant; besides, he was a Son, previous to his being a prophet, priest, and King; and his office is not the foundation of his sonship, but his sonship is the foundation of his office; or by which that is supported, and which fits him for the performance of it: but it has respect to his divine person; for as, in human generation, person begets person, and like begets like, so it is in divine generation; though care must be taken to remove all imperfection from it, as divisibility and multiplication of essence, priority and posteriority, dependence, and the like; nor can the modus, or manner of it, be conceived, or explained by us: the date of it, today, designs eternity, as in ( Isaiah 43:13 ) , which is one continued day, an everlasting now; and this may be applied to any time and case, in which Christ is declared to be the Son of God; as at his incarnation, his baptism, his transfiguration on the Mount, and his resurrection from the dead, as in ( Acts 13:33 ) ( Romans 1:4 ) and at his ascension to heaven, when he was made Lord and Christ, and his divine sonship more manifestly appeared; which seems to be the time, and case, more especially referred to here. And again, I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a Son: which words are taken from ( 2 Samuel 7:14 ) and the sense is, not that he should be his son by adoption; or that he would be instead of a father to him; or that he should be as dear to him as a son is to a father; but that he was really and properly so; and he would make it manifest, and own him as such, as he did at Jordan's river, upon the Mount, and at his resurrection and ascension; though the words are spoken of Solomon, as a type of Christ, they properly belong to the antitype, who is greater than Solomon.


F20 Zohar in Numb. fol. 82. 2. Maimon. in Misn. Sanhedrin, c. 11. 1. & Abarbinel, Mashmia Jeshua, fol. 37. 4. & 38. 1.
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Hebreos 1:5 In-Context

3 El es el resplandor de su gloria y la expresión exacta de su naturaleza, y sostiene todas las cosas por la palabra de su poder. Después de llevar a cabo la purificación de los pecados, se sentó a la diestra de la Majestad en las alturas,
4 siendo mucho mejor que los ángeles, por cuanto ha heredado un nombre más excelente que ellos.
5 Porque ¿a cuál de los ángeles dijo Dios jamás: HIJO MIO ERES TU, YO TE HE ENGENDRADO HOY; y otra vez: YO SERE PADRE PARA EL, Y EL SERA HIJO PARA MI?
6 Y de nuevo, cuando trae al Primogénito al mundo , dice: Y ADORENLE TODOS LOS ANGELES DE DIOS.
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