Abgarus, on the picture of Christ said
to have been presented to, 203
Ability, present, not ground of sinner's
accountability, - 102
Ability, gracious, consequences of re-
garding it as ground of sinner's
guilt, 108
"Absolute," Mr. Spencer's idea of chi-
merical, 51
in what sense God is, 51, 74
Accountability, not measured by pres-
ent ability, 102
Accumulation of property, robbery ac-
cording to Socialism, 452
dangers of, according to some 452
Socialistic proposals of its limitation, 453
the Intellectual and moral prerequi-
site of, 462
Mill's suggested legal limitations, 462
has its economical limitations 462, 463
has its Christian limitations 463, 464
must be subservient to the principles
of religion and benevolence, 463,464
Achromatic lenses, illustration from tho
construction of,. 445
Adam, bow did he sin though possessed
of a holy disposition? 108
difficulty of explaining his fall...108.109
had the power of contrary choice,... 108
ohose according to motive, 109
whence the motive of his choice? 109
his being deceived presupposes unbe-
lief, 109
the theory that he received assisting
not supernatural grace, 109
his apostasy first internal, 110
his apostasy changed the nature, 110
his first differed from his subsequent
sins, 110
his fall cannot be explained on any
present theory of will, 108,110
his sin, why imputed to us, 224
Adams, Charles F., his educational re-
forms, 426
Adaptation, 569-5T2
Adaptation, ministerial, its nature 5T0
its sources, 570,571
its results 571,572
Addresses To Successive Graduat-
Ing Classes, 544-686
"Adequate" cause distinguished from
"efficient," 92
Adultery, its punishment under Mosaic
law, 437
annuls as effectively as death the mar-
rlage relation, 438
opinions of Roman church regard-
ing, 438
sole valid ground of divorce, 438
its theocratic penalty among Jews
during Roman domination, 438
the action of Christ in relation to, 438. 439
ought to be subject of severe legisla-
tion 439
.*>»!>, one of his fables referred to, 455
Africa, progress of discovery in, illus-
trative of researches into man's na-
ture, 96, 97
Afritc, and king's daughter, illustra-
tion from, 243
Age, present, one of dogmatism, 557
its skeptical aspect, 558, 559
Aiat of Koran, 146
Albans, Saint, fable of, 146
Alchemy, its punishment according to
Dante 512
Alexander, Dr. J. W., on Union with
Christ, 220
Alfred, King, on man's goodness, 115
Allegheny and Monongahela, their
junction a type of man's nature,... I9O
Alps, melting of snow on, an illustra-
tion from, 5
Al-raschid, see Raschid,
Alumni, of Rochester Theological Sem-
inary/address to, 1-18
meeting of, sentiments suitable to,.. 1, 2
Amphion, the preacher an, 276
Amsterdam, its pile-foundations al-
luded to, 3
Anagogical interpretation, what? 505
Anaxlmander, his one postulate, 40
Ancestral experiences, their fundamen-
tal value according to Spencer,. ..49, 50
according to 8pencer, the origin of
moral obligation, 53
Andaman Islanders, their supposed
atheism considered, 78
Angelo, Michael, his fresco of last judg-
ment, 208
his universal genius, 550
Anselm, on development in Genesis,... 45
•' Antecedence," not equivalent to
"causation," 33
Anthropological, or moral, argument
for the existence of God 83
its three parts, 83,84
its defects, 84
its value, - 84
holds chief place among related argu-
ments, 84
Apollo, proposed interpretation of
double legend upon his temple at
Delphi, 4
Apologia Pro Vita Sua, contains a con-
fession of Idealism, 7
A posteriori arguments for the exist-
ence of God, their value 84, 85
Apostles, their qualifications included
both teaching of Christ and prin-
cipally the lnduement of the
Spirit, 580
A priori argument for divine exist-
ence, see Ontological
A priori reasoning, Talt on, 40, 41
A priori principles assumed in all sys-
tems of knowledge, 41
A priori reasoning, its vicious use by
Spencer and the Cosmic philoso-
phers, 41
A priirri truths, at the foundation of
knowledge, 48
part of tho original furniture of rea-
son, 48
sense, the occasion of their cognition, 48
according to Plato, 48
presupposed in all experience and
reasoning, 48
their denial destroys all philosophy
and opens way for universal skepti-
cism, 48,49
denied by extreme Positlvists, 49
8penccr's explanation of their gen-
esis, 49
Spencer assumes their existence to
destroy their validity 49
Spencer's treatment of them unsatis-
factory, 49, 50
Dr. Carpenter on, 50
A priori judgments, Kant on, 60, 61
Aquosity, a property of water, 34
Arab horse, his characteristics, 475
Arabian Nights, illustrations from,
mountain of loadstone, 10
Afrlte and king's daughter 243
enfranchised genie, .. 463
Architecture, mediaeval, its origin, 500
Aristotle, his Influence on theology,... 4
Luther's opinion of, 4
the parent of scholasticism, 4
a theistlc philosopher, 15
on an evil law in our members 101
Arminian view of original depravity
arises from false view of will... 101,102
Arthur, Chester A., varied feelings on
his attainment of the Presidency, 355, 356
Arthur, Chester A., an excellent oppor-
tunity for reform afforded him, 356, 35
Artisans, despised by ancient philoso-
phers, 447, 448.
Arve and Rhone, their junction a sym-
bol of man's moral nature, 190
Assassination of two Presidents, sum-
mons the nation to a considerate
standing-still 347
Association, the force of law of. illus-
trated in Crusades, 484
Assoclatlonallsm, as an explanation of
the existence of moral obligation,
considered, 54
Assumptions, Unconscious, Of Com-
Munion Polemics,... 245-249
Assumption, that the practice of the
oburch may modify law of New
Testament, considered, 245,246
that there is no complete and binding
system of church organization in
the New Testament, considered, 246,247
that the ordinances are purely formal
and external, considered, 247,248
that the principle of Ulixxez faire will
remove error and secure peace and
prosperity, considered, 248
Astronomy, why its birth-place in the
East, 478
Atheism, sporadic cases of, not incon-
sistent with a universal germinal
knowledge of the existence of God, 78
Atom of matter, what, according to
Humlst, .. 59
Atomic weights, an inference from,... ft
Atoms, "manufactured articles ", 44
Atonement, Necessity Of, 213-219
Atonement, sufferings of, demanded by
righteousness of God, 213
demanded by the relations which
Christ assumed to our race, 213-218
required by Christ's race-responsibil-
ity to the law of God, 213-215
willingly rendered by Christ because
of his regard to the vindication of
divine righteousness, 215-216
inevitable because of Christ's com-
plete identification iwith a sinful
race, 216,217
only to be satisfactorily explained by
the doctrine of Christ's actual union
with our race, 218, 219
the first desire of the awakened con-
science, 219
Attila, Kaulbach's picture of his battle
with the Romans, IT
Attributes, divine, their relation to the
essence of God, 189
have an objective existence, 189
defined, 189
have an active and passive side, 189
Auerbach, his stories tinged with mate-
rialism, 31
Augustine and Calvin, their respective
methods of treating divine truths,. 1
Augustine, a Platonist, 4
perceived the principle of develop-
ment in the Mosaic account of cre-
ation, 45
his view of human liberty, 11*
on adding to Original Sin through
Free Will 141
opposes pilgrimages, 485
on humility, 582
Aurora Borealis, bad light to grow po-
tatoes by, 570
Australian savages,condition of women
among, 411
Automatic theory of universe, 27
Goldwin Smith on, 27,28
its conclusion of despair in the words
of Tennyson, 28
Avatar, a temporary incarnation, 209
Averages, statistical, Buckle's and Dra-
per's inferences from, 23
the legitimate inference from, 24
James Martineau on, 24
Bacon, Roger, not Francis, author of
tho Baconian philosophy,. 40
Baconian philosophy, its origin, 40
its method, 40
a recoil from Greek and Scholastic
philosophies, 40
its fundamental organon violated by
philosophy of evolution, 40
Bagehot, on a statue to the first sower,. 462
Bain, Alexander, a Posltivist, 8
his materialism, 31
on thinking co-oxisting with unbrok-
en physical sequences, 46
a Huraist, 50
Bancroft on the practical influence of
the speculations of Jonathan Ed-
wards, 5
Baptism, a usual metaphor to express
the rush of successive troubles, 229
a significant symbol, 239
imports purification through death,.. 239
a picture of the substance of Christi-
anity, 240
associated with Lord's Supper,...240, 24]
anything which affects its form as a
symbol affects truth symbolized,.. 240
and Supper are as the twins of Hip-
pocrates, 240
Baptism Of Jesus, 226-237
Baptism of Jesus, throws light on that
of the believer 226
its place in his life, 226, 227
a self-consecration, 227
a symbol of his death, 227
a proof of his identification with hu-
manity, 230
foreshadowed his resurrection, 231
the occasion of a manifestation of the
Trinity, 232
Baptism of Jesus, the descent of the
Spirit at, what it implied 232
exhibited the desert of sin, 232, 233
exhibited a picture of deliverance,... 233
exhibited the method of personal sal-
vation, 234
is an example oi public confession,.. 235
Baptists, have truth of Baptism com-
mitted to their custody, 241
are bound to be faithful to their trust, 242
believe that an adequate model of
church organization is found in
New Testament, 246
why they hold to Baptism, 247
why they contend for the order of the
ordinances, 247
have increased because of faithful-
ness to convictions, 248
how they may expect future growth, 248
purity their primary concern, not
peace, 249
theirs, the only regularly constituted
church, 249
Baptists, German, their origin and pro-
gress 243
their need of theological schools 300
Barrett, Elizabeth, her marriage to
Browning, 526
her death, 526
Bastian, bis theory of spontaneous gen-
eration, .• 46
Bastiat, his contribution to Political Sci-
ence, 448
on relation of Political Economy and
Morals, 458
Bestiality, sin of, according to Dante,
Beatitudes, absence of warlike virtues
from 415
Beatrice, Portinari, her influence upon
Dante 502, 503
her early death 502
tho Divine Comedy, her monument,. 503
Dante's guide through Paradise,.505, 519
what she represents in the Divine
Comedy, 507
theculminatlonofher loveliness and of
Dante's love for, in highest heaven. 520
Beauty, knowledge and feeling com-
bined in its cognition, 124
Bedouin robbers, 477
skirmish with, 480
Bee, its unconscious intelligence, 26
Beecher, H.W., on Eternal Punishment, 196
"Being, Great," title under which
Comte proposed to worship "Col-
lective Humanity", 13
Belief in God, necessary to morals, 56
a remarkable fact, 76
Beliefs, primitive, an original endow-
ment of mind, 9,10
come into activity on occasion of ex-
ternal phenomena, 10
Beliefs, primitive, are objects of knowl-
edge, 10
have validity equal to facts of sense, 10
Beliefs, may be held though unex-
pressed, unformulated, or even for-
mally denied, 76
may be undeveloped, 77
Berkeley, Bishop, sought to correct the
materialistic tendencies of the Lock-
ian philosophy, 58
asserted the only evidence of matter
to be Idea, 58
asserted that sensations were the di-
rect objects of knowledge, 58
declared God to be the direct cause of
sensations, 58
his theory consistent with belief in
special divine revelation 59
his fundamental principle only fur-
ther applied by Hume, 59
held to spirit because directly known
by ourselves, 59
bis occasional approaches to Humism, 59
his definition of soul, 59
his definition of mind 59
responsible for our present Materia-
listic Idealism, 59
Sydney Smith's witticism upon, 59
declares things are thoughts, 61
a non-egoistical idealist, 63
his early oonf usion concerning idea as
object and act, 63
his later conception of idea as object,
an archetype in the divine mind,.. 63
the outer world was to him real and
permanent because an expression of
the divine mind 63
to him, the non-ego is God, 63
his theory has a radical affinity with
Realism, 63
his theory according to Sir William
Hamilton, 63, 64
did not regard divine archetypes as
"things in themselves," 72
his method of securing unity in ex-
ternal world, 166
influenced Jonathan Edwards, 168
Berkeleian Idealism, its influence on
John H. Newman 7
Bethlehem visited, 481
Bethunc on Political Economy as next
to the Gospel, 443
Beirusstsein—a " be-knowing ", 80
Bcyrout. description of, 474
Bible, "word made flesh," 153
to be interpreted as an organic whole, 154
its frequent presentations of mercy
and justice combined, 391
some of its requirements temporary, 402
its principles still applicable to these
days, 408
Bicarbonate of soda, a child's questions
concerning, 425, 426
Biology, a branch of physiology accord-
ing to Positivism, 13
"Blameless," as applied to New Testa-
ment bishop, its meaning, 440, 441
Blasphemy, its future punishment ac-
cording to Dante, 512
"Body," as apprehended by the intelli-
gence of the common people, 67
Boscovlteh, his conception of matter,. 43
Bowne, a Hegelian, 61
Bramante, architect of St. Peter's at
Rome, 241
Brassey, advocates the coBporative sys-
tem of employment, 457
Braun, the two principal books studied
in his Gymnasium, 423
Brethren, Plymouth, their view of
church-organizations, 246
Briggs's Colliery, on the cooperative
plan, 455
Brown, Tom, his return to Rugby re-
ferred to, 1
Brown, Sir Thomas, on futility of seek-
ing preservation beneath the moon, 473
Browning, Robert, "subtlest assertor
of the soul In song," 36
bis statement, "mind is not matter,
nor from matter, but above," 36
"poetky And" 5215-543
his portrait by Watts, 536
a sketch of his life, 526
his acquaintance with Italy, 526
marries Elizabeth Barrett, 526
loses his wife, 526
a prolific writer, 526
Pauline, his first printed poem, 526
Paracelsus, his first tragedy, 526
the tragedy of Strafford a failure on
the stage, 526
never popular, 526
severely criticized 526
is ho a great poet? 526
hides his own personality - 527
deals with the non-ego, 527
a poet of man 528
contrasted with Wordsworth 538
treats of life, 528
poet of thoughts and not events, 528
his little tinge of the objective or
epic 528
teaches that " as a man thinketh so he
is," 538
his poetry is not lyric, but dramatic,
528, 529
his dramatic power seen in the poems
Sl>anUh Cloister and Confessions, 529
he assists his reader to self-revelation, 529
is a creative genius, 529
The Ring and the Book his greatest
work 529, 531
its plot narrated, 530
the impression it leaves on the mind
of the student, 530,531
Browning, Robert, to what extent does
he possess the faculty of Idealiza-
tion, discussed, 531-536
to him all men are ideal things, 532
recognizes human conscience, and
will, 533
in his ixion the victim triumphs over
Jove 533
in his l'iiipa I'ames the peasant girl's
song awakens conscience, 533
a believer in a righteous and loving
personal God, 534
opposes anthropomorphism, 534
in his Caliban on Setdios denounces
superstition, 534
in the Epilogue declares his faith in
an immanent Deity, 534
in Saul declares " all's Love yet all's
Law." 534
makes Incarnation the highest revela-
tion, 534
the religious topics of which he treats
in "Fcrtthtah's Fancies," 534
has a true idea of inspiration, 534, 535
his poem of Saul the best for those
who are beginning to study him,... 534
the poem Saul, its subject, 535
his teaching in his Death in the Des-
ert, 535
he, rather than Tennyson, is the relig-
ious poet of the century,. 535
the religious philosopher of our
times, 535
Laudor's estimate of, 535, 536
indulges at times in apparent lev-
ity, 536
sometimes apparently irreverent,— 536
the motto he adopts for Ferishtah'x
Fancies, 536
treats freely of man's physical in-
stincts, 536
is never ascetic, 536
never deifies body, 536
has not a tinge of sentimentality, 536, 537
has a protecting sense of the ludi-
crous 537
in Bis filler Visum teaches that true
love is subject to judgment and con-
science, 537
his books exercise a healthful, bra-
cing influence 537
least great as a literary artist, 537
is of ten obscure, 538
the arrangement of his material often
perplexing, 538
Siirdello often regarded as a mediaeval
literary morass, 538
his defense of his fragmentary meth-
od of communicating his facts, 538
he makes his reader a judge, poet,
creator, 539
his method of telling his story illus-
trated in The Ring and the Book.... 539
Browning, Rohert, his obscurity be-
comes less troublesome and more
attractive on familiarity, 539
there are passages which perhaps the
poet cannot understand, 539
his translation of Agamemnon face-
tiously said to bo comprehensible by
reference to the original, 539, 540
exhibits occasional lack of judgment
as to what is valuable and what
merely curious, 540
influence of criticism of Caroline Fox
upon, 540
is often defective in constructive
power to make most of his matter, 510
examples of his obscure and of bis
easily intelligible verse 540
fails in rhythmical and musical ex-
pression . 541
Mrs. Browning superior to him in
melodious composition 541
aims not to be an emotional poet, 541
his brusque style accounted for, 541
a poem illustrating his abrupt turns,. 511
plays a sort of literary "Snap the
Whip" with his readers, 51, 512
in him the philosopher overtops the
poet, 542
his material too much for him, 512
gives us sometimes too little ortolan, 542
cannot treat him with supercilious-
ness, 542
his defects should not blind to his
virtues, 543
the fullest of learning and insight of
the poets of the century, 543
BUchner, a mechanical philosopher 31
a modern Lucretius, 39
Buckland, Rabbi Joseph Wales, his par-
entage and early life, 337, 338
his name " Rabbi," why given and its
influence 338
his mot her, • 338
his conversion, 338
enters Union College, New York, 338
his taste for natural science, 338, 339
Dr. W. R. Williams's influence upon
him, 339
becomes pastor at Sing Sing 339
becomes member of Historical Soci-»
ety of Now York 339
becomes Professor of History at
Rochester 339
his professional lite, 339-342
his death,. 342
his work not yet done, 342, 343
Buckle, Henry Thomas, his statistical
averages, 23
the materialistic spirit of his histor-
ical researches, 31
Buddhism, its missionary character ac-
counted for 388
the nature of its morality, 388
Bunker Hill, Buttle of, referred to, 269
Bunyan, his "man with the muck-rake"
alluded to 8
Burning of one's hand, facts physical
and metaphysical involved In, 21
Burke, his oratory characterized by
Fox, vil
Bushnell, Horace, a progenitor of the
New Theology, 165
identifies divine righteousness and
benevolence, 165
his theory of atonement contain* a
truth, 165
Business, dally, a trusteeship for Christ, 463
Butler, Bishop Joseph, how he has con-
tributed to our conception of the
ethical nature of God, 5, 195
did not sufficiently recognize divine
immanence, 167
Byron, Lord, a quotation from applied
to Positivist's universe, 13
his genius, 527
Ca;saroa, its ruins, 477
Caird, a Hegelian, 61
Cairo, 470, 471
night entrance into, 474
Calderwood, denies the possibility of
an act of pure will, 02,122
Call to ministry, its dignity, 270
not universal, 270, 271
commoner than supposed, 271
its nature 271, 272
Calling, a useful, always respectable... 449
Calvin and Augustine, their works com-
pared, 4
Calvin, his assertion of free-will, 91
his theory of human liberty com-
pared with that of Ed wards, . 114
on Adam's free-will, 121
asserted divine immanence, 167
Calvinism, Modified, 114-128
Campaniles, their erection and uses, ... 499
Campbell's theory of Atonement, 216
"Cannot" often equal to " will not,"... 124
Capital, moneyed, of America, its ratio
to the annual production, 447
Capital, dreaded by laborer, 452
may secure a tyrannical monopoly of
production, 452
wrong thinking about it even in
America 452
what it is, 453
deserves compensation, 453
its compulsory distribution a foolish
scheme, 453
must be consumed in paying wages, . 453
must be renewed by labor, 454
not the natural end of labor, 454
has duties, 455
its increase should not be dreaded,... 456
acquires dignity from its origin, 462
acquires dignity from use, 462
is a large set of tools, 462
Capital, a fund that employs labor, 462
a friend of labor, 462, 464
to exist must be in constant circula-
tion, 462
without it barbarism would super-
vene 462
Capital and labor, relations between,
should be intelligently discussed,.. 452
are interdependent, 452
should be no hostility between, 455
both have duties, 455
cooperation of both, illustrations of. 455
their relations will yet be settled on a
lasting basis, 457
Carlyle, Thomas, on Dante, 523
his portrait by Watts, 525
Carpenter, Dr., on one's existence be-
luga matter of consciousness 50
Cataclysms in geologic history, 141
Cataract, parable of man afflicted with, 89
Cato of Utica, his place in future world
according to Dante 515
Causal judgment, into what resolved by
Comte, 11
Causality, Hickok's Illustration of, lo-
caiisation, necessary to law, 11
if its Intuition is disproved all other
intuitions also perish, 11
origin of the idea of, 22
not given by mere succession of
events, 22
Cause, according to Comte, 10
defined, 33
more than antecedence, 33
an a priori truth, 48
of the universe, every religion de-
mands personality in, 53
Causes final, secure confidence in the
stability of nature, 141
account for needed deviations from
usual order, 141
Causes, the various philosophical, 92
efficient rest on final, 141
Cecil, on how to preach the whole
truth, 115
Ceremonial privilege requires ceremon-
ial qualification, 247
Certainty of human actions determined
by character 10O
Chalmers, Thomas, his scientific interest
in Theology deepened into practical, 2
on Political Economy as related to
Moral Philosophy and Theology, 443
his experience as a minister, 550, 551
Character, determines motive, 93
the ground of divine foreknowledge,
permanence of, depends on will, 106
and individual choices not necessarily
connected, 120
does not absolutely bind, 121
defined, 15T
Charlemagne, his aim, 497, 498
Chastisement in linger," why depre-
cated by Psalmist? 1S»5
Chastisement, not penalty, the experi-
ence of the Christian, 518
Chemistry, present elements of, sup-
posed to be modifications of one
common ultimate substance, 6
Cheops, pyramid of, 472
Cherubim, Nature And Purpose, 391-399
Cherubim, Edenic, a symbol of mercy,. 392
various meanings assigned to, 391
Milton's view of, 392
common impression regarding, 392
etymology of title obscure, 393
references to in Scripture 393
occur in Ezekiel, 393
occur in Revelation, 393
are symbols of redeemed humanity,.. 394
are not personal existences, 394
emblems of human nature possessed
of its original perfections, 395
not symbols of nature, 395
emblems of human nature spiritual-
ized and sanctified, 396
represent a humanity abounding in
spiritual life, 396,397
emblems of human nature as the
dwelling-place of God, 397
the Edenic, an assurance to the early
races that Paradise was still held for
man, 398
the Edenic, an assurance that Para-
dise was only recoverable by a
return to holiness and divine com-
munion, 398
the Edenic, a promise that Paradise
regained should be more glorious
than Paradise lost, 398
their varying relations, lessons from, 398, 399
not illustrations of our future bodies, 399
a revelation of spiritual qualities yet
to be the possession of the redeemed, 399
Chicago, a sane In, at opening of civil
war 199. 200
Cbivajry, a fruit of the Crusades, 498
"Choice, power of contrary," phrase ex-
amined, 97, 98
between motives, not without mo-
tives, 122
Choices und fundamental disposition
not necessarily connected, 120
Christ, not admitted into Comte's pan-
theon, 14
his existence Inexplicable on the ev-
olution theory 46
the restorer of our prospects of end-
less development, 162
the extra-temporal, of New Theology, 172-174
the supra-historic, his influence on
heathen, 176
implicit faith in, its possibility, 177
Christ, Implicit rejection of, its possi-
bility, 177
may be accepted or rejected without
a knowledge of his historical man-
ifestation, 177
union with, 178
