Exodus 15:24

24 The people grumbled against Moshe and asked, "What are we to drink?"

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Exodus 15:24 Meaning and Commentary

Exodus 15:24

And the people murmured against Moses
For bringing them into a wilderness where they could find no water fit to drink; saying:

what shall we drink?
what shall we do for drink? where can we drink? this water is not drinkable, and, unless we have something to drink, we, and our wives, and children, and servants, and cattle, must all perish.

Exodus 15:24 In-Context

22 Moshe led Isra'el onward from the Sea of Suf. They went out into the Shur Desert; but after traveling three days in the desert, they had found no water.
23 They arrived at Marah but couldn't drink the water there, because it was bitter. This is why they called it Marah [bitterness].
24 The people grumbled against Moshe and asked, "What are we to drink?"
25 Moshe cried to ADONAI; and ADONAI showed him a certain piece of wood, which, when he threw it into the water, made the water taste good. There ADONAI made laws and rules of life for them, and there he tested them.
26 He said, "If you will listen intently to the voice of ADONAI your God, do what he considers right, pay attention to his mitzvot and observe his laws, I will not afflict you with any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians; because I am ADONAI your healer."
Complete Jewish Bible Copyright 1998 by David H. Stern. Published by Jewish New Testament Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.