Isaías 33

1 ¡Ay de ti que destruyes, y no has sido destruido; y de aquel que es pérfido, cuando otros no actuaron con perfidia contra él! Cuando termines de destruir, serás destruido; cuando acabes de actuar con perfidia, con perfidia actuarán contra ti.
2 Oh SEÑOR, ten piedad de nosotros; en ti hemos esperado. Sé nuestra fortaleza cada mañana, también nuestra salvación en tiempo de angustia.
3 Al estruendo del tumulto los pueblos huyen; al levantarte tú las naciones se dispersan;
4 se recoge el botín como recoge la oruga, se lanzan sobre él como se lanzan las langostas.
5 Exaltado es el SEÑOR, pues mora en lo alto; ha llenado a Sion de derecho y de justicia.
6 El será la seguridad de tus tiempos, abundancia de salvación, sabiduría y conocimiento; el temor del SEÑOR es tu tesoro.
7 He aquí, sus valientes claman en las calles, los mensajeros de paz lloran amargamente.
8 Las calzadas están desiertas, el transeúnte ya no pasa; ha quebrantado el pacto, ha despreciado las ciudades, no tiene en estima al hombre.
9 De duelo está la tierra y languidece, el Líbano está avergonzado y se marchita; Sarón es como una llanura desierta, y pierden su follaje Basán y el Carmelo.
10 Ahora me levantarédice el SEÑOR ahora seré exaltado, ahora seré ensalzado.
11 Concebisteis paja, daréis a luz rastrojo; mi aliento como fuego os consumirá.
12 Y los pueblos serán calcinados, como espinos cortados que son quemados en el fuego.
13 Oíd, los que estáis lejos, lo que he hecho; y los que estáis cerca, reconoced mi poder.
14 Aterrados están los pecadores en Sion, el temblor se ha apoderado de los impíos. ¿Quién de nosotros habitará con el fuego consumidor? ¿Quién de nosotros habitará con las llamas eternas?
15 El que anda en justicia y habla con sinceridad, el que rehúsa la ganancia injusta, y se sacude las manos para que no retengan soborno; el que se tapa los oídos para no oír de derramamiento de sangre, y cierra los ojos para no ver el mal;
16 ése morará en las alturas, en la peña inexpugnable estará su refugio; se le dará su pan, y tendrá segura su agua.
17 Tus ojos contemplarán al Rey en su hermosura, verán una tierra muy lejana.
18 Tu corazón meditará en el terror, y dirá: ¿Dónde está el que cuenta? ¿Dónde está el que pesa? ¿Dónde está el que cuenta las torres?
19 No verás más al pueblo feroz, pueblo de habla incomprensible, que nadie entiende, de lengua tartamuda, que nadie comprende.
20 Contempla a Sion, ciudad de nuestras fiestas señaladas; tus ojos verán a Jerusalén, morada de quietud, tienda que no será plegada, cuyas estacas no serán arrancadas nunca, ni rotas ninguna de sus cuerdas.
21 Porque allí, el Majestuoso, el SEÑOR, será para nosotros lugar de ríos y de anchos canales, por donde no andará embarcación de remos, ni nave potente por él pasará.
22 Porque el SEÑOR es nuestro juez, el SEÑOR es nuestro legislador, el SEÑOR es nuestro rey; El nos salvará.
23 Se han aflojado tus cuerdas; no pueden sostener firme el mástil ni entesar la vela. Entonces será repartida la presa de un abundante botín; los cojos se llevarán los despojos.
24 Ningún habitante dirá: Estoy enfermo; al pueblo que allí habita, le será perdonada su iniquidad.

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Isaías 33 Commentary

Chapter 33

God's judgments against the enemies of his church. (1-14) The happiness of his people. (15-24)

Verses 1-14 Here we have the proud and false destroyer justly reckoned with for all his fraud and violence. The righteous God often pays sinners in their own coin. Those who by faith humbly wait for God, shall find him gracious to them; as the day, so let the strength be. If God leaves us to ourselves any morning, we are undone; we must every morning commit ourselves to him, and go forth in his strength to do the work of the day. When God arises, his enemies are scattered. True wisdom and knowledge lead to strength of salvation, which renders us stedfast in the ways of God; and true piety is the only treasure which can never be plundered or spent. The distress Jerusalem was brought into, is described. God's time to appear for his people, is, when all other helpers fail. Let all who hear what God has done, acknowledge that he can do every thing. Sinners in Zion will have much to answer for, above other sinners. And those that rebel against the commands of the word, cannot take its comforts in time of need. His wrath will burn those everlastingly who make themselves fuel for it. It is a fire that shall never be quenched, nor ever go out of itself; it is the wrath of an ever-living God preying on the conscience of a never-dying soul.

Verses 15-24 The true believer watches against all occasions of sin. The Divine power will keep him safe, and his faith in that power will keep him easy. He shall want nothing needful for him. Every blessing of salvation is freely bestowed on all that ask with humble, believing prayer; and the believer is safe in time and for ever. Those that walk uprightly shall not only have bread given, and their water sure, but they shall, by faith, see the King of kings in his beauty, the beauty of holiness. The remembrance of the terror they were in, shall add to the pleasure of their deliverance. It is desirable to be quiet in our own houses, but much more so to be quiet in God's house; and in every age Christ will have a seed to serve him. Jerusalem had no large river running by it, but the presence and power of God make up all wants. We have all in God, all we need, or can desire. By faith we take Christ for our Prince and Saviour; he reigns over his redeemed people. All that refuse to have Him to reign over them, make shipwreck of their souls. Sickness is taken away in mercy, when the fruit of it is the taking away of sin. If iniquity be taken away, we have little reason to complain of outward affliction. This last verse leads our thoughts, not only to the most glorious state of the gospel church on earth, but to heaven, where no sickness or trouble can enter. He that blotteth out our transgressions, will heal our souls.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains an account of God's judgments upon the enemies of his people, and of the peaceable, comfortable, and happy state of the church in the latter day. The judgment denounced, Isa 33:1 a prayer of the church for safety and protection, which it promises itself from what God had heretofore done, Isa 33:2,3 an answer to it, declaring the spoil of the enemy, and the happy times the people of God should enjoy through his appearance for them, Isa 33:4-6 though previous thereunto there would be very distressing ones, Isa 33:7-9 when the Lord resolves to arise and exert his power in the destruction of the people, who should be burnt up like stubble, thorns, and lime, Isa 33:10-12 persons far and near are called upon to take notice of this, Isa 33:13 which would issue in a different manner, in the surprise and terror of hypocrites, and in the safety and plenty of provisions for good men, who are described, Isa 33:14-16 and then follow promises to them, of seeing the King in his beauty, and beholding a distant country of reflecting on past terror with pleasure, being freed from it, and in no danger of a foreign enemy, Isa 33:17-19 and the chapter is concluded with a famous prophecy of the peace, prosperity, and safety of the church, and of the healthfulness of its inhabitants, under the protection of Christ, its King and Lawgiver, its enemies being also an easy prey to it, Isa 33:20-24.

Isaías 33 Commentaries

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