CnRisT, The Two Natures of,... 201-212
Christ, study of his person a science,... 201
Son of man, 201
Son of God, 201
a true man, 201
doeetic view unscriptural 201
had a human body, 201
had a human mind, 201
was subject to laws of human devel-
opment, 201
tempted because of self-assumed lim-
itations, 201
lgnoraut of the day of the end, 201
In his twelfth year became conscious
of his mission, 202, 226
the ideal man, 202
his physical form, 202, 203
possessed orator's mien, 203
usually plain, but sometimes trans-
figured, 203
his temperament, 203
Chaucer's description of, 203
combined excellences of both sexes,.. 204
possessed excellences of greatest and
best men 204
a life-giving man, 204
not explicable by natural antecedents, 205
no invention of men, 205
his humanity came from God, 205
his humanity germinal, 205
conscious of divine Sonship, 206
testimonies to his divinity, 206
Christian consciousness attests his di-
vinity, 206
history attests his divinity, 206
his death has revolutionized history,. 207
the centre of history, — 207
modern world outgrowth of princi-
ples introduced by him, 207
wo need his divinity, 208
John of Damascus on his sufferings as
related to his divinity, 209
because divine, suffered infinitely, . 209
his humanity and deity forever unit-
ed, 209
all that took place in him shall take
place in us, 209
has our whole humanity in heaven,. 209
should be recognized in both na-
tures, 2U>
immediate recognition of him, its im-
portance, - 211
the comforter in death, 212
his human nature purged of deprav-
ity in womb of Virgin, 214
his relation to race more than fed-
eral headship, 215
Christ, not merely constructive, but
natural heir of race 215
the great Penitent, 216
may be banished to remotest room of
believer's heart but cannot be ex-
pelled, 222
the first thirty years of his life,... .226, 227
understood, from bcginning of his
public ministry, its mcauing and
end, 229
the agentof the out-going activity of
the Godhead, 2bl
geographical area of his personal min-
istry 475
advantages of our present doubt as
to the pluces of the great events of
his life, 479
to secure union with a living, per-
sonal, the aim of the Christian min-
istry 543
presence of, in a minister, the source
of healthful attraction, 545
the perfect flower und embodiment of
humanity, 549, 551
resurrection of, type of regeneration, 553
for three years a theological teacher, 553
Christian Truth And Its Keepers, 238-244
Christianity threatened by Positivism,. 8
the evidence that it is from God 129
its internal characteristics as evi-
dence 129
its external accompaniments as evi-
dence 129
present tendency to lay special stress
on internal evidence, 129
its internal evidence supplementary, 129
what its internal evidence must cover, 129
disadvantages of the method of indi-
vidual internal certification of it,.. 130
its internal and external evidences in-
terwoven, 131
supernatural facts its very core, 131
miracles not its burden but support,. 132
divinely radical, 374
works from below upwards, 374
estimates "service" by sacrifice, 374
missions a great argument for, 388
a great argument for missions, 388, 389
missions its distinctive mark, 388
Christianity And Political Econ-
Omy, 443-460
Christianity, concrete as well as ab-
stract, 445
is salvation for the body and society, 445
accords with natural law, 445
is a religion of nature, 445
its accordance with laws of nature a
proof of its divinity, 445
the great assistant of the Political
Economist, 445
has anticipated the discoveries of Po-
litical Economy, 445
I Christianity, asserts a natural inequal-
ity of gifts and stations among
men, 440
rejected by many working men be-
cause it opposes a false Social
Science, 446
hope of mankind 459
and its resulting ameliorative sci-
ences, connec ted as parent stein of
banyan-tree with succeeding steins, 459, 460
its social side, 461
recognizes wealth, 461
not passivity, 550
Chrlstliebon reason, 419
{ 'hrixta itco Oinmittttf nti, as ti motto, 585
"Christology " a modern coinage, 201
Church, an organism, 178
its organization not founded on hu-
man wisdom, 246
is not germinal, 246
does not rest on expediency, 246
is of permanent obligation, 246
its system of organization laid down
in New Testament, 247
its various parts alluded to in New
Testament, 247
polity, democratic form of, good for
good people, . 564
Cicero on htnwxlum and utile, 55
Cities, tendency of population to, 461
"City which hath foundations" alone
can satisfy, 483
Classification, fundamental idea of,
found in unity of self-conscious-
ness, 9
Coal, presence of nmifcrtv in, illustra-
tion from, 481
Cognition, according to Spencer, recog-
nition, - 49
Coguitions, primitive, are verities, 21
testified to by unintentional acknowl-
edgments of their deniers, 22
Coleridge, influence of his writings 8
College and Seminary, how differen-
tiated, 284
College, Christian, what? 320
should have actively Christian lead-
ers 320
should give Christian instruction, 320
its discipline should be Christian, 321
its Instruction should be pervaded
with a Christian spirit, 321
should possess high moral standards, 321
should aim to make its students Chris-
tians, 321
Colleges, Our, Are They Chris-
Tian? 319-323
Colleges, the true denominational, wore
intended to be Christian 320
many have ceased to be Christian,— 322
Collocation, useful, present in universe, 83
its existence assumed by Science,— 82
Comedy, The Divine, 501-524
some of its translators and interpret-
ers 501
internal evidence of its date, 504
its introduction, 504, 515
has, according to its author, four
meanings, 505
its personal element, 505, 506
a mediieval Pilgrim's Progress, 806
unfolds the author's idea of God's re-
lations to humanity, 506
its interpretation according to Miss
Rossetti, 506
has a political meaning, 506, 507
its spiritual meaning its moat impor-
tant, 507
its influence on Italian religious
thought, 507
its spiritual meaning unfolded, 507, 508
the first and greatest Christian poem, 508
its cosmology, 508, 509
title "Comedy" why given? 509
has influenced the Italian language,
509, 510
its verse, 510
its description of the Ante-Hell, 510
Its description of Hell proper, 510-513
its description of Limbo, 510, 511
its description of the various punish-
ments assigned to delinquents,.-511, 513
its description of Dis, 512
its description of the Judecca, 512
its description of Satun 512, 513
the poem of conscience 513
contains apt lessons for the present
times, 514
its description of Purgatory, 515-518
its Ante-Purgatory, 515, 516
Purgatory proper, 516, 518
Mount of Penitence, 516, 517
is the Christian doctrine of sauctitlca-
tion in verse, 517
its Paradise, ...519-521
Beatrice acts as guide, 517, 519
the series of the Heavens, 519, 520
its Prtmum MohOe 520
its " Rose of the Blessed," 520
describes the poet's celestial love for
the beatified Beatrice, 520
each of its three divisions ends with
the same word, 521
its intense realism, 523
why an imperishable work of gen-
ius, 524
Common-sense, Berkeley appeals to it
for proof of existence of ego. 59
Berkeley appeals to it against sub-
stance, 59, 63
Communion, Fiedo-baptist deprives
Baptist of privilege of enjoying it
with him, 249
Communists of Paris, their theory as to
rent and interest. 452
Comte, Auguste, eoryplwus of Nes-
cience, 9
his principal errors, 9
his postulate that we kuow nothing
but matter, examined, 9-
his scythe cuts off his own legs, 9
brief review of his system, 9-
his classification masterly 9
his fundamental principles opposed to
sound psychology! 9-
his position on causation, 10,11
has no place for Inductive Logic 11
his analysis of causal judgment, 11
confounds necessary with customary, 11
in admitting tendency of things
toward a true philosophy, admits
design, 12
his view of Theology and Metaphysics, 13
his new religion. 13,14, 77
he denies law, in denying cause, 16
i his inconsistency as to consciousness, 22
'Conceive,' of God, impossible accord-
ing to Spencer, 50
the sense in which it is essential to
knowledge, 50
the sense in which it is an accident of
knowledge, ... 50
Concupiscence, why excluded by Rom-
anists from list of sins, 102
Condillac, influeuce of his writings, 7
Epicurean 32
owes his sensational philosophy to
Locke, 7, 58
Congratulations to various graduating
classes on finishing their theological
education at Seminary,
544, 549. 548, »52, 554, 557.
560, 56-.*, 563, 567, 560, 572, 575, 578, 580, 583
Conscience, its supremacy demonstra-
ted by Butler, 5
what, according to Spencer,. 55
its true nature, 55
no tribe found destitute of, 78
an evidence for God 84
Consciousness, involves in one duality
two different things, 6
equally a source of knowledge with
observation, 20
Comto's appeal to, 22
is it a mode of force? 24
never transformed into physical or
nervous force, 46
Spencer upon, 50
of God, the idealistic formula criti-
cized, 70
in psychology, what? 171
in theology, what? 171
the "ethico-religious," 171
Christian, the doctrine of, defined and
discussed, 170-172
Consciousness, self-, its witness to a per-
manent something underneath and
presupposed by all ideas, tl&
Conservation of force, not highest law
• of science, 26
Constantine builds church of Holy
Sepulchre, 485
Constantinople, repulse of Moslems
from 485
its influence on Crusaders, 500
Consumers, all are, 464
Consumption, its present rate, 464
of luxuries, not wrong, 464
Conversion, a new choice of motive,... 121
God's work and man's work in, 128
Convicted sinner, only fiuds peace when
he sees reparation for sin in the
atonement, 219
Cook, Professor, on original constitu-
tion of chemical elements, 43
Cooperation of divine and human in act
of man 150
Cooperation, an important factor in re-
sistance to capital, 456
Cooperative establishments, in Paris,.. 455
in England 455
their strength and weakness, 455
best form of, 455, 45(i
Corinthians, Second. 3: 6, 250
5: 23 explained, 218
Corinthian women, the perpetuity of
the commands to, 402
Cosmological argument for existence of
God, its exact scope, 81
its difficulty in minor premise, 81
Hume's objection to, 81
its difficulty as to character of cause, 81
its value stated 81
Cosmos, an Idea impossible to Posltiv-
ist , 71
Councils Of Ordination: Their
Powers And Duties, 259-268
Councils of ordination, see Ordination.
Courage, Passive And Active, 554-557
Courage, its passive aspect, Ub-o/hmj, 555
its active aspect, irapp>jaia 555
Covenanter, the Scotch, of seventeenth
century compared with Anglican of
same time, 117
Cranmer, an example 279
Creatianism, nominalistic, 165
Creation, theory of, more credible than
that of chance development, 44
absolute, idea of, found among He-
brews only, 45, 81
what, according to Idealism, 72
imperfect, because anticipative of the
fall, Ill
not a miracle, 132
according to Jewish proverb, 395
Creations, have taken place on our
earth, 141,142
"Creative first cause," man not, 123
Cross, the, its meaning, 582, 583
Crossley adopts cooperative plan, 455
Crozer, his generosity referred to, -----. 301
Crusaders, their priwmnel, 488
two classes of, 492
Crusades, The, <84-50U
Crusades, the, their moving principle,. 484
their story in brief, 487-488
great leaders in, 488
their social causes, 489-491
demonstrate power of an idea, 489
Guizot's classification of their causes, 489
their moral causes 491, 492
not owing to papal influence, 491
not prompted solely by hatred of a
false faith, 491
not to be explained by mere hatred of
the Turk, 491, 493
arose from an awakening of religious
feeling, 492
not owing to the grant of Papal in-
dulgences 41*2
accompanied by an anticipation of
Christ's coining 493
animated by Idea of a world-wide
ehiirct 493
Lecky'a opinion of, 493
Kilobaud's opinion of, 493
effects of, 493
secured a transient Influence in the
East, 494
gave foreign outlet to the brutal for-
ces still inherent In feudalism, 494, 495
Gibbon's opinion of, 494
strengthened barriers against Turkish
encroachments 494
Freeman's opinion of, 494
consolidated states of Europe, 494
Hume's opinion of, 494
Micbaud's division of the period of,.. 495
what advantage they brought to the
Unman church, 495
developed the spirit of religious per-
secution, 495
were disadvantageous in some re-
spects to Roman church, 496
taught those who engaged in them in-
dependence, 496
gave occasion for complaints against
the popes,.... 496
disseminated a knowledgeof the eter-
nal city, 497
were the initial period of the down-
fall of the papal power, 497
their effects upon the state, 497-500
their influence on feudalism, 498
compacted the state 497
favored the absorption of small fiefs
into large, 498
their influence best seen in France,.. 498
diffused the loyal and courteous char-
acteristics of chivalry,.... 498, 499
opened up intercourse among peoples
of Europe, 499
their Influence on Mediterranean cap-
itals, 499
Crusades, the, gave an impulse to intel-
lect, 500
stimulated the spirit of travel, 500
prepared the way for the introduction
of Greek literature 500
Curse, the original, its alleviations, 391
Curses, divine, prophetic not arbitra-
ry, 402
D'Alembcrt, an Epicurean, 32
Damascus, described, 483
Damascus, John of, an early theologian, 4
his view of the relation of the natures
in Christ's person, 209
Dante And The Divine Comedy,.501-524
Dante, Alighleri, his birth, 501
the times of his early life, 501, 502
his meeting with Beatrice, 502
her influence upon him, 502, 503
his temporary fall, 502
method of his restoration, 502, 503 I
bis Vita Xuova, 503
his thorough preparation for writing
the Comedy 503
his remarkable natural and acquired
endowments, 503
becomes a chief magistrate of Flor-
ence, 503
banishes the factious nobles, 503
is in turn fined and banished. 503, 504
his wanderings, 504
perhaps visited Oxford, England, 504
an amnesty ottered him and declined, 504
his bearing under his adversities, 504
becomes a Ghibelline, 504, 506
his death, :504
his idea of humanity and its twofold
rule 506
his Dc Monorchia, 506
first great advocate of Italian unity,
506. 507
first great advocate of Independence
of church and State, 506, 507
distinguishes between the popes and
the papacy, 507
a loyal Roman Catholic, 507
abhorred the papal temporal power,. 507
denounces rulers of the church as An-
tichrist, i 507
an independent interpreter of Scrip-
ture 507
held the Ptolemaic theory of the uni-
verse 508
his ideas of the earth, 508
his Ideas of Hell, 508
his ideas of Purgatory, 508
his nine Heavens, 508, 509
his Empyrean, 509
did not call his poem 'Divine,' 509
why he called it " Comedy "? 509
his remarkable mastery of versifica-
tioi 509, 510
his three great classes of sins, 511, 512
llls theory of progress in evil, 512 I
Dante, the philosophy underlying his
classification and punishment of
sins, 511-515
why he assigns grotesque punish-
ments to sin, 513
his description of Satan, contrasted
with that of Milton, 513
teaches that sin isa self-perversion of
the will, 513, 514
a lover of God and holiness, 514
does not regard the essence of penalty
as external to the sinner, 514
his material imagery symbolical 514
he makes sin to be its own detector,
judge, and tormentor, 514
the two sins of which ho deems him-
self in need of purgation, 517
regarded l'urgatory as a process,.517, 518
his mistaken views regarding Purga-
tory, 518
ignorant of justification by faith,... 518
his examination before entering Prl-
mum Mobile, 520
no rough, grotesque poet, 521
most sensitive to changeful aspectsof
nature, 521
had an enthusiasm for justice, 521
how nicknamed by boys in street 521
the most ethical of poets, 521
his delight in light, as symbol of pu-
rity, 522
his abundant vocabulary to set forth
various characteristics of light, 522
his vividness of description comes
from experience, 523
Darwin, obliged to speak of' design,'... 12
saw no reason why the series of life
on the earth should be toward high-
er rather than lower forms, 28
his researches conducted in a ma-
terialistic spirit, 31
David, an illustration of divine lead-
ing, 560
Davis, Noah, virtual founder of Amer-
ican Baptist Publication Society,... 238
Dead Sea, description of, 430
Death, lessons learned in its immediate
presence, 188
Degeneration, its occurrence apart
from effort, the law of this sinful
world, 248
Delphi, double legend upon the temple
there interpreted, 4
Democritus, a materialist, 32
Denis, St., entry in the Chronicle of,... 500
Der Eiuzige, an epithet applicable to
every man, 156
Design, marks of, according to Positiv-
ism, only coincidences, 11
implied unintentionally iu the lan-
guage of the Comtists 12
the statement that it implies imper-
fection in God, examined, 12
Design, imperfections of, do not prove
absence of purpose in universe, 12
actual imperfections in, can be ac-
counted for on grounds of moral
government, 12
seeming imperfections in, may arise
from present ignorance, 12
a voluntary self-limitation on the part
of God, 12
Maudsley on, 12
Spinoza's view of, 12
its perception, an a priori cognition,. 48
marks of, everywhere in universe,... 181
Determinism, the theory of will so
called 118
opposed by fact that man can choose
a less degree of sin, 118,119
opposed by fact that man can refuse
to yield to certain temptations, 119
opposed by fact that unconverted
man can give attention to divine
truth 119
would remove guilt, remorse and pun-
ishment, - 120
advocated by Jonathan Edwards, — 120
Deiw vidt, the watchword of the first
Crusade, 487
Development, implied in Mosaic ac-
count of creation, 45
prospects of an endless, restored in
Christ 162
a true kind of, 559
De Wette, with him scientific interest
in religion became practical, 2
D'Holbach. eighteenth century Epicu-
rean, 32
a French Sensationalist, 58
Diaphane, an illustration from, 161
Dictatiou-theory of Inspiration, see In-
Diderot, a Sensationalist and Epicu-
rean, -. 32
Dilemma, one suggested by Spencer's
theory of primitive cognitions 49
Diman, on combinations of law as
agencies of ceaseless change, 25
Dis, the city of, Dante's description of, 512
Disposition, included in the larger
view of will, 94, 95
involves moral judgments, 94
one may be imperfectly conscious of, 95
consistent with formal freedom, 95
Dissecting-room, a juxtaposition of its
dixjccta memhra does not make men,
nor a mere accumulation of facts
science, 10
Divorce, why permitted to Hebrews,... 437
Hebrew wife had no right of, 437
Mosaic restraint upon, 437
in pagan Rome, 410, 411, 437
Docetic views of Christ's person, un-
scriptural, 201
Doeetic views of Inspiration, .. 153
Dogmatism, Tkue, 557-560-
Dore Gustave, his picture of the Del-
uge, 232
Dorner, on man not being a mere tan-
gent to God, 150
on docetic view of 1 nspiration. 153
his Eschatology unsatisfactory, 17B
'Doth he not leave the ninety and
nine?' its interpretation, 368
Doubt, theological, see Minister,
Dragoman, his office and importance,.. 476
Draper, his antagonism to metaphysics, 8
his statistical averages, 23
Dualism of consciousness, as inexplica-
ble as that of substance,. 70
Duns Scotus, an early Nominalist, 164
Dupont, shares profits with his em-
ployees, 450
Dwlght, Timothy, his views of the na-
ture of sin and virtue, 106
Eagle, a symbol of character, 396
its symbolism in Divine Comedy, 520
Earth, perhaps segregated from rest of
universe because of sin 364
East, Recollections Of The, 468-483
Easter-torches, a lesson from method
of lighting them at Jerusalem, 267
Economic Science, see Political Econ-
Education, like water rather than
vapor, 318
Education Of A Woman, 418-430
Education, some results visible, others
not, 418
its chief problem, a double one, 418
what etymologlcally, 418
more thau discipline, 418,419
imparts love and faculty for knowl-
edge, 419
is principally the impartation of
truth, ... 419
the teat of its success, 419
"the higher," a new signification
given to epithet, 420
requires close study, within a limited
sphere, 420
an improved, requires a reformation
commencing with elementary train-
ing 425
of John Stuart Mill, 425
of Niebuhr, 425
at Quiney, Massachusetts, 426
when active, begins with a boy, 427
notscholarship, 428
should elicit individuality, 480
Education, female, usually not exact, 420
may it embrace G reek and Latin? 421
should be broad, 421
should embrace all that enters into
men's, 421
ban mot regarding, by English bish-
op, 422
should include physical training, .. 422
Education, female, should Include do-
mestic economy, 422
should develop symmetrically the
whole being 422
effected largely by example, 422
should impart a good manner, 422
should not ignore Bible, 423
not essential ly different from a man's, 424
emphasizes studies specially appro-
priate to the student, 424
should not be on principle of co-edu-
cation, 424
time given to, at present too limited,
427, 428
arrested by undue attention to trifles,
proceeds best in quiet, 429
Educators, their work, 418
Edwards, Jonathan, Bancroft on his
services to philosophy and religion, 5
his estimate of philosophical studies, 14
a Bcrkeleian, 59
based identity on decree of God, 72
bis theory of will neglects some facts
of the case - 114,120
on philosophical necessity . 120
through his identity-system Idealism
has affected theology, 167
how he became an Idealist, 1*8
no traducian 16
Iils explanation of our union with
Adam,.... 168
denied substance, 168
his theory of imputation 168
was heaPlacean? 168
taught continuous creation, 168
located responsibility not in sin as a
nature but as an activity, 168
on Justification, 224
did not wish statements of a material
Hell and its physical torments to be
understood literally, 514
Efficient cause, what? 92
Kyo, alone puts forth and is conscious
of force, 42
Egypt, Recollections of ....468-474
Egypt, spring morning in, 468
its welcome to travelers, 468
the landscape in 470, 471
sunset and night in, 474
donkey-boys of, 470,473, 474
ignorance of. in middle ages, 500
Election, God's, founded on reasons ex-
isting in himself 108
Elements, chemical, their adaptation to
each other, 43
Eliot, George, her writings generally
materialistic, 31
on the reward of duty, 161
her moral indlfferentism, 531
ber exaggeration of heredity 533
Emerson, on man as here, not to work,
but be worked upon, 24
Emerson, his idea of the poet,. 525-
is better than his philosophy, when be
teaches the response 'I can' to
duty's 'Thou must,' 533
Emerson, Dr. G. H., his statement as to
foundation of doctrine of proba-
tion after death, 127
Emmons, on moral character of an ac-
tion inhering not in its cause but in
its nature, 117
on impossibility of independent
agency, 169*
Empiricism, its influence on Priestley, 7
on other philosophers, 7, 8
Empyrean in Dante's Paradise, 509
'Br &«Z, 553
Encyclopaedists, their philosophy, 7,32
End in nature controls choice of means, 28
Endosmosis, a certain, of Christian in-
fluence, 56
Enthusiasm, defined, 553-
Epic poetry always individual In its
subjects, 506
Epicureanism, a materialistic develop-
ment in era of great deterioration, 32
Epicurus, his philosophy antagonized
by that of Aristotle and Plato 15-
Erasmus, his policy, 278
Errors, how serviceable, 16
Eternity of matter, if accepted, leads
toward atheistic evolution, 57
Ethics, what, according U> Spencer?... 55
Eugenie, Empress, anecdote of 465
Europe in thirteenth century Nil, 502
Evangelization of heathen must begin
in the family life, 416
Evolution, if proved, merely a mode of
divine action 28
Evolution, The Philosophy Of,. 39-57
Evolution, the present philosophical
fashion, SB-
succeeds Positivism, 39-
avails itself of spoils of preceding
systems, 40*
is powerfully advocated, 40-
violates the spirit of the Baconian
philosophy, 40
rests physical truth on a priori reason-
ing. 41
assumes as postulate an imperfect
definition of force, 41
excludes will, 42
teaches that matter, mind and motion
come from force, 43,44
fails in its explanation of life, 45, 46
to soim; extent recognized by believ-
ers in revelation, 45
fails to account for mind 4<.
