Mateo 9

1 Y subiendo Jesús en una barca, pasó al otro lado y llegó a su ciudad.
2 Y le trajeron un paralítico echado en una camilla; y Jesús, viendo la fe de ellos, dijo al paralítico: Anímate, hijo, tus pecados te son perdonados.
3 Y algunos de los escribas decían para sí: Este blasfema.
4 Y Jesús, conociendo sus pensamientos, dijo: ¿Por qué pensáis mal en vuestros corazones?
5 Porque, ¿qué es más fácil, decir: "Tus pecados te son perdonados", o decir: "Levántate, y anda"?
6 Pues para que sepáis que el Hijo del Hombre tiene autoridad en la tierra para perdonar pecados (entonces dijo<***> al paralítico): Levántate, toma tu camilla y vete a tu casa.
7 Y él levantándose, se fue a su casa.
8 Pero cuando las multitudes vieron esto, sintieron temor, y glorificaron a Dios, que había dado tal poder a los hombres.
9 Cuando Jesús se fue de allí, vio a un hombre llamado Mateo, sentado en la oficina de los tributos, y le dijo<***>: ¡Sígueme! Y levantándose, le siguió.
10 Y sucedió que estando El sentado a la mesa en la casa, he aquí, muchos recaudadores de impuestos y pecadores llegaron y se sentaron a la mesa con Jesús y sus discípulos.
11 Y cuando vieron esto, los fariseos dijeron a sus discípulos: ¿Por qué come vuestro Maestro con los recaudadores de impuestos y pecadores?
12 Al oír El esto, dijo: Los que están sanos no tienen necesidad de médico, sino los que están enfermos.
13 Mas id, y aprended lo que significa: "MISERICORDIA QUIERO Y NO SACRIFICIO"; porque no he venido a llamar a justos, sino a pecadores.
14 Entonces se le acercaron<***> los discípulos de Juan, diciendo: ¿Por qué nosotros y los fariseos ayunamos, pero tus discípulos no ayunan?
15 Y Jesús les dijo: ¿Acaso los acompañantes del novio pueden estar de luto mientras el novio está con ellos? Pero vendrán días cuando el novio les será quitado, y entonces ayunarán.
16 Y nadie pone un remiendo de tela nueva en un vestido viejo; porque el remiendo al encogerse tira del vestido y se produce una rotura peor.
17 Y nadie echa vino nuevo en odres viejos, porque entonces los odres se revientan, el vino se derrama y los odres se pierden; sino que se echa vino nuevo en odres nuevos, y ambos se conservan.
18 Mientras les decía estas cosas, he aquí, vino un oficial de la sinagoga y se postró delante de El, diciendo: Mi hija acaba de morir; pero ven y pon tu mano sobre ella, y vivirá.
19 Y levantándose Jesús, lo siguió, y también sus discípulos.
20 Y he aquí, una mujer que había estado sufriendo de flujo de sangre por doce años, se le acercó por detrás y tocó el borde de su manto;
21 pues decía para sí: Si tan sólo toco su manto, sanaré.
22 Pero Jesús, volviéndose y viéndola, dijo: Hija, ten ánimo, tu fe te ha sanado . Y al instante la mujer quedó sana.
23 Cuando entró Jesús en la casa del oficial, y vio a los flautistas y al gentío en ruidoso desorden,
24 les dijo: Retiraos, porque la niña no ha muerto, sino que está dormida. Y se burlaban de El.
25 Pero cuando habían echado fuera a la gente, El entró y la tomó de la mano; y la niña se levantó.
26 Y esta noticia se difundió por toda aquella tierra.
27 Al irse Jesús de allí, dos ciegos le siguieron, gritando y diciendo: ¡Hijo de David, ten misericordia de nosotros!
28 Y después de haber entrado en la casa, se acercaron a El los ciegos, y Jesús les dijo<***>: ¿Creéis que puedo hacer esto? Ellos le respondieron<***>: Sí, Señor.
29 Entonces les tocó los ojos, diciendo: Hágase en vosotros según vuestra fe.
30 Y se les abrieron los ojos. Y Jesús les advirtió rigurosamente, diciendo: Mirad que nadie lo sepa.
31 Pero ellos, en cuanto salieron, divulgaron su fama por toda aquella tierra.
32 Y al salir ellos de allí, he aquí, le trajeron un mudo endemoniado.
33 Y después que el demonio había sido expulsado, el mudo habló; y las multitudes se maravillaban, y decían: Jamás se ha visto cosa igual en Israel.
34 Pero los fariseos decían: El echa fuera los demonios por el príncipe de los demonios.
35 Y Jesús recorría todas las ciudades y aldeas, enseñando en las sinagogas de ellos, proclamando el evangelio del reino y sanando toda enfermedad y toda dolencia.
36 Y viendo las multitudes, tuvo compasión de ellas, porque estaban angustiadas y abatidas como ovejas que no tienen pastor.
37 Entonces dijo<***> a sus discípulos: La mies es mucha, pero los obreros pocos.
38 Por tanto, rogad al Señor de la mies que envíe obreros a su mies.

