And suddenly there was with the angel
That brought the tidings of Christ's birth to the shepherds: a multitude of the heavenly host: who being caused to fly swiftly, were at once with him, by his side, and about him; and which was a further confirmation of the truth of his message to them: these were angels who were called an host, or army, the militia of heaven, the ministers of God, that wait upon him, and do his pleasure; and are sent forth to minister to his people, and encamp about them, preserve, and defend them; see ( Genesis 32:1 Genesis 32:2 ) These are styled an heavenly host, because they dwell in heaven; and to distinguish them from hosts and armies on earth; and said to be
a multitude,
for the angels are innumerable; there are thousands, ten thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand of them: it may be rendered "the multitude", and may intend the whole company of angels, who were all of them together to sing the praises of God, and glorify him at the birth of the incarnate Saviour, as well as to adore him; since it is said, "when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him", ( Hebrews 1:6 ) , and these were
praising God;
on account of the birth of Christ, and the redemption that was to be obtained by him, for elect men; which shows their friendly disposition to them, and how much they rejoice at their spiritual and eternal welfare; see ( Luke 15:10 ) ; And thus, as at the laying of the foundation of the earth, these "morning stars sang together, and all these sons of God shouted for joy", ( Job 38:7 ) they did the same when the foundation of man's salvation was laid in the incarnation of the Son of God;
and saying,
as follows.