fails to account for soul 46
fails to account for Christ, 46
fails to explain <i priori knowledges,
shuts out knowledge of God, 50-53
Evolution, its exp anation of feeling of
moral obligation, 53
teaches that action is right became
useful, . 54
teaches that conscience is the mind's
power of comparing utilities, 55
a fascinating system of monism, 55
is destructive of morality, 56
its influence already felt in art and
literature, 56
Evolution in the history of a redeemed
soul, 161, 162
Ex nUtihi mn nia.liuut, a suggested axiom
for Comte. 10
Exchange, a central doctrine of Polit-
ical Economy, i. 450
admits the principle of mutual ad-
vantage, 450
Exodus, 15: 11 188
Exegesis, New Testament, should be
thorough, 325
should be broad 325, 326
English, its stages, 326
should be bold 326, 327, 328
should be reverent, 328, 329
Exercise-system, originates in teaching
of Edwards, 168
its nature explained, 160
tends to Pantheism 169
makes supernatural religion impos-
sible 169
destroys sense of sin, 169
impugns the divine character, 169
Existence of God, see God
Experience, requires a prior mental
potency, 9
is but" the stern-lights of a ship,"... 140
warrants merely an expectation, 140
according to Huxley never warrants
'must,' 140
of the truth, not the limit of the
preacher's proclamation, 172
Faith, fundamental to philosophy, 21
in our mental powers, a part of our
nature, 21
all science in its last analysis rests
on, 21
a higher, may be dormant in the soul
awaiting divine vivitlcation, 21
defined, 88
a kind of knowledge, 99
Faith, The Measure Of Success,.572-575
Kali, see Adam
Falsehood, every, hits a grain of verity, 32
Fanaticism, its nature, 584
Fatalism, refuted by knock-down argu-
ment, 21
its rejection does not require accept-
ance of caprice-theory of will 99
a false Calvinism merges in 118
Fatimite Caliphs, their cruelties to
Christian pilgrims, ...: 486
Faucet, an unturned, illustration from, 257
Fechner, bis "psychology without a
soul," 69
'Fetish, Great,' suggested title for earth
in the Comtian cult, 13
Feudalism, its nature, 490
influence of Crusades on 498
Feuerbach, his mechanical philosophy, 31
his maxim, 'man is what he eats,' 37
Fichte, his 'we are all born in faith,'... 21
reduces all knowledge to knowledge
of self, 60
merges the Absolute In the Ego, 60
his illustration of the unchangcable-
nessof natural sequences, 134, 135
Fijians, matricide among, 411
Final cause, its principle —work to-
ward ends—in ourselves 26
science dependent on principle of,... 26
H. B. Smith's illustration of, 92
Final causes merged by Positivists in
totality of secondary or efficient
causes, 11, 12, 26
F'inality, immanent, or unconscious in-
intelligence 26
has secured acceptance by many
scientists, 26
illustrated by instinct of b<«, 26
illustrated by unconscious formation
of language, 26
illustrated by spontaneity of genius. 26
a theory which loses sight of man,... 27
Finney, Charles G., in Rochester, N. 1\, 387
Foraminifcta, illustration from, 244
Force, an alleged ultimate, of which
perceived forces are modiflca-
tions, 6
its idea from our consciousness of
power present in every act of will,. 25
not a property of matter, 33
as observed in arrangements of uni-
verse must be mental, 33
must be postulated as behind and pre-
vious to all things, 41
an inseparable correlate of effort and
will, 41-43
conviction of its existence "deep as
very nature of mind," 41
put forth by the ego or mind, 42
the process by which, according to
Spencer, it becomes ' forces', unex-
plained, 42, 43
alone cannot explain motion, 44
according to old and new materialism, 59
F"ox, C. J., on Burke's style of oratory, vii
France, the greatest problem of recon-
struction there, 452
Francesca da Rimini, how Dante treats
the story, 513
Franchise, not necessary appendage of
mere humanity, 407
Fraud, its future punishment according
to Dante 512
Free agency, defined, 221
Freedom, human, irreconcilable with
divine sovereignty 6
according to determinism, 90,118
according to caprice-theory, 90
best method of investigating, 90, 91
theories of Augustine, Calvin, and
Edwards regarding 114
normal, what? '114
and divine sovereignty, how treated
by Robertson and Cecil, 115, 116
and divine sovereignty, Paul's sub-
lime acceptance of both, 115, 116
must not be exclusive datum of a sys-
tem of doctrine, 116
according to Fatalism, 118
Freedom in unregenerate, to choose a
less degree of sin rather than a
greater, 119
to refuse to yield to certain tempta-
tions, 119
to do outwardly good acts, 119
to seek God from self-interest, 119
to give attention to abstract truth
from love of it, 119
to give attention to God's claims, 119
involves responsibility 120
Free will, what? 55
destroyed by Spencer's philosophy... 55
can add to original sin, 121
French, excei in literary style, 538
Frescoes at Pompeii 56
Fundamental disposition of character
cannot be self-changed, 119
Furies, Greek, punish offenses though
unwittingly committed, 120
•Gnllus, Caius Sulpicius, his divorce of
his wife, 410
Oarbett, llampton lecturer, on contend-
ing for the faith, 558
Gardner on mind giving matter its chief
meaning,. 36
Garfield, President, Sermon
Preached Un His Death, 347-357
.Garfield, President, should remember
his character, 347, 348
an example of the American type of
man, 348
his varied career, 34f*, 349
drifts into preaching, 348
advocates sound currency, 348
his public and private virtues, 349
his undue concessions to the pressure
of party, 354
,Garfield's death, attended by alleviating
circumstances,.- 349
a permissive providence, 349
an answer to prayer, 349, 350
a source of blessing to the nation.... 350
an education in patriotism, i!50
a quickening of world-wide sym-
pathy, &50
not a fruit of conspiracy, 351
Garfield's death, should lead to more
prayer for our governors, 351
should secure a penitent consider-
ation of the national sin which was
its indirect cause, 351, 352
a time for public utterances, 354
its lesson to each citizen, - 357
'Gender, soul has none,' the statement
examined, 404
Genesis, 2:18; 3 : 24, 400
Geology, as earth's autobiography, con-
tains no account of its birth, 45
Gerbert, an early preacher of Crusades, 486
Gerizim, ascent of 482
Germany, progress of Baptist princi-
clplesln 243
Giants, the primeval, their punishment
in Hell according to Dante, 512
Gladiatorial shows at Home, outcome
of a false philosophy, 56
God, interpreted by mind, 3
according to Mandsley, a mere Brah-
ma, 12
limited by nothing outside of himself, 12
self-limited, 12, 51, 75, 76
we have an intuitive knowledge of
his existence, 16
Intuitive knowledge of, blunted by
sin, 16
intuition of, brightened by the com-
ing of Christ, 17
his presence in nature, a source of
comfort, 29
is master of nature, 29
can all that he will, but wills not all
that he can, 43
Immanent in universe yet transcend-
ent, 46
usually works by natural laws 46
may work by direct exercise of will,. 46
his existence un a prityrl truth, 48
in what sense cognized by human
mind, 50
can know him without a mental im-
age of him, 51
in what sense infinite, 51, 76
in what sense absolute 51, 75
we know him in relation, 52
Spencer practically confesses to a
knowledge of, 52
according to Berkeley may directly
cause sensations, --- 58
his existence not defensible by Ideal-
ist, - 69
according to Idealism, is a series of
ideas, — 70
can do more than create ideas, 71
may give relative independency to
portions of physical force 71
knowledgeof, its conditions, 71, 89
the term defined, 75
duty of those destitute of affectional
conditions for knowledge of, 89
God. the direct author of sin in the
heart, according to scheme of Hop-
kins and Emmons, 117
influence of Nominalism on concep-
tions of his nature and attributes,.. 164
as "thesimply One." unknowable,... 165
idea of, lost with that of substance,.. 166
immanence of, unduly prominent in
New Theology, 167
as described in one hundred and
fourth Psalm, 181
his relation to Cosmos as set forth by
Paul. 181
not an unintelligent, unconscious
principle, 181
as the author of man, must himself
think and will, 181
a personal Being in the highest sense, 182
possosses a will of infinite freedom
and power, 182
is sufficient to himself, 182,183
his eternal independence and self-suf-
ficiency rest on the Trinity in his na-
ture, 183, 191
not compelled to create, 183
presentin all "lawsof nature," 184
above all " laws of nature," 185
nature to him as "a loose mantle,"... 185
offended as a living person by sin, 185
reconciled himself by Atonement,... 186
personally interested in Creation,
Providence and Redemption, 186
his will and heart seen in Incarnation
and Atonement, 187
his attributes, their nature, 189
self-preserving, 191
his working in a soul in no sense sus-
pends its activities, 550
God, existence of, not demonstrable by
argument 80
proposed arguments tor, four, 81-85
Cosmologieal argument for, HI
Teleological argument for, 82, 83
Moral or Anthropological argument
for, 83.84
Ontological argument for, 84
defects in all arguments for, 84, 85
presupposed in all logical processes,. 85
an intuitive knowledge 86
his leadings in Providence 560, 561
his leadings by the Spirit, 561. 562
God, Holiness of, its first mention in
Bible, 188
perfect, 190
proceeds from his very being, 190
is sublimely energetic, 190
asserts itself,.. 190, 191
is a positive thing, 191
not a mere antithesis to evil, 191
its relation to his justice, 191
its relation to law, 192
finds expression in his anger, 192
its relation to benevolence, 193
God, holiness of, not utilitarian, 104V
is not love to universe, 194
is not a means to an end, 194
co-existent with his love, 19i>
his primary and fundamental attri-
bute.., 195, 196
light thrown upon its place in divine
character by man's moral constitu-
tion 196, 196
is reason for punishment of persistent-
ly sinful, 197
and his love, reconciled in Atonement, 197
its majesty set forth in life and death
of Christ, 198
enhances his love to sinners, 198
sight of, preliminary often to a sight
of the divine love 199>
the practical effects of the study of,.. 199
God, idea of, may be described as char-
acterizing human nature, 76
its prevalence among mankind, 76-79
present when not formally asserted,. 77
present though rudimentary, 77
men In mass have entertained, 77
testimonies to the generality of, 78
implicit existence of, how attested,.. 78
developed on suitable occasion being
given, 78, 79
how accouuted for, 79-87
not from external revelation, 79
presupposed in either true or false re-
ligions 79
not from sense-perception or reflec-
tion, 79, 80
not from consciousness, 80-
not from conscious process of reason-
ing, 80
intuitive 86
God, intuitive knowledge of, dimmed
by sin, 86
influence of argument on, 87
hel ped by revelation, 87
assumed by Scripture, 87
Spencer denies that it is adequate to
purposes of science, 87
not an accretion of past experiences, 87
not present with brutes 87
Infinite, and cannot therefore arise
from any combination of finitcs,... 87
as valid as any belief in the Unknow-
able or in the Persistence of Force, 87
is a faith, and yet is foundation of a
science, 88
God, justice of, is transitive holiness,.. 191
requires creation for its existence,... 192
the publication and enforcement of
his nature, 198
reveals law 192
is legislative holiness, 192
is executive holiness, 192
the detecter and punisher of moral
evil 192
consistent with compassion, 193-
God, justice of, is not capricious, 193
invariable 195, 196
.God, love of, what it is, 198
cannot be resolved into holiness,.193, 194
chooses its objects, 195
the ground of his chastisements, 195
not the ground of punishment, 195
co-exists with holiness, 195
is optional, 196
conditioned by holiness, 196
absent from the inflictions of the fu-
ture, 197
and his holiness, reconciled in Atone-
ment, 197
best understood in light of his holi-
ness, 198
Goi>, The Living, 180-187
'God, the living,' a common designa-
tion in Scripture 180
the promulgation of its idea, the duty
of the Hebrews, 180
implies an all-originating andall-Sus-
taining life in God,... 180 I
implies that God has a life of the
Spirit, conscious, intelligent and
self-determining, 180
a conception of, delivers from the
tyranny of the modern idea of law, 183
a conception of, gives new vividness
and realitj» to God's dealings with
our individual souls, 185
brightest revelation of, in the incar-
nation, 187
'God's Providence our Inheritance,'.. 561
Good deeds, after doer's death rise to
heaven, 330
live on earth, 330
Gi>Uexbcuwxxtxein, 80
Graduation, feelings suitable to the oc-
casion of 544
Gravitation, its nature unknown, 33
a uniform and conscious expression
of mind and will, 42
Greek Exegesis, A Great Teacher
OF, 330-336
Greek literature, its introduction into
Europe 500
Green, a Hegelian, 61
Gregory of Nyssa, opposes pilgrimages, 485
Growth into moral goodness impossible
In fallen man, 112
Guibert, Abbot, on the Crusades, 493
Guizot, on Providence. 390
on causes of Crusades, 489, 490
Gunsaulus, Transfiguration of Christ,
quoted, 74
Gustavus Adolphus, his public vow,... 228
Guy of Lusignan, his career, 490
Gymnasium a useful appendage to a
Theological Seminary, 307
Gymnasia, German, have an elementary
theological course, 321
Bible closely studied in, 423 I
Habit, what? 575
how cultivated, 577
Habits In The Ministry, 575-578
H ACKETT, Processor Horatio B., Ad-
Dress At His Fi;nerai„ 330-336
Hackett, Professor Horatio B., on In-
crease of educated ministers about
Boston, 301
caught his exegetleal enthusiasm
from Stuart of Andover, 331
became a Baptist, 331
the Nestor of Greek exegesis in Bap-
tist denomination, 331
his influence not confined to Baptists, 332
his characteristics as a teacher,.. .332-335
revisits Germany, 335
his sudden death, 335
wide-spread regret at,. 336
his death alluded to, 554
Hadrian, his demolition of Jerusalem,. 484
Hale, Sir Matthew, his belief in witches, 147
Hall, Robert, loses his materialistic
views at the grave of his father 37
Hamilton, Sir William, on no difficulty
emerging in theology which has not
emerged in philosophy, 14
the injurious consequences of his doc-
trine of the relativity of knowledge, 16
relegates idea of divine existence to
realm of faith, 16, 88
his teachings opened up way to Ideal-
ism, 16
sought to remedy defects of Reld,... 61
showed absurdity of representative
perception, 62
admitted a vitiating ideal element
into our knowledge of an external
object, 62
failed to explain why nan-ego must
be extended, 62
the limits of his Natural Realism, 62
his concessions to Idealism, 62
his classification of Idealists, 62, 63
his treatment of Objective Idealism,. 63
his reply to T. Collyns Simon, 64
grants too much to Berkeley, 64
on logical absurdity of demonstrating
the absolute from the relative, 84, 85
his view of will, 123
Haroun al Raschld, his generosity, 485
Harris, a Hegelian, 61
Hartley, his theory of vibrations. 7
Hartinann, a contributor to our knowl-
edge of the facts of man's nature,.. 97
Harvard, feelings in its Memorial Hall, 277
its legend, 285
Hazard on foreknowledge not essential
to supreme governing power of
universe, 100
Heathen, our impression of their guilt
weakened by New Theology, 176
can claim nothing from God, 176
are guilty, 176
Heathen, have a manifestation of Christ
in this life, 176
have a universal sense of sin, 176
Christ is doing supra-historic work
among them 176
may have an implicit faith in Christ, 177
may implicitly reject him 177
Heathen lands, Christ yearns over, more
than over Christian 369
Heaven, its rewards, 160,161
a realm of crowned heads, 162
a place of historic retrospect, 365
Heavens, the nine of Dante, 508,509
Hebrews, their purpose in history, 180
Hebrews2: 11, ("of one").explained,.. 209
Hegel developed the subjective ten-
dencies of Kant's philosophy, 8
the influence of his transcendental
Idealism, 31
his explanation of the development
of the One into the Many, 60
makes the rational the real, 90
his system opposed by the fact that
personal wills war against the ra-
tional, '. 60
with him "thinking thinks,"...61, 70,166
his teachings, a counter-weight to ag-
nostic materialism, 61
has found able advocates, 61
his teachings end by opposing facts
of history and morality, 61
regards God as universal, impersonal
intelligence and will, 167
his view of the soul, 167
on Christianity 'seeking the living
among the dead,' 484
Hegelian revival, these are days of,— 533
Helena, and the Holy Places of the East, 455
Hell, according to Dante, 508
inscription over its gate, 510
sign of God's estimate of sin,. 514
its fire nnd brimstone, of whatsymbol-
ical, - 514
many men already there in this life,. 514
ascent from, to Purgatory, how ac-
complished, 515
Hell-gate rock, illustration from its re-
moval, 380
"Help-meet" explained, 400
Henry Fourth at Canossa, 487
Heredity, confirmatory of Scripture
doctrine of unity of race 165
Hickok's illustration of the principle of
causality, 10
Higginson's question, "Ought women
to learn the alphabet," 421
Hiqh-mindedness, 580-583
Hildebrand, his character, 486
his failure to originate a Crusade,.. 486
History, on Spencer's principles, a fa-
talistic development, 55
History, Church, And One Who
Tadoht rr 337-343
History, mediaeval, its cardinal point,.. 497
History, and natural history, related,339-
Hohenstaufen, house of, its efforts 49T
Holbach, D\ J. Baron, a French sensa-
tionalist philosopher, 58-
HOLINESS Of God, The, 188-200-
Holiness, a reward of heaven 161
what? 189
only approximate among men, 189,190
binding on men apart from results,.. 194
its supremacy will be acknowledged
by an assembled universe, 200
Holland, its pile-supported cities, illus-
tration from, 3
Holmes on man. 13
Holy-places, their true place in religion, 484
Holyoake's description of the results of
Positivism, 13
Homiletics. a part of Theological Semi-
narytraining, 304
Htnuxtum, Cicero on, 55-
Hooker, on Inspiration, 148
Hopkins, on the moral quality of an
action being only in its nature, 117
on God as the cause of every event,. 169
Horse-back riding in Palestine, 475
Hotchkiss, Rev'd V. R.. D. D., a teacher
of Bible In the original languages at
Rochester Theological Seminary,.. 344
an ardent lover and student of the
Bible 344
his general information, 346
peculiarities of his instruction, 346