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Mateo 9 Commentary

Chapter 9

Jesus returns to Capernaum, and heals a paralytic. (1-8) Matthew called. (9) Matthew, or Levi's feast. (10-13) Objections of John's disciples. (14-17) Christ raises the daughter of Jairus, He heals the issue of blood. (18-26) He heals two blind men. (27-31) Christ casts out a dumb spirit. (32-34) He sends forth the apostles. (35-38)

Verses 1-8 The faith of the friends of the paralytic in bringing him to Christ, was a strong faith; they firmly believed that Jesus Christ both could and would heal him. A strong faith regards no obstacles in pressing after Christ. It was a humble faith; they brought him to attend on Christ. It was an active faith. Sin may be pardoned, yet the sickness not be removed; the sickness may be removed, yet the sin not pardoned: but if we have the comfort of peace with God, with the comfort of recovery from sickness, this makes the healing a mercy indeed. This is no encouragement to sin. If thou bring thy sins to Jesus Christ, as thy malady and misery to be cured of, and delivered from, it is well; but to come with them, as thy darlings and delight, thinking still to retain them and receive him, is a gross mistake, a miserable delusion. The great intention of the blessed Jesus in the redemption he wrought, is to separate our hearts from sin. Our Lord Jesus has perfect knowledge of all that we say within ourselves. There is a great deal of evil in sinful thoughts, which is very offensive to the Lord Jesus. Christ designed to show that his great errand to the world was, to save his people from their sins. He turned from disputing with the scribes, and spake healing to the sick man. Not only he had no more need to be carried upon his bed, but he had strength to carry it. God must be glorified in all the power that is given to do good.

Verse 9 Matthew was in his calling, as the rest of those whom Christ called. As Satan comes with his temptations to the idle, so Christ comes with his calls to those who are employed. We are all naturally averse from thee, O God; do thou bid us to follow thee; draw us by thy powerful word, and we shall run after thee. Speak by the word of the Spirit to our hearts, the world cannot hold us down, Satan cannot stop our way, we shall arise and follow thee. A saving change is wrought in the soul, by Christ as the author, and his word as the means. Neither Matthew's place, nor his gains by it, could detain him, when Christ called him. He left it, and though we find the disciples, who were fishers, occasionally fishing again afterwards, we never more find Matthew at his sinful gain.

Verses 10-13 Some time after his call, Matthew sought to bring his old associates to hear Christ. He knew by experience what the grace of Christ could do, and would not despair concerning them. Those who are effectually brought to Christ, cannot but desire that others also may be brought to him. Those who suppose their souls to be without disease will not welcome the spiritual Physician. This was the case with the Pharisees; they despised Christ, because they thought themselves whole; but the poor publicans and sinners felt that they wanted instruction and amendment. It is easy, and too common, to put the worst constructions upon the best words and actions. It may justly be suspected that those have not the grace of God themselves, who are not pleased with others' obtaining it. Christ's conversing with sinners is here called mercy; for to promote the conversion of souls is the greatest act of mercy. The gospel call is a call to repentance; a call to us to change our minds, and to change our ways. If the children of men had not been sinners, there had been no need for Christ to come among them. Let us examine whether we have found out our sickness, and have learned to follow the directions of our great Physician.

