Joel 2:32

32 Y sucederá que todo aquel que invoque el nombre del SEÑOR será salvo; porque en el monte Sion y en Jerusalén habrá salvación, como ha dicho el SEÑOR, y entre los sobrevivientes estarán los que el SEÑOR llame.

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Joel 2:32 Meaning and Commentary

Joel 2:32

And it shall come to pass, [that] whosoever shall call on the
name of the Lord shall be delivered
Or "saved", as in ( Acts 2:21 ) ; from those miseries and calamities before described, from the impending ruin and destruction of the city; and so it was, that those that believed in Christ, that were in the city, had an intimation of it beforehand, and removed from thence to a place called Pella F23, and so escaped being involved in the common calamity: though this also may be understood of a spiritual deliverance and salvation by Christ, from sin, Satan, and the world, and from the second death, and wrath to come, and out of the hands of every enemy; which such share in who call on the name of the Lord, pray to him for grace and mercy, life and salvation, through Christ; that have a spiritual knowledge of God in Christ, real and sincere desires after him, and trust and confidence in him, which this phrase supposes; and which also includes the whole worship of God, internal and external, performed in a spiritual and evangelical manner; see ( Romans 10:13 ) ; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord
hath said;
either by this prophet, or some others before him; see ( Psalms 14:7 ) ( Isaiah 59:20 ) ( Obadiah 1:21 ) ; this cannot be understood literally of Mount Zion and Jerusalem, unless it be of deliverance out of it; not in it, for Jerusalem was the seat of blood, confusion, and distress; but mystically of the church of Christ, often called Zion and Jerusalem, ( Hebrews 12:22 ) ; hither the deliverer came, here he is, and to be seen; from hence the word of the Lord came, the Gospel of salvation, which proclaims deliverance to the captives; here it is to be heard, met with, and found, ( Isaiah 2:3 ) ( Luke 4:18 ) ( Romans 11:26 ) ; and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call;
not merely externally, by the outward ministry of the word; but internally, according to his purpose, and by his grace, powerfully and effectually, to the special blessings of grace here, and eternal glory hereafter: these are the remnant according to the election of grace; the little flock to whom God gives the kingdom; the few that enter in at the strait gate; the little city, and few men in it, delivered by the poor wise man; these share in the deliverance of Zion, and shall be certainly and completely saved, with an everlasting salvation. This may respect not only the remnant, or a small number of the Jews that believed in Christ, upon his first coming, and the preaching of the Gospel by his apostles, but the call and conversion of them in the latter day; which sense connects the words better with the following chapter.


F23 Euseb. Eccl. Hist. l. 3. c. 5. p. 75.

Joel 2:32 In-Context

30 Y haré prodigios en el cielo y en la tierra: sangre, fuego y columnas de humo.
31 El sol se convertirá en tinieblas, y la luna en sangre, antes que venga el día del SEÑOR, grande y terrible.
32 Y sucederá que todo aquel que invoque el nombre del SEÑOR será salvo; porque en el monte Sion y en Jerusalén habrá salvación, como ha dicho el SEÑOR, y entre los sobrevivientes estarán los que el SEÑOR llame.
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