love of Bible-lands,.. 346
Howe, John, on inscription on Temple
at Delphi 4
Hughes, Archbishop, on the impressi-
bility of early life, 416
'Humanity collective,' an object of
worship in Cointe's new religion,... 13
Hume, David, makes a further applica-
tion of Berkeley's principle, 59, 166
Sydney Smith's witticism upon. - 59
his exclamation to Ferguson 73
urges that he never saw a world
made, 81
stigmatizes miracle as a violation or
suspension of natural law, 133
his argument against miracles a pef<~
tititri>rincipU, 143, 144
Humility, Augustine on, 582'
Humists, what the soul is to them, 50
some modern, 59
Hunt on matricide among FIjians, .411, 412
Hunt, Holman, his "Shadow of the
Cross" referred to, 202
"Husband of one wife," its meaning, . 441
Husbandmen, excluded from Plato's
ideal government, 44T
Huxley, Thomas, the subservience of
some divines to him, 9
his researches conducted in a mate-
rialistic spirit, 31
Huxley, Thomas, declares spontaneous
action an absurdity, 36, 37
his definition of matter, 59
ou the absurdity of wasting time on
"lunar politics,". 75 |
on substituting' the " must" of neces-
sity for the " will " of law, WO
Hypocrisy, its future punishment ac-
cording to Dante, 512
Ice-floe, illustration from an incident
upon, 256
Idea, In nature, what? 34
as regarded by absolute Idealist, 62
in non-egoistical Idealism, 62
does not guarantee actual exist-
ence, 84
according to Hegel, 97
Ideal, an, its advantage to the young, 19
Ideas, in nature, solely product Of
mind, 33
according to Berkeley, ... 63
according to modern idealism, 65
distinct from cognition of them, 65
and things, distinct from each other
according to common-sense, 66
Idealism, declares matter spirit, 6
its consummation, pantheism, 8
Idealism, Modern, 58-74
Idealism, its teaching, 58
originates with Locke, 58
as taught by Hume, 59
as taught by Humists 59
its mischievous effects, . 59
Kant's reaction against, 59, 60
Flchte's modification of, 60 j
of Hegel, extreme, 60.61
of Hegel, its influence, 61
Hamilton's concessions to, 62-64
Hamilton's classification of, 62
Idealism, modern, bow held by Lot//;, . 63
Berkeley's varying views of, 63
reasons for its prevalence, 64, 65
the objective form of, freest from ob-
jection, 65, 66
objective form of, compared with
natural realism, 66
assumes that mind can know only
ideas, 66
inconsistent with itself 66
must grant existence of self before
cognition of ideas, 66, 67
cannot consistently maintain that the
object perceived is different from
the act of perception, 67
Professor Knight on, 6"
ignores difference between body and
idea of body, 67
confounds outness with distance,...67, 68
finds in self the ground of unity for
mental phenomena, 68
should find in material substance
ground of unity for material phe-
nomena 68
Idealism, modern,confounds conditions
of external knowledge with objects
of knowledge, 68, 6>
each advocate of, must consistently
deny existence of any other save
himself, «»
takes refuge in consciousness of God,
69, 70
view of God, according to 70
is monistic, 70
denies that mind can know matter,.70, 71
its influence on Christian faith, 71-74
destroys distinction between possible
and actual, 71, 72
destroys distinction between truth
and error, 72
should logically declare that God is
the only cause in the realm of spirit,
72. 78
strikes at the roots of morality, 73
leads to solipsism, 73
as injurious as materialism, 73, 74
why opposed by Hamilton, 73
best remedy for, 74
its advocates, 166
its nature, 166
teaches an exaggerated Individualism, 166
commencing In particulars ends by
giving up individuality, 167
adopted by many modern theolo-
gians, 167
Identity, absolute, the system of, de-
clares matter and spirit formsof one
underlying substance, 6
Identity, based by Jonathan Edwards
on the absolute decree of God, 71
system of Edwards and the New The-
ology, 167
Idolatry, what? 484
Image, mental, not necessary to knowl-
edge, 50
Imagination, what? 527
alone, will not make a poet, 531
shares in man's eternal progress 543-
Impressions, mental, require thing im-
pressed and thing which impresses, 43
Incontinence, sins of, according to
Dante, 511
Inconceivability, to make it a test of
knowledge, erroneous, 51
Indestructibility of matter, a relative
not an absolute truth 44
Individuality, typified by nature, 156
In men's bodies and souls, 156
illustrates God's freedom, 156
men's, inferences from, 157-163
implies that each is guilty of peculiar
sins,.. 157
of sin, renders it a peculiar insult to
God and influence for evil, 157
of sin, requires a peculiar account to
God, 157
Individuality, of sin, renders each " the
sinner" and "chief of sinners," 158
of man, requires the adaptation of
peculiar wisdom and grace to save
him, 158
requires a personal election and call,. 158
requires an intercession on behalf of
each, 158
requires personal leadings of Provi-
dence 159
requires special discipline, 159
involves a special experience, 159
implies a peculiar work to do for God,
159, 160
involves a peculiar reward, 160
raised in heaven to its intensest
power, 161
should be characteristic of minister,. 555
Induction, Dr. Porter on, 85
Dr. Peabody on, 85
warrants only an expectation, 140
rests ultimately on fact of universal
design HO, HI
Inertia, a property of matter, 33
means that matter is not self-moving, 44
Infinite, because undefined, said to be
unknowable, 51
God is. as being: the ground of the
finite, 51, 76
Inspiration, Its Method, 148-155
Inspiration, differences of opinion as to
method of, 148
the dictation theory of, according to
Hooker, 148
involves instances of direct dictation, 148
a manifestly human element in, 148
Quenstedt's view of, 148
dictation-theory of, will not cover
all the facts, 149
dictation-theory, passage alleged in
its favor, examined, 149
dictation-theory of, contradicts the
usual method of God's working in
the soul 149
is a union of the human and the di-
vine, 150, 153
is more than mere " general instruc-
tions," 150, 151
the help of God granted in 161
something like the afflntux exper-
ienced hy divinely helped preacher,
theorists upon, affected by their views
of the miraculous, 152
in, God speaks through not to man,... 153
more than illumination, 153
God in, can transcend the powers of
man's mental and moral nature, 153
docetic view of inspiration, 153
its products attract by their hu-
man ness, 153
permits every imperfection in its pro-
ducts not inconsistent with truth,.. 153
Inspiration, how knowledge is com-
municated therein, 153
defined, 153
does not require the communication
of words 154
in what sense it extends to all Scrip-
ture, 155
are there degrees of ?...'. 155
Browning's teachings on, 535
'Instruments in the hands of God,'the
statement guarded 550
Intelletual nature, man's, disproves ma-
terialism, 35
Intellectual Philosophy, its results as
real as t hose of physical obscrvatW .n, 20
Intellectual pursuits, their advantages, 563
Intelligence, theory of an unconscious,
in nature, stated and refuted,. .26, 27, 83
Intelligences, myriads engaged in di-
vine messages to this earth, 364
Interpretation, Biblical, its status at
end of second quarter of the cen-
tury, 331
fourfold, according to Dante 505
Intuition, Schelling's theory of direct, 60
its relation to truth, 171
Intuitions, primitive, called into con-
sciousness by outward influences,.- 21
cannot be got rid of, 22
what according to Spencer, 50
Kant's view of, 60
more than regulative,.. 60
Irving, Edward, his error 215
Isaiah's vision, its bearing on missions,. 389
Isocrates' encomium on Heraclitus ap-
plied to Browning, 542
Italian cities in the middle ages, 499
Jackals in Palestine, 477
Jaffa visited, 477
James, Henry, his novels character-
ized, 561
Janet, on will setting in motion a series
of events which could not have oc-
curred without its interposition,... 24
Jeremiah, 10: 10, 180
Jericho, its ruins, 477
Jerome opposes pilgrimages, 486
Jerusalem, its appearance,. 478
Jesus, Society of, as an example, 367
Jevons, on author of Baconian philos-
ophy 40
Jocularity not incompatible with se-
riousness, - 536
John of Damascus, an early theologian, 4
John, 21: 21,22, 156
John the Baptist, his mission 227
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, of Yale, his in-
fluence on Jonathan Edwards, 188
Jones, Sir William, on "What consti-
tutes a State?" 447
Joppa visited, 477
Jordan, the varied character of its
course, 476
Josephus, description of Christ in his
works interpolated, 203
Joy, a reward of Heaveu, 161
Jude, 3, expounded, 558
Judea, Wilderness of, its description,.. 479
Judecca, the lowest Hell according to
Dante, 512, 513
Judgment, the final, John Nelson's
dream of, . 529
Kaffirs, Koussa, state of women among, 411
Kant, outcome of his philosophy, 8
his idea of our conception of God,... 16
his revolt against idealistic skepti-
cism, 59, 61
showed that sense perceptions in-
volve a priori conceptions, 60
failed to see that the testimony to the
noumena is as valid as that to the
phenomenn, 60
only claimed for intuitions a subjec-
tive or regulative existence, 60
his refutation of the ontological ar-
gument for the existence of God... 84
maintained that things conform to
cognition not cognition to things,.. 84
on women's carrying learning for
show as they carry useless watches, 422
Kaulbach's picture in the Royal Mu-
seum, Berlin, referred to 17
Kemble, Mrs., her impulse when before
an audience, 429
Kentucky, underground rivers of,
types of human impulses below
consciousness, 96
'Kept,' its double meaning in Genesis
3 : 24, 393
Khayyam, Omar, his fatalistic teach-
ing, 533
Kindergarten, its success, 425
Kinodom Of God And Its Comino, 358-36"
.Kingdom of God, Christ its King, 358
world-kingdoms imperfect types of,. 358
the only truly universal monarchy,.. 359
how prophesied, 359
set u p in soul, 360
its pledge of naturalization, the Holy
Spirit, 360
typified by divine rule in nature, 360
is of grace and not of force, 361
an actual union with the life of God
in Christ, 362
is one, 362
its erection the great end of God's
economy of redemption, 363
is not of this earth alone, 363
once established is never destroyed,.. 364
its almost Incredible greatness 365
it shall come, 365
agencies through which it comes, 365
demands the best energies of every
young man, 366
Kingdom of God, its majesty furnishes
an incitement to labor, 366
it shall bo a blessed place to the true
laborer, 367
to foes a falling stone grinding to
powder, 367
King's Chamber in Great Pyramid 473
Klngsley, Charles, on ancient tragedy,. 533
Kinship with the sinning a ground of
sympathetic suffering, 217
'Know ' explained as ' limit' or 'define,' 51
Knowledge rests on more than facts,.. 10
Spencer's theory of, 47
according to Spencer, transformed
sensations, 50
its sources according to Locke, 58
involves more than is conveyed by
sensation, 68
does not require identity between
knowerand thing known, 70
how much a man may lawfully ac-
quire 463
Knowledge, relativity of, 47
term borrowed from Mansel and
Hamilton 47
a watchword of Spencer's philoso-
phy, 47
puts into our knowledge a vitiating
subjective element, 47
a reprehensible mystification of truth, 48
Knox, encomium upon, 557, 280
Krauth on Idealism, 71
Krupp, adopted co-operative system at
Essen, 456
Labor, its advantages to a sinful race,. 391
its place In Political Economy, 446
chief origin of wealth, 446
Hobbes on, 446
Adam Smith on, 446
division of, its advantages, 448
productive and unproductive, 449
its value rests on mental and moral
qualities entering Into 449
its value ascertained by regarding it
as "service,".. 449
is likely to have a larger share of
profits than previously, 455
Landor, Walter Savage, on Browning,. 535
Language, formation of, an instance of
unconscious intelligence, 26
Laplace, his scheme of universe, 44
Law, fixed and not phenomenal, 10
produces phenomena, 10
involves causation 11
essential to logic, 11
natural, God's ordinary channel of
working, - 46
imperceptible to the senses, 48
new conception of, confirmatory of
Scripture-realism, 165
perfection of divine, 176
as related to God, 184
tyranny of modern Idea of, 184
Law, not an exhaustive expression of
divine will, 185
God's, a transcript of his being, 192
holiness in requirement, 192
divine and human, not co-ordinate,
245, 216
Laws of nature, what? . 184
how inun uses them, 181, 185
Laying-on of hands in Ordination, con-
veys no new grace, 265
symbolic of public side of ordination, 265
conveys authority, 265
Leadership, Training Fok, 311-318
Leaders, church must have, 314
Leadership desirable in the church 314
training for needed, 315
requires confidence in the truth, 317
Leadinos, God's, 560-562
Learning, according to Lord Bacon, 463
Leaving The Ninety And Nine,... 368-377
Lecky's philosophy, its results 58
Leclaire, his conduct as employer, 455
Leibnitz, his nixi intcltechis, 58
Leighton, Archbishop, on the ministry, 299
Leasing, on a revelation revealing noth-
ing, 1211
Lewes, his antagonism to metaphysics, 8
his idea of philosophy, 49
Leyden jar, brain resembles, 552
Licensure, what? 260
Life, superior to mechanical and chem-
ical forces, 34
its relation to protoplasm, 34
reveals idea both in animal and plant, 34
originates from preceding life
not the result but cause of organiza-
its origin from inorganic elements, an
unscientific assumption, 35
comes from an immaterial source,... 35
a reward of heaven, 161
present, finality of its decisions, 177
human, modern idea of its sacredness, 207
'Like people, like priest,' good sense of
adage, 557
Limitation, self-, divine, involved in
God's perfection, 75
greatest proof of will and power, 186
shown in person of Christ,. 186
Lion-like features of character, what? 396
Lives, human, according to Pantheism, 8
'Living creatures,' term applied to
cherubim, 396
'Living Temple,' Howe's,alluded to,... 4
Locke, his influence,. 5,7
derives our knowledge from sensa-
tion, 58
his notion of reflection, 58
not always consistent, 58
his dictum, 58
opened the way to French sensation-
alism, 58
influence of his teaching on morals, .. 58
Locke, influence of his teaching on re-
ligion,... 5»
influence on Berkeley, 58
Kant's criticism on his system, 60
on Inspiration, 155
influence on modern Idealism, 166
Logic, an overweening, at war with the
existing qualities of nature, 6
requires recognition of law, 11
Lombards and Pope Alexander IIi, 499
Lotze, his Idealism, 62
Love defined 193
"Love and Death." a painting by Watts, 525
"Love and Life," a painting by Watts, 5J5
Lucretius revived in modern material-
ists, 39
the influence of his teachings, 56
Luke 24: 26, 213
Luther, his mistake in not founding
Theological Semluaries, 300
Luxuries, required by high mental de-
velopment, 464
consumption of, how far right for
Christian, 464 , 467
Luxury, must not waste money in, 465
a temperate, what? 465
must be consistent with love of God
and man, 465
must not be permitted to harden
heart, 466
must not make this life the chief ob-
ject, 466
must be means to a higher end, 466
must not interfere with claims of re-
ligion, 466
indulgence in, a question of personal
conscience, 466, 467
Lyall, William, on will, 123
LyeU, Sir Charles, on geology as earth's
autobiography 45
M. C. B., the legend on the Maecabean
standard, 367
Madonna della Seggiola of Raphael, de-
scribed 413
Maker, in what sense man is 527
Malice, its punishment according to
Dante, 512
\Ian inl mucriszt, 37
Man, a drop of water which can reflect
heaven and earth, 8
each, born un Aristotelian or Platon-
ist, 23
a microcosm, 2*
conquers nature, 24
is what he eats, says Feuerbach, 37
cannot be evolved from mere brute,. 48
a drop of water which chooses wheth-
er it will fall into the Rhine or
Rhone, 123
the power which gave him being must
think and will, 181
never absolutely holy in this world, 189,190
Man, his duty to himself, 190,191
the intelligence and volet; of nature,. 395
before Fall, perhups the climax of
ereaturely perfectlon, 395
ennobled bythepossesfcionof the (qual-
ities typified by the cherubim. .395,396
how related to Pope and Emperor ac-
cording to Dante, 506
Mandevllle, Sir John, his travels, 500
Manhood, dignity of, taught by Chris-
tianity, 447
taught by Political Economy, 447
not an intuitive Idea, 447
denied by greatest masters of ancient
thought, 447
its development the aim of social sci-
ence, 448
prohibits that man be uxed, 448
Manhood In The Ministry, 548-557
Manse!, His treatment of religious 1aith
unsatisfactory, 16
his suggested practical answer to
Flchte's illustration of the un-
changeableness of natural se-
quences, 135
Maorics, fate of a wise man among, 318
Mar Saba, ascent to, 480
Marhelnecke, on the improbability of
women becoming too learned. 430
Marriage, covenant of, in Eden, 400
what it is, 406
age for, discussed 428
unlawful in one State may be lawful
in another 434
valid though both parties go Into an-
other Slate to evade laws of their
own, 436
by a person divorced in N. i'. State,
valid in that State, if legally con-
summated in another 434
to deceased wife's sister, though le-
gally consummated in Denmark,
held invalid in England 434
law of domicile applies to, according
to Lord Chancellor Campbell, 434
Judges Wcstbrook and Story would
apply law of domicile to, 434
of a person In N. Y. State not dissolved
by a divorce issued in Ohio, 435
should be equally with divorce under
law of domicile, 435
Hishop denies that law of domicile ap-
plies to, 436
*' wretched condition of law regard-
ing," 437
law of Scripture regarding, 437-440
sanctity of, among Hebrews, 437
formalities prescribed by Mosaic law
before its dissolution, their benefi-
cent Intent, 437
Christ's exposition of its original law, 438
some modification of Christ's teaching
by St. Paul, asserted and denied, 438
Marriage, not a mere civil contract, 442
an ordinance of God, 442
is the mutual merging in one another
of the personal liberties of the con-
tractors, , 442
not a mere partnership, 442
not a sacrament, 442
yet it is sacred, 442
law regulating, a part of international
law 433
has legal ubiquity of operation 433
its validity to be decided by law of
place where celebrated, 433
may be declared null and void In cer-
tain eases, wherever celebrated, by
express declaration of statute, 433
though illegal if contracted within X.
