Romanos 16:3

3 Saludad a Priscila y a Aquila, mis colaboradores en Cristo Jesús,

Romanos 16:3 Meaning and Commentary

Romans 16:3

Greet Priscilla and Aquila
The former of these, who was a woman, and the wife of the latter, is in some copies called Prisca; and so the Vulgate Latin here reads it, as she is also called in ( 2 Timothy 4:19 ) . Her being named before her husband, is without design, for sometimes he is put before her, as in ( Acts 18:2 Acts 18:26 ) ( 1 Corinthians 16:19 ) . And it is a rule with the Jews F12, that there is neither first nor last in the Scriptures; that is, strict order is not always observed; it is sometimes inverted, find nothing depends upon it: hence the reasons assigned by some, that she was first converted, or had more zeal than her husband, are uncertain and impertinent. She is called Priscilla in the Ethiopic version, as he is in the Arabic, Achilles: he was a Jew of Pontus, and was with his wife drove out of Rome by Claudius Caesar, when with her he went to Corinth, where he met with the Apostle Paul; and they being of the same craft, abode and wrought together at their trade of tent making; and when the apostle removed from thence, they went with him, and were with him at Ephesus; where, meeting with Apollos, who, though an eloquent man, and mighty in the Scriptures, yet being in some things deficient these two took him unto them, in a private way, and taught him the way of God's salvation more perfectly, ( Acts 18:24-26 ) : where they left the apostle is not certain; but either Claudius being dead, or the edict which ordered the Jews to depart from Rome being revoked, or not regarded, they returned thither again; and were here when the apostle wrote this epistle, and whom he salutes, calling them

my helpers in Christ Jesus;
in spreading the Gospel, and promoting the kingdom, honour, and interest of Christ; for though they did not publicly preach, at least not Priscilla, yet they were very useful in their private conferences and instructions, both to ministers of the Gospel, as in the case of Apollos, and to young Christians: as the apostle, wherever he went, was instrument of the conversion of many souls; these were helpful privately in encouraging the young converts, comforting them with their own experiences and thereby helped them forward, instructed, strengthened, and established them; and so were greatly assistant to the apostle in the work of the Lord Jesus.


F12 T. Bab. Pesach. fol. 6. 3.
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Romanos 16:3 In-Context

1 Os recomiendo a nuestra hermana Febe, diaconisa de la iglesia en Cencrea;
2 que la recibáis en el Señor de una manera digna de los santos, y que la ayudéis en cualquier asunto en que ella necesite de vosotros, porque ella también ha ayudado a muchos y aun a mí mismo.
3 Saludad a Priscila y a Aquila, mis colaboradores en Cristo Jesús,
4 los cuales expusieron su vida por mí, a quienes no sólo yo doy gracias, sino también todas las iglesias de los gentiles.
5 Saludad también a la iglesia que está en su casa. Saludad a mi querido hermano Epeneto, que es el primer convertido a Cristo en Asia.
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