Acts 4:5

5 The next day the leaders, elders, and legal experts gathered in Jerusalem,

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Acts 4:5 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 4:5

And it came to pass on the morrow
The disciples being kept in custody all night:

that their rulers, and elders, and Scribes;
that is, their ecclesiastical rulers; the chief priests, who, with the Scribes, and elders of the people, made up the great council at Jerusalem, consisting of seventy one persons, so they are called in ( Matthew 26:3 Matthew 26:57 ) ( 27:1 ) ( Mark 14:53 ) ( 15:1 ) .

Acts 4:5 In-Context

3 They seized Peter and John and put them in prison until the next day. (It was already evening.)
4 Many who heard the word became believers, and their number grew to about five thousand.
5 The next day the leaders, elders, and legal experts gathered in Jerusalem,
6 along with Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and others from the high priest's family.
7 They had Peter and John brought before them and asked, "By what power or in what name did you do this?"
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