Y. State, yet if contracted without
the State is not illegal, because of
absence from Statutes of express
clause declaring such marriage null
and void, 433
the state of law in U. S. A. concerning, 434
Brook vs. Brook 434
Cropsey vs. Ogden, 435
Erken orach vs. Erkcnbrach, 437
Kerrlson vs. Kerrison, 434
Marshall vs. Marshall, 432, 433, 434
O'Dea vs.O'Dea, 437
People vs. Baker, 435
People vs. Hovey, 436
Ponsford vs. Johnson, 434
Thorp vs. Thorp, 436
Van Voorhis vs. Brintnall, 436
Martineuu, James, on philosophers
braining themselves, 9
on statistical averages) 24
on 'the ought to bo other than what
is.' 37
Martyr, Justin, on the youth of Christ, 202
Massey, Gerald, the poet of labor,
quoted on its anticipations, 457
Mastery of self, its nature, advantages
and conditions 563-566
Material cause, what? 92
Materialism, its vicious efforts after
monism, 6,7
the drift of unbelief 111 the present day, 31
colors science, literature, education,
philanthropy and theology of the
time, 31
must be met and neutralized by Chris-
tianity, 31
what? 31,32
propounded by Demouritus and Epi-
curus, 32
rises In periods of national and social
declension, 32
contains a small amount of truth, 32
a protest against Idealism, 32
ignores anything above or behind the
existence and working of material
elements, 32
Materialism, its refutation from three
different sources,
furnishes no proper cause for the uni-
verse, 33
its doctrine that force isa property of
matter untenable, 33
cannot explain the force subjected to
idea present in the universe, 33, 34
cannot explain the phenomena of life, 34
disproved by facts of our being, 35
cannot educe intellect from matter,.. 35
cannot reduce to physical measure-
ments thought or feeling,. 35
regards mind as a tablet on which seu-
sations make their mark,... 35
cannot make thought a link in any
series of material phenomena, 35
in its suggested explanation of mind
contradicts facts of consciousness,. 36
destroys free will, 36
its determinism, 36
its outcome rigidly necessitarian 36. 37
annihilates conscience, 3"
how Martineau came to revolt against
it, 37
gives up immortality of soul, 37
logically, it is Atheism, 37,38
disproved by facts of our religious ua-
ture, 38
in what it originates, 38
refuted by a souse of sin in the soul, 38
cannot explain the person of Christ,.. 38
impossible to the Berkelelau, 58
monistic in its scheme of the uni-
verse, — 70
an aruumcntum ail igunranttam,. 70
Materialistic Skepticism, 31-38
Mathematical truth, merely phenome-
nal, according to Positivism, 11
Matter, interpreted by mind, 3
and spirit, neither can be ignored,... 6
in the act of knowing it, what other
acts involved, 9
what, according to Positivism, . 11
not a sufficient cause for universe,... 33
in its last analysis, what? 43
Boscovitch's idea of, 43
if force, purely subjective 43
known with the same certainty we
know our existence, 43
not developed from loose forces in an
empty void. 44
indestructibility of, no a priori truth, 44
its inertia, 44
its motion inexplicable without ad-
justment, 44
external, Berkeley declined to postu-
late as cause of sensations, 58
definition of, by Mill, 59
definition of, by Huxley, 59
supposition of its existence, contrary
to common-sense according to
Berkeley, 59
Matter, according to prevailing philos-
ophy, 'only definable in terms of
sensation,' 64
only has meaning in connection with
mind, 66
its eternity held by most ante-Chris-
tian and many modern philosophers, 81
Maudsley. on design implying imper-
fection in God, 12
Maxwell, Professor Clerk, on atoms as
'manufactured articles,1 ,.. 44
McCosh, James, his scheme of philos-
ophy midway between Nescient and
Omniscient schemes, 15
Medicine, students of, in dauger of pass-
ing over spiritual facts, 19
Mechanical philosophy, the present
vogue, 31
employment destructive of virtue ac-
cording to Aristotle, 447
Memphis visited, 470, 475
Mental energy, not a physical force,... 35
not measured by physical tests, 35
Mental facts, demonstrable, 20
Mercantile theory, of Political Econ-
omy, its teachings and effects, 449
Metaphysical inquiry equally valid with
physicai, SO
Metaphysics, denied by philosophy of
Nescience, 8
and theology, both declared by Comte
a relic of the infancy of the race,... 13
a science of, 20
at basis of all other science, 20, 21
many terms of science have their
meaning from, 21,22
unconsciously admitted bydeniers,.. 22
Metellus, Censor, his opinion of women,
Middle Ages, great idea of, 492
Mihi Vircrc Chrixlm, a motto, 585
Mill, John Stuart, his erudition and acu-
men, 8
his inconsistency in use of word
'cause,' 22
Iils opinion of validity of mathemati-
cal axioms, 49
a Humist, 59
his definition of matter, 59
his definition of mind, 59
his object of worship, 77
his argument from seeming imperfec-
tions in nature, 83
on ' Sullied ton of Women,' 403
on marriage, 407
his portrait, 525
his idea of God in relation to uni-
verse, 542
Milton, John, his influence on English
religious thought, 507
Mind, not a modification effected In
brain of a common ultimate physi-
cal force, 6
Mind, what, according to philosophy of
Nescience, 8
as open to investigation as matter,... 9
what, according to Positivism, 11
in nature, as plain to observer as in-
telligence in other men is plain to
him, 27
presents the truest image of God, 28
active in its knowing, 35
connected with but not identical with
matter 35
its testimony to its own nature, 36
cannot be got from matter, 46
not a kibulu rasa at start, 48
its a priori cognitions, 48
defined by Mill, 59
defined by Berkeley, 59
not an idea, 66
not a succession of feelings, (16
Minister, its meaning, 250, 449
Christian, regard bestowed on his per-
son in early New England days, 285
his office now too generally regarded
as a mere profession, 286
should have a conviction that he is
called of God, 286
characteristics prominent in his
youth, — 545
his true influence arises from presence
of Christ within, 545
the advantages which flow from his
possession of the self-sacrificing
spirit of Christ, . 548
his two great principles, 548
must be a true man, 548, 551
his manhood to bo sought in Christ,.. 549
what he is not, 549
should seek after a self-determined
activity of all his powers, 550
should be a man of one purpose, 551
his pulpit should be the focus of a
world-wide whispering-gallery, 551
should preach as possessing 'one only
life,' - 551, 559
dependent on God for power, 552
obtains spiritual influence by submis-
sion to the laws of its communica-
tion, 553
should be an agent rather than an in-
strument, 553
not a hand-, but a power-machine,... 553
an arrow in the hand of the Al-
mighty, 553
should have enthusiasm, 553
should be a man of much prayer, 553
needs passive courage, 555
needs especially active courage, 555
should possess intelligent independ-
ence, 555
should be fearlessly frank of speech,. 555
influenced by the national spirit, 555
should impress by earnestness of phys-
ical energy,... 556
Minister, should not be impeded by tra-
ditional rules, 556
should cultivate practical force...555, 556
should have a better motto than' hold
the fort,' 556
should seek to fulfill in a sense 'like
people like priest,' 557
his prerogative, great boldness, 557
his courage should come from Christ
as the heart of his life, 557
must oppose to the skeptical dogma-
tism of the times the dogmatism of
faith, 557
should have a definite body of truth
, by which he can stand, 558
should have confidence and zeal in
the propagation of the truth,...558, 559
in what sense should preach develop-
ment, 559
how he should preach the gospel, 559
enjoys the leadings of God, 560
the subject of God's Providential lead-
ings, 561
the subject of the Spirit's leadings,
561, 562
must master himself if he would mas-
ter others,. 563
must master his besetting sins, 563
must master his intellectual powers,. 563
must submit to actual circumstances, 563
must avoid denunciation, 564
must not despair, 564
must bide his time, 564
is weakened by consciousness of
secret sins 564, 565
should exemplify the divine law, 565
should manifest the presence with
him of a personal Christ, 565
his true self must put down his false, 565
is a shepherd, - 567
should be open-minded to receive and
to communicate truth, 567
should avoid subterfuge, 567
should be hopeful and trustful,.. .567, 568.
should be sympathetic, 568
should not regard audience 'as rows
of cabbage,' 570
should recognize his hearers' needs,.. 570
should adapt himself as Christ
adapted himself to circumstances,
570, 571
should be master of spiritual diag-
nosis ' 571
advantages which become his from
adaptation in his preaching, 571, 572
should regard Bible as final standard
of appeal, 572
his vocation sublime, 574
should study daily original Scriptures, 575
should cultivate the homlletlc habit, 576
should cultivate the demonstrative
habit, 576
should maintain a believing habit, 576, 577
Minister, how he may cultivate right
habits, 577
himself, more than his preaching, an
influence, 577
will have doubts, 578
his doubts do not affect the truth of
the general Christian scheme 578
must not put too much stress on his
doubts 579
must not preach his doubts, 579
though doubting,must work and pray, 579
must cherish a proper high-minded-
ness, 581
must avoid an improper high-miudcd-
ness 581, 582
should seek humility by contemplat-
ing the cross, 583
should have zeal, 584
should avoid fanaticism, 584
his zeal should possess passionate de-
votion 584, 5S5
acquires zeal by taking Christ into
heart, 585
should receive Christ for personal
holiness and external influence, 585
Ministers, Christian, present demand
for, 299, 300
trustees of "the faith once delivered
to the saints," 558
Ministry, Claims Of Christian, On
Young Men In Courses Of Pre-
Paratory Study, 269-280
Ministry, Christian, fulling off of stu-
dents for, . - 179
oneness of race, an argument for en-
tering, 179
importance of guarding entrance to, 259
set up by God, 270
the highest human vocation, 2T0, 574
call to enter it, more common than
generally supposed,. 271
the nature of the call to, 271
duty of seeking out candidates for,.. 272
thorough preparation for, requisite,. 272
has its infelicities, 272, 273
compares favorably with other pro-
fessions, 273
has an attractive start, 273
has an assured social position 273
helps to a symmetrical manhood, 273-275
the agency of greatest usefulness to
mankind, 275, 276
requires self-sacrifice, 276
its claim for service rests on sin and
sorrow of world, 277
proffers immortal honors, 278
Ministry, Sources Of Supply For, 281-288
Ministry, decrease of trained men en-
tering it, 281-287
statistics showing fact 281, 282
not counterbalanced by increase of
ability among the diminished candi-
dates, 282
Ministry, decrease of trained men en-
tering, occurs in spite of a wide-
spread demand for able men, 283
may be explained by the prevailing
philosophy of the time, 283
may be explained by the rush for ma-
terial riches, 2X3, 285
may be explained by the secularizing
of our colleges, 284, 285
may arise from a change of view as
to the divine nature of the ministry, 283
may be remedied by ministers mak- .
ing their calling attractive, 286
may be remedied by ministers walk-
ing worthy of their vocation 287
may be remedied by laymen inducing
suitable young men to enter it, .287, 288
may be remedied by a provision for
proper training for the work, 288
may be remedied by affording student
suitable help during his time of
study, 288
should be made a matter of prayer,.. 288
Ministry, Lack Of Students For, 289-293
statistics showing number of men
in, to churches, 289
statistics showing number of un-
trained men in, 289
statistics showing falling off in stu-
dents lor, 289
men of culture and promise ceasing
to enter, 289, 290
strong churches ought to furnish men
for 290
Christians have been indifferent to its
supply, 291
parents are not anxious that their
children should enter, 2!>1
should draw its men from the best
families, 2!)2
if more reverenced, its ranks would
be fuller, 292, 293
Ministry", Education For: Its Prin-
Ciples And Its Necessity, 294-391
a divine appointment, 294, 295
requires a special educat ion, 295
Christian, and Mosaic priesthood dis-
tinguished, 295
must be abreast of life,. 296
of a past generation, ineffective now, 296
requires education because of skepti-
cal tendencies of the day, 296
requires special discipline because of
intensity of modern life, 297
requires special training because the
age one of organization, 298
requires its members to be consecra-
ted and ardent students of truth, 298, 299
training for it should be supplied by
our churches, 299
parents no longer anxious that their
children should enter, 299
Ministry. Education for: Its dignity,... 299
Archbishop Leighton on. 299
according to George Herbert. 299
Baptist, specially requires knowledge
of original Scriptures. - 300
Ministry, Education For, Its Idea
And Its Kequisitks, 302-313
requires special educational institu-
tions, 303
not numbers, but quality wanted, 30(1, 544
dearth of candidates for, explained,
319, 320
rule of admission to, narrower than
that of church-membership, 440
special qualifications required for,... 440
candidates for, must be ' blameless,' . 440
a man is disqualified for, whose earli-
er sin shows traces in his present
conduct, 441
a man is disqualified for, who has de-
fied 'the powers that be,' 441
•good report' necessary to 441
candidate for, must be, if husband at
all, husband of one wife 441
its 'throe onlies,' 545. 546
the word of God, its only weapon, ... 545
its true success, 545
faith in Christ, its energy, 54li
aided by Holy Spirit, 546
manhood a condition of success in,.. 548
must have power, 552
eutlmsiusm needed in, 553
a prophetic office. 553
for the period, spirit suituhlc to, 559
meets a crying want of humanity,... 56"
Minnesingers, their rise, 500
Miracles, not impossible or improbable, 19
Miracles, The Christian, 129-147
Miracles, As Attesting A Divine
Revelation 1211-147
Miracles, Christ inn. furnish principal
ovidenee for Christianity 129
the external certification which they
furnish evidential, 130
must be defended as being in the very
substance of Scripture, 131
cannot be sundered from the internal
evidences, 131
prove doctrine and doctrine miracles, 131
not a burden, but a support, 132
why so generally ignored,. 132
defined, 132, 133
not described in Scripture as viola-
tions or suspensions of natural law, 133
do not necessarily suspend or violate
natural law, 134
may be instances in which lower laws
and forces in nature are transcend-
ed and merged in higher ones, 134
are possible if God be possible,.. 136
do they require immediate volitions of
God at time of their occurrence. 136-139
* providential,' what? 13S. 137
Miracles, Christian, Babbago's theory
of 137
provided for in the original plan of
nature, 137, 138
'unusual, while natural law is habit-
ual, divine action,' 138
resultsof immediate divine operation,
reason for preferring to regard them
as, 138, 139
recurrence of, unproved, 139
if fully known to us wo could not ex-
plain them, 140
are they probable? 140, 143
presumption against them on account
of general uniformity of nature,... 140
uniformity of nature does not render
them impossible, 140, 141
principle of final cause will account
for them 141
shown to he not impossible by occur-
rence of geologic cataclysms, 141
probable, because physical universe
exists for moral ends 142
probable, iH'cnuse an exigency worthy
of such an interposition has oc-
curred 142, 143
are they supported by sufficient evi-
dence? 143, 144
the prfttfai inincipii in Hume's argu-
ment, 143. 144
can be matter of testimony like other
facts, 144
their central one, the resurrection of
Christ, considered in detail, 144, 145
ceased probably with llrst century, .. 145
ceased with completion of canon, 146
how distinguished from false, 146
the only miracles that rationally jus-
tify credence, 147
civilization has not destroyed belief
in them, 147
Missionaries, should respect the inde-
pendence of native churches, 381
are evangelists from home-churches, 382
should inculcate on native churches
duty of self-support and self-propa-
gation, 382
should have a double faith, 382
should develop native agency, 383
the character of the men who should
be, 383
should servo apprenticeship, 384
should be brought home frequently,. 384
should have interviews with home
Committee, 384
should be amenable to discipline at
at hand of executive, 384
Jesus Christ, the greatest of, 388
Missions, rest upon a conviction of the
oneness of the race 179, 373
are paralyzed by the teaching of a
future larger opportunity for the
heathen, 179
Missions, must follow lines of secular
effort, 370
rest on a self-imparting love, 371
commenced among a lapsed Semitic
race, 372
of apostles, did not overlook out-of-
the-way places, 372
to barbarous Britons, 372
re-creative in their influence, 372
a century, a brief time to test them,. - 373
a universal devotion to, would hasten
millennium, .375, 376
their present danger not enthusiasm,
but self-indulgence 375
safety of church lies in, 375
Missions, Economics Of, 378-386
Missions, seventy years of American
Baptist, 378
economics of, 378
should be established among degrad-
ed and weak tribes, 378
to Burmans and Karens contrasted,.. 379
must not overlook intellectual and re-
fined peoples, 379
should have persistent reinforcement, 379
must be an exhibition of Christian
life 379
find a help in lack of individuality
among heathen 379
evangelization the principal branch
of, 380
medical, not much needed, 380
education need not precede, 380
their converts should be gathered
into churches without delay, 381
their churches, character of 381
must not developo into episcopacy,.. 381
their converts not to be kept in per-
petual tutelage, 382
their slow progress in France ex-
plained, 382
importance of visiting-deputations to
their various fields, 385
separate fields should be assigned to
individual churches, 385
are the greatest argument for Chris-
tianity, 388
are the distinctive mark of Christian-
ity 388
the record of, has enlarged the con-
ception of humanity, 388
show what Christianity really is, .388, 389
based upon four fundamental doc-
trines, 389
Christianity is an argument for, 389
love for, connected with love to
Christ, 389
our attitude to, a test of character,... 389
Missions, modern theory of, founds it-
self on laws of civilization and pro-
gress, 369
pays little attention to commands and
promises of Scripture, 369
sions, modern theory of, would con-
fine its efTorts to the intelligent and
advancing races, 389"
adduces apostolic missions as planted
mostly in centres of influence, 389
would confine missions to America
since best races represented here,.. 370
an element of truth in, 370
wrong, because it would not preach
gospel to every creature, 371
violates that instiuct of Christian love
which stoops to the weakest, 371
is opposed to the method which has
been historically successful, 372
ignores the solidarity of the race, 37J
contemns the elevating grace of self-
abandonment, 371
contravenes the plan that gives most
glory to Christ, 375
deserts the example of our Savior,... 376
hesitates to east itself absolutely upon
the divine power and promise, 376
Missions, Theology Of, 387-390
Moffat, Robert, his mistake as to athe-
ism of certain African tribes, 78
Mohammedanism, to an extent a mis-
sionary religion, 388
its moral teaching, 388
Money, not, of itself, root of every evil, 461
Monism, in every form, fatal to theol-
ogy,! 7
is either Materialism or Pantheism,.. 7
false in every form, 24
adopted by Spencer, 47
its fascination for philosophic mind.. 55
Mont Blanc, illustration from, 5
Moody, D. L., an example of consecra-
tion, 565
Mount of Penitence, its discipline of
souls, 516, 517
Moral argument for existence of God,
see Anthropological
Moral inquiry as valid as physical re-
search, 20
Moral feelings affirm not advantage but
obligation, 53
ideus latent in mind of a child, 77
obligation, according to Spencer
founded in utility or happiness, 54
quality of an action, in what it resides,
according to Hopkins and Emmons, 117
Moral truth, as' positive' as physical,.. 20
demonstrable by its own evidence,... 20
has its place in every system of
thought, 22
Morality, Christian, its rules co-inci-
dent with those of utility, 451
Morals and science, complementary,. 20
Mosaic cosmogony, evolutionary, 45
Motion of matter, its source, 33
what implied in its existence, 44
evolutionary, requires co-ordinating
intelligence, 44
Motive is the man, 123
Motives, by which an unregenerate per-
son may be led to give preliminary
attention to truth, 119
not causes but occasions of an action,
121, 123
free agency power to choose between,
compounded of external presenta-
tions and internal dispositions, 122
do not determine will, 123
will obeys them, yet is active, elec-
tive, sovereign in its obedience,— 123
Mozley, on the two ruling ideas con-
cerning God, 143
MttUer, Julius, his modified determin-
ism, 122
on the attributes of God, 189
on Christ, if only human nature,
necessarily sinful, 205
Mulford, Elisha, his theology tends to
make God in human spirit the only
cause, 167
Munger, Theodore T., his New Theol-
ogy, 167
Murphy on conscience as an evidence
for God, 84
Naticinwumac frwjex, who in Political
Economy, 449
Natural Realism, Held an advocate of,. 61
Nature, adaptations in, according to
Positivism, results of mechanical
laws, 12
alone gives us no conception of mind
or of God, 23
must be interpreted by our know-
ledge of mind, 24
its conquest by man, the idea of mod-
ern civilization, . 24
becomes a revelation of God, if in-
terpreted by what we find within
ourselves, 29
the term defined, - 132
Nature, its uniformity, not absolute
and universal, 140
not a truth of reason,.. 141
not supported by science, 141
amenable to moral law, 142
the garment of Deity from which he
can4 make bare his arm,' 390
conquered by man's obedience, 553
Naville, Ernest, on human liberty, 95
Nazareth, its prominent features,.. .482, 483
Neaves, Lord, his witty lines on Mill
and Hume, 11
Nebular hypothesis, illustration from,. 2
'Necessary, the,' and ' customary ' can-
not be oonfounded 11
Necessary laws of mind must be as-
sumed in the very attempt to deny
them, 49
Nero, Paul's direction to obey him, how
to be understood, 402
Nero, the philosophy of Nescience com-
pared to, 8
Nescience, the philosophy of, denies di-
rect knowledge of mind, 8
demolishes all philosophy, 8
denies existence of mind, 8
how it explains what is called' mind,' ft
regards thought as mere cerebration, 8
looks 1ipon religious and moral con-
ceptions as only diseased imagina-
tions, 8
Comte, its coryphecus, 9
its stock argument against Theism,.. 51
Nestorianism, nouiinalistlc, 164
Newman, John Henry, his history af-
fected by his idealistic notions, 7
on miracles, - 138
Newton, his idea of gravitation, 33
Niger, the river, an illustration from,.. 16
Nile, description of, 470
Ninetv And Nine, Leavino The,.368-37"
usual interpretations of the parable,. 36*
author's interpretation, 369
Nominalism, what? 164
its two principal applications in the-
ology, 164
atomistic, 164
as regards divine nature involves vir-
tual tiithelam, 164
conceives of the divine attributes as
mere names, 164
regards mankind as a collection of in-
dividuals, 165-
inconsistent with a common Fall and
common Redemption, 165,
Nm> pltnl nmciimir, 101
JVon pome peccare, characteristic of
whom, 107
JVon posse non peceare, characteristic of
whom, 107
Noumena, testified to by reason 60
Oberlln "China Band," 385
Obligation founded in the moral char-
acter of God, 55
Occam, an early Nominalist, 164
'Occasional cause,' what? 9?
