And of Benjamin, Eliada, a mighty man of valour Was the chief commander: and with armed men with bow and shield two hundred thousand; which were the armour of the tribe of Benjamin they were best skilled in, ( 2 Chronicles 14:8 ) .
next to him Y'hochanan the leader, and with him 280,000;
next to him 'Amasyah the son of Zikhri, who volunteered to serve ADONAI, and with him 200,000 strong, brave men.
From Binyamin: Elyada, a strong, brave man, and with him 200,000 equipped with bows and shields;
next to him Y'hozavad, and with him 180,000 prepared for war.
These served the king, in addition to those the king assigned to the fortified cities throughout all Y'hudah.
Complete Jewish Bible Copyright 1998 by David H. Stern. Published by Jewish New Testament Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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