Verses 14-17 John was at this time in prison; his circumstances, his character, and the nature of the message he was sent to deliver, led those who were peculiarly attached to him, to keep frequent fasts. Christ referred them to John's testimony of him, Joh. 3:29 . Though there is no doubt that Jesus and his disciples lived in a spare and frugal manner, it would be improper for his disciples to fast while they had the comfort of his presence. When he is with them, all is well. The presence of the sun makes day, and its absence produces night. Our Lord further reminded them of common rules of prudence. It was not usual to take a piece of rough woolen cloth, which had never been prepared, to join to an old garment, for it would not join well with the soft, old garment, but would tear it further, and the rent would be made worse. Nor would men put new wine into old leathern bottles, which were going to decay, and would be liable to burst from the fermenting of the wine; but putting the new wine into strong, new, skin bottles, both would be preserved. Great caution and prudence are necessary, that young converts may not receive gloomy and forbidding ideas of the service of our Lord; but duties are to be urged as they are able to bear them.

Verses 18-26 The death of our relations should drive us to Christ, who is our life. And it is high honour to the greatest rulers to attend on the Lord Jesus; and those who would receive mercy from Christ, must honour him. The variety of methods Christ took in working his miracles, perhaps was because of the different frames and tempers of mind, which those were in who came to him, and which He who searches the heart perfectly knew. A poor woman applied herself to Christ, and received mercy from him by the way. If we do but touch, as it were, the hem of Christ's garment by living faith, our worst evils will be healed; there is no other real cure, nor need we fear his knowing things which are a grief and burden to us, but which we would not tell to any earthly friend. When Christ entered the ruler's house, he said, Give place. Sometimes, when the sorrow of the world prevails, it is difficult for Christ and his comforts to enter. The ruler's daughter was really dead, but not so to Christ. The death of the righteous is in a special manner to be looked on as only a sleep. The words and works of Christ may not at first be understood, yet they are not therefore to be despised. The people were put forth. Scorners who laugh at what they do not understand, are not proper witnesses of the wonderful works of Christ. Dead souls are not raised to spiritual life, unless Christ take them by the hand: it is done in the day of his power. If this single instance of Christ's raising one newly dead so increased his fame, what will be his glory when all that are in their graves shall hear his voice, and come forth; those that have done good to the resurrection of life, and those that have done evil to the resurrection of damnation!

Verses 27-31 At this time the Jews expected Messiah would appear; these blind men knew and proclaimed in the streets of Capernaum that he was come, and that Jesus was he. Those who, by the providence of God, have lost their bodily sight, may, by the grace of God, have the eyes of their understanding fully enlightened. And whatever our wants and burdens are, we need no more for supply and support, than to share in the mercy of our Lord Jesus. In Christ is enough for all. They followed him crying aloud. He would try their faith, and would teach us always to pray, and not to faint, though the answer does not come at once. They followed Christ, and followed him crying; but the great question is, Do ye believe? Nature may make us earnest, but it is only grace that can work faith. Christ touched their eyes. He gives sight to blind souls by the power of his grace going with his word, and he puts the cure upon their faith. Those who apply to Jesus Christ, shall be dealt with, not according to their fancies, nor according to their profession, but according to their faith. Christ sometimes concealed his miracles, because he would not indulge the conceit which prevailed among the Jews, that their Messiah should be a temporal prince, and so give occasion to the people to attempt tumults and seditions.

Verses 32-34 Of the two, better a dumb devil than a blaspheming one. Christ's cures strike at the root, and remove the effect by taking away the cause; they open the lips, by breaking Satan's power in the soul. Nothing can convince those who are under the power of pride. They will believe anything, however false or absurd, rather than the Holy Scriptures; thus they show the enmity of their hearts against a holy God.

Verses 35-38 Jesus visited not only the great and wealthy cities, but the poor, obscure villages; and there he preached, there he healed. The souls of the meanest in the world are as precious to Christ, and should be so to us, as the souls of those who make the greatest figure. There were priests, Levites, and scribes, all over the land; but they were idol shepherds, ( Zechariah 11:17 ) ; therefore Christ had compassion on the people as sheep scattered, as men perishing for lack of knowledge. To this day vast multitudes are as sheep not having a shepherd, and we should have compassion and do all we can to help them. The multitudes desirous of spiritual instruction formed a plenteous harvest, needing many active labourers; but few deserved that character. Christ is the Lord of the harvest. Let us pray that many may be raised up and sent forth, who will labour in bringing souls to Christ. It is a sign that God is about to bestow some special mercy upon a people, when he stirs them up to pray for it. And commissions given to labourers in answer to prayer, are most likely to be successful.

Footnotes 1

Mateo 9 Commentaries

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