GMipus, his fate that also of evolu-
tion, 46
his fate an unchristian conception,... 120
Olives, Mount of, its appearance, 478
Olshausen, on the word of God, 165-
on divine knowing being equal to
willing 165
Omar, the Saracen Caliph, 48f>
Omar Khayyam, his teaching, 533
Oneness of self, origin of idea of unity
in nature, 22
Onlies, The Three, 544-54i>
Ontological argument for existence of
God, founded on abstract necessary
ideas of mind, 84
Is now generally abandoned, 84
its false assumption, 84
Orchids, Darwin on ' design' in arrange-
ments for their fertilization, 12
Order, idea of, its origin 22
Ordinances, their form significant, 247
their mutual order significant, 247
because monumental, must have form
carefully preserved, 247
Ordination, ("ouncii.s Of, Their
Powers And Duties, 239-268
Ordination, its importance, 260
of deacons, 260, 298
its preliminary stage, 260
its complementary stage, 260
the act of the local church, 260
council but assistant in, 260
may be attended to in extreme eases
without or in spite of a council, 260
its nature explained, 265
certain accompaniments or, 265
import of prayer and laying-on of
hands therein 265, 266
ministers coining from other bodies
should receive, 266
involves three things, 266
the public service in, its order de-
tailed, - 267
to whom should it be granted, 268
Ordination, councils of, they guurd en-
trance of ministry 259
called into existence by local church, 259
have advisory power only, 259
have moral influence, 259
neglect of their advice, a serious
step, 260
confer no special grace, 260
help local churches to determine upon
call and qualifications of candidate, 260
grant authorization to exercise gifts
within denomination, . 260
may have unordained members, 261
should discharge their duties most
solemnly and scrupulously 261
should be effectively constituted, 262
ministerial and lay elements in them
should be properly balanced, 262
their examination of candidates
should be public, 262
their deliberations subsequent to ex-
amination should be private, 262
proposed rules of procedure, 263-264
Organization, only explicable on hy-
pothesis of an organizing force su-
perior to matter, . 34
*' Orients himself," the expression al-
luded to, 302
Origen on 'development' in Genesis,.. 45
Othello's treatment of Dcsdemona re-
ferred to, 580
Ought, more imperative.than self-inter-
est, 54
Oung-pen-la, its influence, 374
Outness, what it is and what it sup-
poses, 67
Overbeck's picture of the child-Christ, 202
Ox-like character, what? 396
P., impressed upon forehead of each
penitent in Purgatory,.. 526
Palaestra of the Greeks referred to, 307
Palestine, recollections of, 474-179
method of travelling in, 474, 475
extent and accessibility of, 475
its advantageous situation, 475, 476
a sample land, 476
Mediterranean route through, 476,477
its mountaitiousness, - 477
objects of visiting. 479
what it was to the Crusaders, 496
Paley, utilitarian and materialistic, 5
did not sufficiently recognize divine
immanence, 167
Paradise, of the Divine I 'umcily, 520-522
its description the poet's loftiest ef-
fort therein, 518, 519
its nature too elevated for popular
appreciation, 519
is a state of will freed from earthly
desire, 519
in it, the capacity of perfection varies, 519
its law one of upward gravitation,... 519
Beatrice, Dante's guide in, 519
its outward surroundings accompani-
ments of character, 519
its heaven of the moon, 519
its heaven of Mercury, 520
its heaven of Venus, 520
its heaven of the Sun, 520
its heaven of Mars, 520
its heaven of Jupiter, 520
its heaven of Saturn, 520
its heaven of the Fixed Stars, 520
its heaven of the l*rimum Mubile, 520
among its privileges, a revelation of
the Trinity in Unity,. 520
its ruling conception, light qualified
by love, 521
in it, nearness to God and servieo to
his creatures are combined, 522
rank in, determined by strength of
vision of God 528
'The Rose of the Blessed,' its connec-
tion with the lower heavens, 522
constituted by a combination of holi-
ness and love 523
perfect sympathy and communion
between the spirits in 523
Parcimony, the law of, urged by Ham-
ilton against Berkeley 's views 64
Park, Dr., of Andover, on Original
Sin 169
on Will, 169
on Atonement, 174
rjappiivta, its meaning enlarged on, 555
Pascal, on the mutual dependence of
miracles and morals, 131
Pastor, Mental Qualities Requi-
Site To, r*ifi-56M
Paul, by inspiration reached a point
where divine sovereignty and hu-
man freedom appeared in harmony,
his speech on Mars' Hill 181
his designations of himself in hist ear-
lier and later epistles a mark of
growth in grace 210
Peabody, Kphruim. his illustration of
miracle, 139, 140
Pelagian view of original depravity
arises from a false view of will, 101
Pclaglus, his error nccording to N. W.
Taylor, 169
Penance, its three elements, 516
Penny, parable of, its meaning, 160
Perception, Internal, a dual cognition,. 43
Perfection the fundamental attribute
of God 51
Persian controversial maxim, 244
Personality, the grounds on which it is
attributed to God, 52
consistent with the uniformity of his
operations, 52
Peter of Picardy, 487
preaches crusades, .. - 487
at Council of Clermont, 487
Peter's, St., ut Rome, alluded to, 3, 242
Phenomena, the narrower and larger
meaning of the term, 30
Philippians 2: 12, 13, commented on, 115-117
Philosophy, at the basis of religion as a
science, 2
answers the questions of the logical
understanding as to religion, 3
deals with underlying facts, 3
analytic in its method, 3
it defines and correlates primary con-
ceptions of revelation, 3
furnishes with aclentlnc accuracy the
facts of man's mental constitution
which are required by Theology,... 3,4
has given Theology its logical order,. 4
its modern contributions to religion, 5
through Theology it affects the prac-
tieal life of church and nation, 5
its dangers are also those of religion, 5
and religion, both inclined to a vicious
monism, 5, 6
Idealistic, its inllucncc on John
Henry Newman, 7
Materialistic, its influence on Joseph
Priestley 7
Sensational, its Influence on France,.. 7
Kantian, its Influence in Germany,... 8
of Nescience, altogether antagonistic
to Christianity, 8, 9
an impartial, essential to the perfect
triumph of religion, 14
a true, a weapon for subduing the
world to Christ, 14
will exist while world stands, 14
Philosophy, a source of discipline and
strength for the preacher, 14
a true and false have been side by
side in all ages of the world, 15
is now being prosecuted according to
inductive methods, 16
a true, secured by retention of the
fundamental facts of consciousness, 16
vitiated by Hamilton's doctrine of the
relativity of knowledge, 16
finds its highest province in the Inter-
pretation and defence of the intu-
ition of God, 17
of Hegel, its influence, 31
the Mechanical, its present influence
accounted for, 31
the fashion of, changes, .31, 39. 283
false, bears relation to periods of na-
tional decadence, 81, 32
every false, has its modicum of truth, 32
Philosophy Of Evolution, The,...39-57
Philosophy, Cosmic, 39-57
Physical research, undue prosecution
of, its influence on our age, 32
Physician, the proper characteristics
of 19
In danger of materialism, 20
a, who learned the divinity of Christ
while praying to him on behalf of a
patient, 211
Physicians admonished, 30
Piaeenza, Council of, 487
Picture, a, not explained by an inven-
tory of the colors which compose it, 23
Pilgrimage, its history, 484
Pilgrims to Holy Sepulchre, their fanat-
icism, 478
washing in Jordan, 478
Pisans invade Syria, 486
Pitti Palace, a suggestive combination
of heathen and religious art in, 413
Poet, his three-fold function 326
can only take up a department of
poetry, 528'
must show the essential truth of
things 528
must have a large knowledge, 532
must have right views of human na-
ture, 532, 533
must have proper views of God, .533, 534
must have right views of the rela-
tions between man and G od, 534
Poetry, anew definition of, 526
deals with the universe, 527
cannot be compassed by any one finite
mind, 527
must idealize, 531-536
does not yield its full meaning to cur-
sory perusal, 539
requires lucid construction, 537-539
requires rhythmical and musical ex-
pression, 541
Political Economy, its relation to
Christianity, 443
what it is not, 443
includes moral influences, 443
Storch's definition of, 443
De Quincey's view of it, 443, 444
its (rreat principles have been gener-
ally settled 444
co-extensive with humanity, 444
it seeks to discover the methods and
results of the principle of self-in-
terest, 444
recognizes self-love as a rational prin-
ciple, 444
allied to Moral Philosophy, 444
a branch of Christianity in the con-
crete, 445
recognizes manhood as supreme, 446
gives an honorable place to human
labor. 446
is not materialistic, 447
its idea of service, 448
benevolence, inherent in, 450
a witness to Christianity, 458
not against wealth, 462
Political Economy and Christianity,
connected by their innermost prin-
ciples, 444
their mutual influence +45
any appurent antagonism between
them is hurtful, 445, 446
their relat ion one of pre-existent har-
mony, 446
are parts of one great system. 446
a human element in both, 446
both make man king of this lower
world, 447
a social element in both, 448
both recognize men's mutual needs
and interdependence, 448
both insist on value of 'service,' 449
both estimate labor according to men-
tal and moral elements which enter
into it, 449
both teach that the service of others
is compatible with one's highest in-
terests, 449
they differ mainly in their points of
view and fields of activity, 450
application of their common princi-
ples to Capital and Labor, 451-457
their rules will yet regulate mankind,
456, 457
some questions to which their joint
principles might be applied, 458
they give the same truths on differ-
ent planes, 458
one illustrates thi'other, 458
stand to each other as Mosaic law to
Christianity. 459
are iudissolubly connected, 459
are not co-ordinate, 459
their connection illustrated by haci-
yan-tree, 1 460
Polo, Marco, his travels, 50O
Pompeii, frescoes of, 56
Pope, the, 'a servant of servants,' 210-
Porter, his criticism of Hamilton, 62
on efficient causessubordiuatcto final
causes, 141
Positivism, denies knowledge of human
mind 8
denies metaphysics, H, 13
admits only a spontaneous vegetative
life 8
denies God, freedom, conscience, im-
mortality 8
accepted by minds of much erudition
and acumen, 8
has permeated the literature of the
day, 8
has effected in manv cases uncon-
sciously our theological views, 9
its coryplncus, Auguste Comte, 9
its postulate, nothing known but ma-
terial phenomena, 9
denies both efficient and final causes,
its teachings contradict conscious-
ness, 9
its teachings invalidate all knowledge
and science, .*. 9
teaches that cause is merely regular-
ity of sequence, 10
teaches that law is an arbitrary suc-
session of phenomena, 10
teaches <'X nihilo omfrfa Hunt 10-
denies causal judgment, 11
abolishes inductive logic, 11
immolates the intuitions,.. 11,13
makes mathematical truth purely
phenomenal, 11
makes morality mere matter of con-
vention, 11
denies conscience, 11
denies purpose in universe, 11
makes biology a part of physiology, - 11
relegates theology and metaphysics to
the Infancy of the race - 13
denies God, 13
insists on mere uniformity of nature, 13
its new cult described. 13,14
in its crude form, rejected by Spencer, 49
Positivists, numerous, intelligent and
of all shades, 8
deny purpose in universe 11,12
merge final causes in totality of
secondary causes. 12
their inference, that supposed imper-
fections in design implies absence of
purpose, replied to, 12
unconsciously use language which
implies the adaptation they expli-
citly deny, 12
beg t he question, 20-
Posse iion inxcare and po»se j>eecmv,
Augustine's formula of man's moral
state in Eden, 10T
Pounds, the parable of, its meaning,... 161
Poverty, not required by Christianity,. Ml
Powell, Baden, denies the literal de-
struction of the world by fire, 9
Power behind phenomena, an irresist-
ible, 11
its type and proof in the action of our
will on our organism, 11
Power, has its seat in mind, 25
Power in unregenerate to avoid certain
sins, 118, 119
to make himself more or less de-
praved 119
to suspend evil action and give atten-
tion to considerations which urge
obedience, 119
a reward of heaven,. 161
Preacher, should set forth true philo-
sophical principles, 15
and audience, their casual relations,.. 211
and audience, sure to meet again,— 211
Preacher's Doubts, Thk, 578-580
Preaching, a development of the re-
vealed word, 545
why supposed by some to have lost its
power, 551
'Prelude, the,' of Wordsworth, quoted, 1^
Preservation, self-, the law of life, 191
President. The Death Of The,.. 347-357
Press, the weapon of the church, 243
Pressure, requires something that
presses and something that is
pressed, 43
'Priesthood, a Chronic Disorder of the
Human Race,' 566
Priestley, Joseph, his philosophy affects
his theology, 7
Priests more powerful and universal
than kings, 77
Primogeniture, Dr. Johnson's sarcastio
eulogy of, 462
Prinntm mobile, according to Dante, ... 509
Principles often assumed which on
formal statement would be repudi-
ated, 245
Probation, individual as well as racial,. 119
sinner's individual, not removed by
inborn character, 125
after death, its relations to New Eng-
land Theology, 126
a fair one in Adam prevents inference
of a further one after death, 127
individual, is of grace 127
according to Scripture, ends with this
life, 127
second, doctrine examined, 174-177
is the phrase correct? 174, 175
is the present a proper one for all ?... 175
rests on nominallstic individualism, . 175
is neutralized only by Scripture doc-
trine of organic unity of race, 175
virtually denies guilt of mankind, .. 175
second, Scriptures oppose, 177
Production, we are bound to the utmost
possible, 463
Christian, ultimately that of holiness
in the earth, 463
economical, may be as extensive as
you please, if subservient to relig-
ious production 464
Productive and unproductive labor, Dr.
Chalmers on 449
Professional man, the worthy, his char-
acteristics, 19
Professions, the three, their mutual re-
lations 19
learned, not now three but a dozen, 283,284
Professor's Chaik, Learning In The,
Promise, the first 391
Propagation, science recognizes more
than one way of, in same species, .. 205
Prophesying, New Testament,what?... 553
Protoplasm, its relation to life, 34
living and dead, 34
Providence, Gulzot's comparison of, to
Homer's gods, 390
Providence and Holy Spirit, mutually
supplementary 557
Pnulaix qucaUo, its value in science,.. 82
Psalm 104, its main thought, 181
Psychical processes, their relation to
physical, 46
'Psychology without a soul,' 69
Ptolemy, his astronomical views, 508
Publication Society, American Baptist,
its origin, 238
based on a conviction that truth is an
organic whole, 238
based on a conviction that special
truths have been entrusted to the
keeping of the Baptist denomination 242
based on a conviction that modern
needs require modern measures,... 243
the success which has attended its
publications, 243
Punishment, what? 192
the impulse In, 194
never referred to love, 195
of wicked, consent of saints thereto,. 195
a manifestation of self-vindicating
holiness, 195
Punishment, future, alleged beneficial
cfTocts, 196, 197
Boecher on, 196
teaching of Universalists, 196, 197
Parker, Joel, on, 197
Patton, P. L.,on, 197
its reason lies in divine holiness 197
Purgatory, according to iiomlsh doc-
trine, 515
according to Dante, 515
and Hell, how related in Divine Com-
edy, 516
is divided into Ante-Purgatory and
Purgatory proper, 515, 516
Purgatory, a process rather than a
place, 517
has clear analogies in our every-day
life, 518
in the sense of a pout mortem purifica-
tion, unscrlptural, 518
faith in it often leads to fatal procras-
tination, 518
its purifications unscripturally repre-
sented as penal, 518
Purity, what? 189
of soul, gives clear instinct of immor-
tality, 191
Purpose; In nature, denied by Comtc,.. 26
Pyramid, the Great , ascent and entrance
of, 471-173
Qualities, secondary, what? 62
primary, what? 62
Quality, Mill's definition of. 22
Quatrefages, on limited geographical
distribution of Atheism, 78
Quenstedt, on the human element in
Holy Scripture being due to inspi-
ration, 148
Quincy, President of Harvard, anec-
dote of his opposition to co-educa-
tion,. 425
Quincy, Mass., educational revolution
there 426
Race, modern Idea of its solidarity an-
ticipated in Scripture 103
according to nominalism, 165
atomistic account of, 165
realistic doctrine of, 165
a tree, 165
Adam once the race, 165
the doctrine of its oneness, an anti-
dote to the exaggerated Individual-
ism of the day, 178
oneness of, its relation to ministry
and missions, 179
Race-sin, ignored by New Theology,... 166
Rangoon, prayer-meeting in heathen
temple at, 279
Realism. Natural, as held by Reid, 61
as held by Sir W.Hamilton, 62
and Idealism compared, 63-71
its simplest form, 66
possesses the universal belief of man-
kind, 66
represents the facts of experience,. .67-69
an objectionable form of, 164
its teaching on the divine attri-
butes, 165
mediaeval, 165
asserts real historical connection of
race, 165
Reason, a system whose order satisfies,
must have sprung from a designing
intelligence, 34
Redeemed in heaven, may render ser-
vice to God's creatures, 526
Reflection, what? according to Locke,. 58
Regeneration, the only parallel afforded
in experience to the apostasy of the
Fall . 110
not a mechanical work, 125
not produced by mere moral suasion, 125
produced by Christ's entrance into
soul, 125
its relation to conversion, 125
raau's will active In, 125
not a miracle, 132
and union with Christ, 824
Reid, Dr. Thomas, his contention
against Hume,..-b 61
advocated 'Philosophy of Common
Sense,' 61
his Natural Realism, 61
his inaccuracies, 61
his services to philosophy, 61
Sir W. Hamilton's annotations on, 62
Relativity of knowledge, consequences
of doctrine of, 16
Religion, speculative and practical,— &
as It exists In mind of child and of the-
loglan, VS
each of its sides tends to reproduce
the other, 2
its debt to philosophy, 2-5
rests on philosophy, 2, 3
owes to philosophy the defining and
correlating of its primary concep-
tions, 3-5-
its relations to Scholasticism, 4
its relations to Platonism, 4
its relations to Aristotclianism, 4
its relations to modern philosophy,... 4
and science, condition of their har-
mony, 20
and science, the truth common to
both, according to Spencer, 52
what, according to Spencer, 53
not a mere sense of mystery and de-
pendence 53
men must have, 77
faculty of, disclosed by presence of
superstition, 79
true, what it is?. 224
its origin not in fears, 391
Remarriage, prohibition of, only pen-
alty for adultery in American law,. 433
of a person who has a former husband
or wife living, felony in Tennessee, 433
of a woman divorced in Kentucky
upheld by a Tennessee court 433
of a woman in New York State, mar-
ried in New York State, but divorced
in Ohio, declared void in New V ork
courts, 437
not permitted by Paul, even in cases
of willful desertion, 438
Remarriage of guilty party to a divorce,
forbidden during life-time of inno-
cent complainant by Revised Stat-
utes of New York State until 1879, . 433
Remarriage of guilty party to adivorce,
though contracted outside of New
York State, declared in one ease by
New York courts null and void, 433
if divorce decreed in Massachusetts,
though contracted outside of that
State, by Statute declared null and
void, 433
no express declaration in New York
State Statutes that even if con-
tracted outside of State, it is null
and void 433
if valid according to laws of any State,
valid In New York State, 433
dictum of Justice Johnson in Court
of Appeals regarding, 435
puts the contractor under legal ban
in New York State, 436
a misdemeanor in New York State but
not bigamy, polygamy or adultery, 436
contractor guilty of contempt of New
York courts 436
prohibition of, has no effect outside
New York State 436
Remarriage in case of divorce on
ground of adultery, permitted to
Innocent party, 439
that it is not permitted to guilty party
an inference from the silence of
Christ, 440
its permissibility to guilty party, Dr.
Woolsey on, 440
of guilty party, a violation of law of
Scripture and of State, 440
Remorse, more than sense of unfitness
to surroundings, 53
Renan, on the Beatitudes, 415
Reparation, the desire to make, illus-
trations of, 216
Representative idea, Reid upon 61
'Respect the dreams of thy youth,', lit, 544
Responsibility, coextensive with our
range of active being, 97
for native depravity, 101
for human nature 101
Resurrection of Christ, the central mir-
acle of Christianity, 144
its evidence, 145
its probative value 145
main subject of apostolic preaching,. 145
teaching of ordinances, 145
Revelation, an external, affords mate-
rial for science, 75
internal and external, their connec-
tion, 172
book of, significance of fact that Scrip-
tureendswith, 363
Revolution, French, its connection
with philosophical teachings,.. 7
Revolutions, break out from below,..
488, 489
Revue Chretienne, on will asa choice be-
tween pre-existent mot Ives, 97
Reward, a peculiar, for each Christian
worker, 160'
of duty done, power to do more, 161
Rewards, are 'according to works,' 160
in what sense the same, 160
in what sense differing, 161
of heaven, what? 161
Rhine steamer and barge, illustration
from, 465, 466
Richardson, the extreme sentimental-
ity of his Cim-fosa, 536
Richter, Jean Paul, 156
Right, and wrong, reduced to conven-
tionalism by Positivism, 11
never confounded with advantage, in
language of world, 53
as a result of ancestral experiences,.. 53
as the adaptation of constitution to
circumstances, 53
an idea not inherent in things or ac-
tions, but brought to them by the
mind 54
an intuition, 54
and wrong, knowledge of, is an orig-
inal cognitive power of mind, 77
binds because it is the nature of Clod, 197
its full significance known only at the
the judgment, 197
Righteousness, the supreme attribute in
man, 195
'Ring and the Hook,' quotation from, 36
its subject described, . 529-531
its method defended. 538, 539
Ritual of divine appointment, pro-
foundly spiritual, 247
Robertson, F. W., on the make up of
truth, 5, 6
his compassion for the sincere doubt-
er, 23
his impatience with self-coinplaceut
infidelity, 23
on the folly of attempting the recon-
ciliation of truths which though ap-
parently contradictory are yet both
true,.. 115
on the doubt of God's personality be-
ing more terrible than that of one's
immortality, 186
Robinson, Dr., his anecdote of a moth-
er's consecration of her boy to the
ministry, 291, 292
Rochester, N. Y., a city of revivals, 387
Rochester Theological Seminary, its
curriculum described, 305, 306
addresses to graduating classes at , 544-.S86
author's address on occasion of grad-
uation of his first theological class
at, 546-548
allusion to its first quarter of a cen-
tury of existence, 554
Rockefeller Hall, its dedication, 302
Rome, as depicted In Revelation 358
Roscelin, a medlipval nominalist 164
* Rose of the Blessed,' according to
Dante, SOB
Rossetti, Miss F. M., her "Shadow of
Dante." 501, 506
Rothe, his conception of the divine at-
tributes, 164
Royce, an American Hegelian, 61
Safford, Daniel, his idea of benevolence, 464
Sakkara, Apis-cemetory at, 470
Salvation, entirely of God, 103, 104
Indian's view of, 105
Arminian view of 105
man's ability in, from God, 113
recognition of God's working In, tends
to practical religion, 117
limitations of divine agency in, 117
Samaritan Pentateuch, 482
Samuel, Second, 2 : 23, 347
Saracenic, invasion of Europe, 485
civilization threatened Europe, 485
Satan. Miltou'sand Dante's conceptions
of, compared, 513
Savings-Banks, an accompaniment of
civilization, 462
Schelling, his view of human know-
ledge, 8
held a direct intuition of self and God, 60
how his system differs from Fichte's, 60
Scholasticism, its iniiuenceon Theology, 4
Schools, large, their advantages and dis-
advantages,. 429
Schopenhauer, a valuable contributor
to facts of man's nature,. 97
Science, what it is, 9
a pre-equipment of mind necessary
to, 9
involves mind as well as matter, 9
ideas as well as facts essential to,..... 10
larger than observation and classifica-
tion 20
its terms derive value from meta-
physics, 21
has, according to Spencer, a truth in
common with religion, 52
assumes order and useful collocation
in the universe, 82
faith at basis of all science, 88
how related to religion 459
Scriptures, Holy, place of reason in re-
lation to, 572-574
Sects, their place in the dissemination
of truth, 241, 242
Selenology, the assumed science of, on
what dependent? 75
Self, its cognition necessary to the idea
of unity in mental phenomena, 68
Self-consciousness, a valid source of
knowledge, 20
the nature and value of its testimony
to existence of the ego, 68
Self-denial, its reflex influence on
church, 374
moves the heart of God 376
Self-interest, the fundamental law of
Political Economy, 444
has its morals, 444
its relation to universal benevolence,
444, 445
Bascom on, 459
man's highest, often at war with low-
er principles, 458
man's highest, its attainment requires
a power outside human nature, 459
Selfishness, not the best policj-, 456, 457
Self-limitation of God, in design and
creation 12
makes knowledge of him possible,... 51
as to his moral nature, the complet-
est, 51, 76
imposed only from within, 76
in the person of Christ, 186
Self-love, its place In Christianity and
Political Economy, 450, 451
Self-mastery, 562-566
Seljuks, conquest of Palestine by, 488
treatment of Christian pilgrims by,. - 488
Seminary, Theological, its site should
be a large city, 298, 311
should be liberally supported by the
churches 301
what its departments should be,. .303, 304
requires the ablest instructors pos-
sible, 304
Seminaries of Hamilton and Rochester,
their relations, 314
Seminary, Theological, the salaries of
its professors, 305
should be a store-house of literature, 306
should have a library, museum, and
lectureships, 306
training of the vocal organs should
be a part of its course 307
support of students at, 307, 308
relations between its professors and
students, 310, 311, 318
its chapel services, 312
its influences most permanent, 313
trains leaders for the churches, 316
must not lweome a kindergarten, 316
should combine practical with theo-
retical teaching, 317
should insist on highest and widest
culture, 318
seeks to ground in the revealed word, 545
its educators do not require servile
acquiescence in their instructions,. 547
the twofold aim of its discipline,— 547
seeks to develop habits of earnest, in-
dependent investigation, 547
seeks to encourage a spirit of love,... 547
should not cultivate the intellect ex-
clusively, 547
its teaching should set forth a definite
body of truth, 558
Seneca, on innate depravity, 101
Sensations, Berkeley's view of, 58
Sensations, may be caused by God di-
rectly 58
only objects of knowledge, 58
only deal with points In external ma-
terial, inind cognizes substance,— 68
Sensation proper, according to Hamil-
ton, 62
Sensational school, French, Locke's re-
lation to 58
Sensationalism of Locke, its outcome,. 7
Sensationalism, rhetorical, 571
its cure, 571
Sense-experiences of past generations
the alleged source of a jrriori ideas, 49
Sense-perception, according to Kant,.. 60
Sentimentality, its definition by Mill,.. 536
Separation of an illegally married pair
not always expedient, 440
Sepulchre, Church of Holy, scene at, on
Good Friday, 478
description of, 479
'Service,' its place in Political Economy, 448
Seth, a Hegelian, 61
"Seven ' Togethers,'" 834
Shakespeare, on complementary rela-
tion of the sexes, 204
hides his personality in his dramas, . 527
Shelley, his musical expression, 541
Shepherd, good, Christ as, painted on
communion-cups and walls of cata-
combs, 368
Signallty, the determining feature of
miracles, 138
Simony, its future punishment accord-
ing to Dante, 512
Sin, according to Hegclianlsm, 61
Romish view of, 102
its origin discussed 108-111
its source, an evil disposition, Ill
racial as well as personal, 124
self-isolating, 217
contemptible, the teaching of the
symbolism of the Divine Comedy,... 513
self-perversion of will, according to
Dante, 513
its future penalty, according to
Dante, not essentially external to
the sufferer, 514
according to Dante, tends to perma-
nence 514, 575
Sinful nature, why man is responsible
for, 118
'Sinner, the,' why? 158
Sins, of each individual peculiar to the
transgressor, 257
their three-fold division according to
Dante, 511
seven capital, 516
Skepticism, Materialistic, 31-38
Skepticism, modern, its drift and char-
acter, 29,31
Smith, Adam, taught Political Economy
in connection with Moral Science,.. 443
Smith, Adam, the founder of the sci-
ence of Political Economy,.. 443
Smith, Goldwin, on the automatic
theory of human nature, 27, 28
Smith, H. B., on causes, 92
Smith, Sydney, his witticism on Berke-
ley and Hume, 59
his opinion on the difference between
men and women, 403
Smyth, Dr. Newman, on a fair proba-
tion either in a pre-existent state or
after death, 127
Social questions, the problems of the
present, 452
Social Unions, their best functions, 461
Solipsism, Idealism logically leads to,.. 169
Son of man, the term Implies more than
humanity 206
'Song of Moses and the Lamb,' why
the redeemed sing, 365
Sorcery, its future punishment accord-
ing to Dante, 512
Soul, what in opinion of Humist, 50
present in every part of body at
once, 51
a mental image of, impossible, 51
as defined by Berkeley, 59
God can work in, 152
Southern cross, according to Dante,
shines on Mount of Penitence, 515
Sovereignty, divine, and human free-
dom, both facts, though Irreconci-
lable by our powers, 6
Space an a /nittH truth, cannot be fig-
ured to the imagination, ..48, 51
Speculation, however lofty, filters
down to the people, 5, 55
Spencer, Herbert, advocate of philoso-
phy of Nescience, 8
materialistic in his philosophy, 31
his one postulate, the persistence of
force, 40
his vicious use of <i priori reasoning, 41
does not regard force as connected
with will, 42
is logically an Absolute Idealist, 43
sets forth a method of the divine
working, 44
ignores or denies important facts 44
fails to explain origin of life and mind
44, 45
deserves thanks for emphasizing
truth of development in creation,. 45
regards universe as consisting only of
one substance, 4T
his theory of knowledge unsatisfac-
tory, 47, 48. 49
not a Posltivist, 49
recognizes a priori elements in human
knowledge, 49
the origin he assigns to a i>riori ele-
ments, 49
makes cognition to be recognition,.. 49
Spencer, Herbert, bis explanation of
existence of Intuitions, 50
a materialistic idealist, 50
a Humist, 50, 59
declares God to be inconceivable and
unknown, 50
his idea of 'conceive,' 50,51
on the absolute and Influite as un-
known, 50
attacks personality of God, 52
on the truth which is common to re-
ligion and science, 52, 53
his explanation of the existence of
the feeling of obligation, 53, 54
makes an action right because useful,
54, 55
what he considers conscience as, 55
regards the will as externally necessi-
tated, 55
is a monist, 55
his system delusively simple 55
his teaching acceptable to those who
dread a personal, holy God, 55
his teaching destructive to morality,
art and literature, 56
hissystem open to a reductin ad abmr-
dum, 58
on the cognition of self, 70
his explanation of idea of God, 87
on advantages of varied environment, 428
his dictum of style, 537
Spending and giving, a test of c haracter, 467
Spinoza, on design implying imperfec-
tion in designer, 12
Spirit, Holy, some of his influences may
be resisted, 128
some of his influences sufficient to se-
cure acceptance of Christ, 128
helps us to think ourselves into God's
thoughts, 254
helps to believing utterance of truth, 254
communicates contagious zeal, 255
associates laborer in sympathy with
God's heart, . 255
grants matter and manner of speech,
his stimulation healthy, 256
makes the teacher a magnet, 256
uses agents sometimes unconsciously, 256
bestowed by the Savior in recompense
for his sufferings, 257
from him who receives him he in turn
flows forth to others, 257
his ordinary illumination of believers,
its relation to proper Inspiration,... 170
makes us understand truth, 171
he revives and applies a past revela-
tion, 172
turns the outer into an inner word,.. 172
is the organ of internal revelation,. 172, 251
his office must not be exalted at ex-
pense of work of Christ, 172
every true teacher his assistant, 350
Spirit, Holy, brings spirit ual blessing to
the true teacher, 251
is not the invisible presence of Christ, 251
as sunlight on a darkened landscape,. 251
as oculist who removes cataract, 251
in him is the returning activity of the
Godhead, 252
is necessary to God himself, 252
manifests the secrets of eternity, 252
an inexhaustible reservoir always
available, 253
sensitizes the heart, 253
Spoils-system, Garfield's assassination
due to, 352
the system explained, 352
its unwholesome influence 352, 353
its operation at New York Custom
House, 352
its wide extent, 353
occupies unduly the time of President
and Cabinet, 353
defended by Garfield as Hepublican
nominee, 3T>3,35*
Garfield, as President, carries it out,. 354
its monstrosity will secure its aban-
donment, 356
State, the individual's relation to, ac-
cording to modern view, 207
should leave trade and commerce
alone, 450
Stephen, the protomartyr, first philo-
sophic historian, 337
Stoics, 15
Strikes, wholesome change of feeling in
relation to, 451, 455
Stuart, Moses, his influence on Bible
study 331
Substance, an a priori truth, 48
cognized by mind, 60
known to God and man, 60
its cognition necessary to idea of unity
in material phenomena, 68
material, its cognition as inevitable
an act of reason as the cognition
of mental substance or conscious
self, 68
Suicide, its future puuishment accord-
ing to Dante, 512
Superintendence of universe, God's,... 46
God's, its existence and nature set
forth by facts of creation, 46, 47
Support of theological students vindi-
cated, , 308
Sweden, progress of Baptist principles
in, 243
Swinburne, Algernon, his sensuous pa-
ganism, 56
deifies the body 536
Swiss valley, illustration from incident
in 378, 377
Sword, Edenlc, a manifestation of
wrath, 392
Sychar, a Sunday at, 482
Sympathy, not a sufficient explanation
of man's responsibility for Adam's
sin, 118
its nature, 568
its excellencies, 569
Synergism, unscriptural, 105
denied by Paul, 117
Synthetic conception, what? 60
Systems, delusive sometimes through
superficial simplicity, 6
may become simple through mutila-
tion, 6
Tabula ram, mind at first is not a 101
Tahiti, Ellis on the condition of woman
there 44
Talne, his materialistic tendency, 31
Tait, on the Impossibility of a jniorl
reasoning demonstrating any phys-
ical fact, 40, 41
Talbot, on metaphysics dealing with
realities, 283
Tandem-team idea of salvation, un-
scriptural, 117
Tastes, God cares for them, 465
Taylor, Isaac, on the influence of their
physical surroundings on the au-
thors of the liible, 476
Taylor, N. W„on Imputation, 169
on Depravity, 169
on Sin, 169
on Will, 169
on Pelagius, 169
Teacher's, The, Guide And Helpf.ii,
Teacher, the true, a helper of the Spirit, 250
dependent on Spirit as organ of in-
ternal revelation, 251
dependent on Spirit as refluent move-
ment of divine activity, 252
dependent on Spirit to render heart
of auditor sensitive,.... 253
dependent on Spirit for a life which
may incarnate the truth,.. 254
dependent on Spirit for emotional
intensity, 254,255
dependent onSpirit for union with God 255
dependent on Spirit for wIlat he shall
speak, 255
dependent on Spirit for how he shall
speak, 255
dependent on Spirit for when he shall
speak 255
the truc.receivesthe Spirit from Christ 257
by an act of surrender and faith, 257
to make him a blessing to others,.. . 257
Teacher, in a theological school, why
ordained? 324
of New Testament Language and In-
terpretation, should teach thor-
oughly, 325
should arrive at fixed opinions on
difficult questions, 325
should cultivate breadth,.. 325
Teacher, of N. T. Exegesis, should ex-
hibit boldness, 326
should cherish independence, 327
should be earnest, 327
should be reverent, 328
should be lovingly studious of God's
word, 328
Teaching truth, as the scattering of
perfumes in a triumphal progress,. 250
Teleological argument for the existence
of God, 81,82
more carefully stated, 82
invalidity of common objections to,.. 82
its exact value, 83
its limitations, 83
Telescope, as an illustration, 69
Tennyson, Lord, 21, 28, 28, 30, 38, 204. 204
his portrait, 525
is he a religious poet? 535
compared with Browning, 535
Theism, the stock objection of the phi-
losophy of Nescience to 51
Theism, Scientific, 75-89
Theism, Scientific, possible, 75
it« assumptions possible, 86
Theodorlc, 17
Theologic thought like a pendulum,... 6
Theological education, its true idea,... 302
Theological students, their support
should be by gift not loan, 309
should be regulated by their man.
ifested activity intellectually and
morally, 309
Theological students, why thought ir-
reverent? 312
Theology, its beginnings, 3
combines facts of revelation and facts
of consciousness, 3
how far it gets its facta from philos-
ophy 3
synthetic In its methods, 3
knowledge of its history requires
some study of philosophy, 5
contains factors logically irreconcil-
able, 6
Theology and Philosophy, their differ-
ent methods, 3
their mutual influence evidenced in
state of modern Continental
thought, 8
Theology, Comte's view of, 13
its relation to Revelation, 75
Th so LOOT, Tub Will In, 90-113
Theology, the two principal applica-
tions of Nominalism in, 164
Theology, The New, 164-179
Theology, The New, exaggerates indi-
vidualism, 164
its historical connections, 164-170
has a source in mediieval nominalism, 164
nominallstlc 164
false by defect 166
creatian, 166
Theology, the New, atomistic, 166
has a source in modern Idealism, 166
is indebted to Jonathan Edwards, 167
exaggerates the divine Immanence,.. 167
its prominent specific ideas, 170-177
borrows from many but related
schools, 170
its doctrine of Christian conscious-
ness, 170
its practical results, 178, 179
its teachings affect family life, 178
tends to rationalism rather than mys-
ticism 172
has emphasized the Spirit's work, 172
its doctrine of the extra-temporal
Christ, 172-174
emphasizes a valuable truth 173
obscures the historic Christ, 173
obscures the objective Atonement,
173, 174
its doctrine of second probation,. 174-177
teaches that sin consists in sinning,.. 175
teaches that dispositions arc only sin-
ful as leading to sin, 175
weakens our convictions of guilt of
heathen, 176
its teachings affect church-life,.. .178. 179
loses some sublime conceptions, 179
its influence on ministry, 179
its influence on missions, 179
Theology, New England, its teachers, 1611
rejects exercise-system, l69
becomes unmltigatedly Individualis-
tic, 169
its tendency,.. 170
Theology, Historical, its two branches, 304
Pastoral, a part of a Theological Sem-
inary training, 304
Practical, a part of a Theological Sem-
inary training 304
Systematic, a part of a Theological
Seminary training, . 304
Theology, at present acquiring a whole-
some realistic spirit, 445
is insisting on analogy between nat-
ural and moral law, 445
Theology, Scholastic, a sign of what?.. 497
"Things are only thought*," a Berke-
lelan aphorism, 61
"Thinking thinks," Hegel's dictum,..61, 70
Thomasius, on God as "the simply
one," 165
on nominalism in Theology, 165
on the divine attributes, 165, 189
Thompson, Sir William, his theory of
the introduction of life to this
planet 46
Thorwaldsen, his group, "Christ and
His Apostles," 233
"Thou art," inscription on Temple at
Delphi, 4
Thought, in philosophy of Nescience,
what? 8,13
Thought, a true system of, recognizes
the existence of metaphysical and
moral truth, 20
its monistic tendency towards Ideal-
ism or Materialism, 23
not a mode of motion, 46
Tleck on Dante, 523
Time, an a priori truth, 48
"Time, Death and Judgment," a paint-
ing by Watts, 525
Titus, his treatment of Jerusalem, 484
To airAwc God is not, 165
Toplady's hymn'on Christ's substitu-
tion, 21«
Tofu* in nrnni pirte, 51
Tourmaline, the, illustration from its
polarization of light 446
Tours, defeat of Saracens at, 485
Trade, rests on law of reciprocal benefit, 450
Trades-unions and similar combina-
tions, what objectionable in, 454
Trench, Archbishop, on "Providential
Miracles," 138
Troubadours, their rise, 500
Truth in solution, tends to crystallize,.. 2
Truth, often consists of two opposite
propositions, not in their ria media, 6
In Theology, contains the true but ir-
reconcilable factors of divine sov-
ereignty and human freedom, 6
In consciousness, involves in one du-
ality two different things, matter
and spirit, 6
sacrificed, if either of its factors ig-
nored 6-8
absolute, denied by Positivism, 11
a globe with two opposite poles, 23
an organic whole, 239
e-annot deny any part of, with impun-
ity, 239
Baptist tenets are part of, 239
special parts of, committed to special
keepers, 241
two possible plans of its dissemina-
tion, - 241
in spiritual things defined, 547
influence of clearer views of, 546, 547
and love, consistent and inseparable. 547
Truth And Love, 546-548
Tyndall. his materialism, 31
on " the passage from the physics of
the brain to the facts of conscious-
ness," 36
a Humist, 59
on scientific imagination, 28
Tyrian Ladder, its ascent. 477
Ulysses, his fate according to Dante,... 506
Unbelief, a stream of many eddies, 31
Unconscious Assumptions of Com-
Munion Polemics, 245-249
Uniformitarian theory of geology, re-
cently modified, 141
Uniformity of Nature, see Nature
Union With Christ, The Believer's
Union with Christ, believer's, has re-
ceived little formal treutment, 220
its neglect a reaction from exagger-
ations of mysticism, 220
is taught variously and abundantly in
Scripture, 220
illustrations of, 220
direct teachings of, 221
its scientific definition difficult, 221
is a fact of life, 221
a stage in the approximation of God
to his creatures 221
not a mere natural union, 221
not a mere moral union, 221
floes not destroy distinct subsistence
of either of the persons united, 221
is not mediated by sacraments, 221
as described in Scripture, 222
a union of soul with Christ, 222
represented by union of building and
foundation, 220
of husband and wife, 220
of vine and branches, 220
of members with human body, 220
of race with Adam, 220,221
differs from God's natural and provi-
dential concurrence with all spirits, 222
differs from unions of mere associa-
tion and sympathy, 222
differs from mere moral unions, 222
is a union of life, 222
preserves personality, 222
secures the energy of the Spirit of
Christ, 222
is organic, 222
secures reciprocity in the parts of the
organism, 222
is a vital union, 222
is indissoluble, 222
sacraments presuppose it, - 222
is inscrutable, 222
in what sense mystical, 222
possessed by all believers, 222
not consciously possessed by all be-
lievers, 222
its knowledge sometimes acquired
Inadvertently, 222
knowledge of it us a personal privi-
lege elevates Christian life, 223
is the focus of theology, 223
explains our relation to Adam, 223
throws light on the Atonement, 223
secures believer's subjective reconcil-
iation to God, 223
makes justification more than a mero
legal formality, 223
Luther on, 223
frees the Imputation of Christ's right-
eousness from arbitrariness, 224
is the essence of religion, 224
its relation to Regeneration, 224
Union with Christ, believer's, is cheer-
ing, 224
is purifying, 224
enables belicvertoappropriate proph-
ecies and promises primarily refer-
. ring to Christ 224
assists believer to reproduce Christ's
life, 224
involves fellowship with the Savior,.. 224
sanctifies the soul, 224
purifies and raises up the body, 224
by it Christ gives his life to the
church, 224
conveys assurance of salvation, 224
communicates courage, 224
removes indolence, 224
checks alike impatience and faithless
activity, 224
assists in prayer, 225
sets forth the religion which can save
humanity 225
the central truth of all theology and
religion 362, 548
the source of a minister's courage,... 557
Unitarians, their view of the absolute
simplicity of God, its results, 183
many advocate the eternity of mat-
ter, 183
tend to Pantheism, 183
Unity, an unregulated passion for, dep-
recated *
in mental and material phenomena,
how found, 68
Univeraalia in re, true though not inde-
pendent realities, — 18*
Universe, the, from the Positive posi-
tion, 11
denial of purpose in, 11,12
can produce a Comte but cannot equal
his intelligence 12
a godless, any superstition better
than such a conception, 28
"a thought of God," 29
contains an idea, 33
an expression of mind, 34
of one substance, according to Spen-
cer, - *T
seeming imperfections in its order,
discussed, 82,83
Its broadest signification given to
the word, 527
Universities, medteval, revival of
learning in, 500
University, the, ever hospitable to
ideas, 311
a teacher of philosophy, 39
Unpicturablc things, many, are true,.. 51
Unregenerate, certain remnants of
power lingering with, 118,119
vnotLtvj, its meaning enlarged on, 555
Usefulness, each Christian has his spe-
cial department of, 160
Utile, Cicero on, 55
Valedictory words to various classes
graduating from Rochester Theo-
logical Seminary,
546, 518, 551, 551, 557, 559,
560, 562, 566, 569, 572, 575, 577, 580, 583, 586
Value, lies in labor constituting a "ser- ♦
vice," 448
Values, other than material in Political
Economy, .. 449
Vedder, Elihu, his illustrations of Omar
Khayyam's Ruhqiyat, 533
Veitch, on Non-Egotistical Idealism,... 67
on the intelligibility of externality of
object, 67
Venus dc'Medici described, 413
Violence, its future punishment accord-
ing to Dante 512
Virgil, what he represents in Divine
Comedy, 507, 598
Virgin, house of, its translation from
Jerusalem to Rome, 482, 483
VUaNunva of Dante, 503
Vitry, James of, his typical ignorance
Of foreign lands, 500
Volition, conscious, is it necessary to
sin? 101,102
Voltaire, his explanation of the pres-
ence of fossils,. - 148
on influence of Purgatory, 525
Wallace, on difference between human
and animal intelligence, 46
War, the hope of the feudal dependant, 490
not waged from mere desire of ven-
geance, . 491
Watts, George Frederick, a very real-
istic painter 525
his collection of pictures at the Met-
ropolitan Museum of Art,.. 525
'We are born in faith,' Fichte's aphor-
ism, 21
Wealth, its trials, 461
Webster, Daniel, on "room high up,".. 282
Weeping at the grave, Jewish custom
of 477
Wellington, on "the finger of Provi-
dence," - - - 29
West Point, why quality of students at
present deteriorating there, 292
Whately, Richard, on a professorship of
Political Economy in each theologi-
cal school, 443
Whedon, on God's making himself
happy in wrong, 106
Whispering-gallery, illustration from,. 551
'White Rose' of highest heaven, the
resting-place of those who at the
same time are working in the sub-
ordinate heavens, 522
Wiberg, Andreas, his usefulness in
Sweden 243
Will, personal, superior to nature's laws, 25
only key to interpretation of nature, 25,26
Will, the results of denying its freedom,
infinite, need not manifest its whole
power 43
infinite, alone necessarily persists,— 43
Wii,u The, In Thbolooy, 90-113
Will, the difficulty of discussions con-
cerning, 90
facts regarding, 81
what facts enter into the liberty of,.. 81
the liberty of, shown In mental energy
specially, 81
its freedom held by Calvin, 92
requires some reason for its activity, 93
requires motive 83
its liberty not dependent on indeter-
mlnateness, 83
its motives within mind, 93
its strongest motive, the ruling pref-
erence, 93
its completer definition, 94
its freedom consistent with fixed di-
rection and form of its volitions, . 94
its freedom compatible with certainty
of action 95
as a faculty of volitions is canxa
conuanx 85
as related to character is eauta cant-
ata, 95
its formal freedom, 95
the origin of its necessity of evil,— 95
its civil freedom, 85
as treated in most moral philosophies, 95
has no power to change character,... 96
cannot disregard motive, 96
errors of philosophers regarding 96
a more comprehensive definition of, 96, 97
its place in the universe according to
Schopenhauer and Hartmann, 97
unconscious 97
further defined 97
Revue Chretienne on 9T
not a ' creative first cause," 97
author's theory of, required by a true
doctrine of divine foreknowledge,
98, 101
author's theory of, required by a true
doctrine of man's responsibility for
native depravity, ldl-103
author's uheory of, recapitulated and
tested by Scripture, 98-113
caprice-theory of, . - 99-101
author's theory of, necessary to a
Scriptural sense of the universality
of personal guilt, 102
author's theory of, necessary to a just
view of the extent of the divine
law, 102
how responsible for an inborn state
of, 103
author's theory of, harmonizes with
Scriptural teachings on the divine
initiative in salvation, 103
Will, author's view of, agreeable with
Scripture teaching on the perma-
nence of character in God and the
redeemed, - - .105-10"
author's view of, denned from objec-
tion, - 107-111
its motives never equally balanced,.. 107
may remain same while vast subordi-
nate improvements take place in
character, Ill, 112
Jonathan Edwards' theory of, insuffi-
cient, 120
always and everywhere acts only in
view of motives, 122
as related to motive, 122
its own determiner, 122
considered as absolutely originating, 123
obedient yet elective, 123
an undetermined cause, 123
chooses direction only, 123
and desire, how related, 123
sinners have not lost all natural
power of, 124
its natural freedom under grace be-
comes a higher freedom, 126
its ' formal' and ' real' freedom, 126
use of its ' formal' freedom may lead
to ' real' freedom, 126
may use its formal freedom till habit
is incurable, 126
human,can act on nature and produce
results which nature alone could
not accomplish, 134
human,not determined by natural law, 135
has a power superior to nature's laws, 135
the central fact in personality, human
and divine, 182
an independent, granted by God to
man, 360
strongest thing in being, save God, .. 550
Withered hand, a parable of salvation, 113
Woman, modern view of her dignity,.. 207
Woman's Place And Work,. 400-409
Woman, her place and work according
to Gen. 2:18, 400
her paradisaic state, 400
how received by Adam 400
in her nature equal with man, 400
in office subordinate to man, 401
one with man in life and work 401
her head is man, as Christ's head is
God, 401
her position not determined by curse, 401
divine curse upon, what does it mean? 402
her degradation among Hindus and
Jews, 402
any existing relics of injustice to her
in laws or manners should be put
away, 402
facilities of culture should be as free
to her as to man, 403
all suitable occupations should bo
open to, 403
Woman, her remuneration should be
equal to that of man, 403
reform in all things injuriously affect-
ing, has sympathy of Christian
teacher, 403
any prominent, entitled to fair judg-
ment, 403
by sex, subordinated in office to man, 403
her subordination to man not ex-
plained on force theory, 404
fitted by constitution for subordina-
tion, 404
the duties of maternity preclude at
times outdoor labor, 405
her grandest work, 405
the influence of Christianity and civi-
lization upon her position, 405, 406
the aspirations of the Buddhist, 406
false views of her position affect the
marriage bond, 408
and the franchise, 407, 408
her debt to Christianity, 409
how she may be man's helper, 409
how much she owes to Christ, 410, 414
her position in the east 410
at Athens and Home, 410, 411
in heathen lands, 411, 412
her degradation self-perpetuating,... 412
her nature consecrated by the mater-
nity of Jesus, 413
her status elevated by her share
equally with man in the redeeming
work of Christ, '.. 413
honored by being made the first her-
ald of the gospel 413
Teutonic reverence for, received new
impulse from Christianity 414
the passive virtues, usually deemed
feminine, specially recognized by
Christ 414
her work for women in heathen lands
a modern feature in Christian activ-
ity, 415
Woman, The Education Of A, 418-430
Woman's Rights agitation, its funda-
mental error, 405
reasons for solicitude concerning, 407
Women, heathen, their numbers and
condition, 412
elevated by Christ, 413
Christian, can to some extent repay
their debt to Christ by seeking to
extend the blessings they have re-
ceived to their sisters, 415
not accessible to men, in some eastern
countries, 416
heathen, their influence as wives and
mothers, 416
Mohammedans anxious for the educa-
tion of their, 416
their future missionary movements
forecast, 417
the writings of, their characteristics, 420
Women, eminent public, are exceptions
not examples, 42S
Women's American Baptist Missionary
Society, its special work, 416
its strength in 1883, 416
an opportunity for women to take
part directly in mission work,! 417
Woolman, John, bissympatheticsuffer
ings as a member of a sinful race,.. 217 Word, the spoken, its explanation more than a reference to vibrations of air
which constitute sound, 33
of God, its personality, 545
the only weapon of the Christian ministry, 545
relation of reason to, 572
Wordsworth, his poetry contrasted
with that of Swinburne, 56
his lines contrasting the fixity of the material universe with the errancy of spirit, 60
Wordsworth, compared with Browning, 582 deficient in a sense of the ludicrous,. 537 sometimes long-winded and weari
some 537
Work And Power, 552-554
Wundt, and his new German psychology, e»
Xenophon's saying concerning Cyrus.. 564 Youmans, his theory that so-called chemical elements art* but modifications of a common ultimate substance, 6
on transformation of force into consciousness, 24
Zeal Fok Christ, 583-58*
Zoal distinguished from fanaticism, — 584
Zenana work, what? 416
its ad vantages, 410
whom to be done by, 416
Zola, his literary work characterized,.. 531
This work is an enlarged and amended edition of the author's "Lectures on Theology," printed in 1876 for the use of students in the Rochester Theological Seminary. It contains nearly four times the amount of matter embraced in the former volume. The main text remains substantially the same, although important additions have been made to the treatment of the intuition of the divine existence, the classification of the attributes, the statement of the doctrine of decrees, the teaching as to race-sin and raceresponsibility, ability or inability, the ethical theory of the atonement, and the final state of the wicked. The section on the moral nature of man (conscience and will) is new; a few minor paragraphs of the older book have been omitted; and the work has been somewhat altered in arrangement.
The author's aim has been not so much the writing of a theology for theologians as the construction of a hand-book for the use of students for the ministry. The main text is intended to serve as the basis for daily recitation; the matter in smaller print is added by way of proof, explanation, or illustration. To save labor to the reader, Scripture passages referred to in the text have been printed in full in the appended notes — the Revised English Version, except where otherwise indicated, being used, and the readings of the American Committee being generally preferred. Minute references are given, under each head, to the various books which may serve as additional sources of information or suggestion. The writers referred to are not mentioned as authorities: it has been the aim, in general, to indicate not only the authors whose views are favored, but also those who best represent the views combated, in the text. The editions nsed are those found in the Library of the Seminary for whose students the text-book was originally written; fortunately these editions are, in general, the latest.
It has been thought well not only to give references to the best writers on the subjects treated, but also to introduce brief quotations from them, with a view to familiarize the reader with their general doctrinal position and to stimulate him to further reading of the works themselves. Many of these quotations are followed by explanatory or critical remarks, and in the smaller print considerable space is not unfrequently given to notes upon matters that could not be fully treated in the text, such as the history of systematic theology, the authorship of the Pentateuch, heathen systems of morality, heathen trinities, the Mosaic history of creation, the Sabbath, objections to the evolutionary theory of the origin of man, a tabular view of theories of imputation, notes on depravity, guilt, and penalty, the humanity of Christ, the Old Testament sacrifices, the doctrine of election, union with Christ, ordination to the ministry, the immortality of the soul, and the second coming of Christ.
It will be noticed that books are sometimes referred to which can hardly be called the best sources of information: in such cases the intention has often been to help the theological student to use intelligently the books he has; in other words, to enable the possessor of few books, and those not the best, to get from them all the good he can.
Attention is called to the element of Scriptural exposition that has been admitted. Under each of the chief doctrines, the main passages relied upon for proof are somewhat fully explained; while the attempt has been made to condense the results of the best modern exegesis into the few words of explanation immediately following many of the minor passages cited. Although much material for private study is thus added, the author does not regard the work, even in its present form, as more than an outline which needs to be filled in by the fuller expositions and discussions of the classroom. It is to be judged by its aim — to provide a basis and starting-point, a source of elementary knowledge and a stimulus to thought, in preparation for the oral instruction of a Theological Seminary.
The few copies of Dr. Strong's "Systematic Theology" yet remaining unsold are now offered to ministers and theological students in general. It is a volume of 780 pages, including an index of 158 pages. It comprises as much printed matter as the three volumes of the " Systematic Theology" of Dr. Hodge, and four times as much as the brief Compendinm printed by the author in 1876. The book is not sold nt bookstores, and there is no discount to any one. The undersigned is the only agent for its sale. A copy will be sent postpaid to any address on receipt of postal order for FIVE DOLLARS, by
O. W. JANSEN, Agent,
No. 6 Trevor Hall, Rochester, N. Tl.
PROFESSOR WILLIAM G. T. SHEDD. D. D., of the Union Theological Seminary, New York City. I am rejoiced to find that the orthodox faith has obtained yet another lucid statement and powerful defense. You have made a manual superior to any that I am acquainted with in the English language; and at the same time there is far more of the fulness and sequence of a theological treatise than is usually attained in a hand-book. I have recommended it to my classes as an exceedingly helpful work for them to obtain and study.
PRESIDENT ALVAH HOVEY, D. D., of the Newton Theological Institution, Newton Centre, Mass., in the Baptist Quarterly, October, 1886. Dr. Strong is entitled to high rank among the true knights of labor. . . . We think of his Systematic Theology as uniting the best thought of the past with that of the present, the Augustinlanism of the early church with the tempered Calvinism of to-day, .... The part which treats of Christian churches and ordinances will be found entirely satisfactory to Baptists, and at least profitable, because instructive, to Christians of every name. We rejoice, therefore, in the publication of this volume, on account of the truth which it teaches as well as on account of the scholarly manner in which that truth is taught. It must fill an important place in our theological literature. Its plan is comprehensive, its analysis thorough, its learning sound, its style lucid, and its reasoning vigorous. It is positive without being acrid, and the influence of its teaching will doubtless be specially useful because it is timely.
in a letter to the author.
Allow me to congratulate you upon the completion of so valuable a work It
seems to me to be a very self-consistent, scholarly, and complete work. With nearly all the views advocated in it I sympathize. Certainly there is no " Systematic Theology" which I would sooner place in the hands of a pupil, or of a son, than yours. If it speaks with slightly more confidence than I feel on a few difficult points, I am almost glad that it does; for I have no pleasure in hesitancy, and I believe that your views are not inconsistent with the Scriptures. But every one must speak and write according to the grace that is given him.
PROFESSOR E. D. MORRIS, D. D., of the Lane Theological Seminary, Cincinnati, O., in the New Turk Evanaelitt. This volume .... is much more than a hand-book or compendium, as it modestly claims to be: it is rather a broad and vigorous discussion, highly creditable as such to the author, and well worthy of a place among the standard American authorities in
this department The views on Inspiration are especially clear and convincing, and
the answers to current objections are vigorous and conclusive We find in it no
trace of sympathy with the loose, pernicious theories of the future life now advocated
in certain quarters We recommend it as not merely a handbook for the class-room,
but a scholarly, systematic, able treatise on the greatest of all themes.
In the New TorH Independent.
This book is a growth Its wide reading and careful discrimination are stamped
upon every page. It is, with its full indices, an admirable handbook for the preacher's study-table, aiding the student by its ample references to push his investigations in all
directions and to tho utmost limit There is a wholesome tonic in Dr. Strong's
masterly discussion of Inspiration We thank him for his able defense of this
citadel of tho Christian faith Tho conception of the Divine law is very lofty, and
is vigorously carried through in the discussions of sin and atonement Of course,
on the doctrine of the Sacraments, the author defends the Baptist views. Thcro is no taint of the open-communion heresy in him, though his temper is admirable in its
Christian catholicity It is much easier to criticise such a book than to write it:
and we regard it as one of the very best theological manuals in existence.
PRE8IDENT E. G. ROBINSON, D. DOf Brow* University, Providence, R. I. I fear you will think me very negligent in not long ago acknowledging the receipt of your admirable volume of Theology. The truth is, I have been crowded with work, and wanted to get a little time to examine the volume before writing you, but the fates ba^e been against me. I have only found time to read your preface and to dip in here ana there. I see you are eminently orthodox and not likely to lead astray.
PRESIDENT M. B. ANDERSON, LL. D., of the Untvehsitt Of Rochester. Accept my sincere thanks for your elaborate treatise on Systematic Theology. It is a monument of Industry and learning, and a conclusive proof that no labor or thought
has been spared in the discharge of the responsible duties of your office I beg
leave to congratulate you on the completion of a course of instruction so comprehensive in range and so complete in details.
PRESIDENT G. D. B. PEPPER, D. Dof Colby University, in The Watchman. Dr. Strong has a rare power of making just such clear, ooncise, exact statements of positions as a student ought to commit to memory, and he appends to these an expansion, partly in his own language, and largely in quotations from others and references to others, as gives the requisite completeness of view That the author is preeminently an artist and an architect appears in all his productions, but nowhere else so
signally or impressively as here Solidity and strength are combined with grace
and beauty. As to substance of doctrine the work is eminently conservative The
development of the doctrine of the church is in both form and matter very satisfactory. .... Cathollo and fair toward other denominations, the entire discussion is unflinchingly Baptist. Whatever grounds one may have for dissent with some of the positions taken in this volume. it must be conceded that the work has signal merit. It is an honor alike to its author, to Rochester Theological Seminary, to the Baptist denomination, and to the Christian church. It has a future.
REV. HENRY M. DEXTER, D. D., in the Congregationalist. One great preeminence which this manual has over every other which we recall is in
the fullness and completeness of its indexes Another valuable quality of the book
is its expository element. It has some features — mechanical and other—which give it
unusual value While storing away into a large octavo page an extraordinary
quantity of matter, it is yet beautifully clear and readable. .... Of course we should be more edified by his volume if eight or ten of its pages on baptism were essentially modified, but—with that exception —we regard the book as one of very great value, and to be warmly commended to all who love thorough discussion in theology, leading in general to right conclusions.
PROFESSOR A. H. NEWMAN, D. D., of the Toronto Baptist College, in the Canadian Baptist. It would be quite within bounds to say that Dr. Strong's book is the most important
contribution ever made by a Baptist to systematic theology We will go further.
It is, everything considered, the very best work in existence on the subject of which it treats. We say this not in ignorance of the great works of the Hodges, of H B. Smith,
of Dorner, and of other leading German theologians We do not hesitate to give
the preference to Dr. Strong's book as a well-balanced, complete treatise, adapted to the
wants of the present age It should have a place in the library of every student
and of every minister who wishes to keep abreast of the theological thinking of the age.
November, 1886.
It is a remarkable fact that no one of the many very able theological writers of the Baptist denomination of the last half-century has, until now, given to it and to the church-public a comprehensive treatise on Systematic Theology, though a number of very able monographs have appeared. But this lack is now abundantly supplied by the Issue of the work the transcript of whose title is given above Now that they have this comprehensive digest of Christian doctrine, they may be said to have contributed ,
their share to our theological literature The author seems to think, and in this we
agree with him, that one who undertakes to teach should have settled convictions of his
own We may speak of the system of Christian doctrines here given, as a whole,
as thoroughly biblical and eminently evangelical. The presentation of the doctrine of sin, of atonement, of justification, and of the Christian life, are all most excellent, and with these wrought into his thinking and experience, the Christian teacher will not be
likely to lead men very far astray By the production of this volume the author
has made not only those of his own denomination, but the whole church universal, his debtors.
of the Crozer Theolooical Seminary, in the Examiner.
Dr. Strong, as is well-known, belongs to the conservative school of theologians'
He writes with clearness, vigor, and scholarly precision. His definitions, a large part of the book, are concise, neat, und easily intelligible. His statements of the views of others are candid, and as full as the circumstances permitted them to be. The notes on the history of particular doctrines are valuable and stimulating. The citations of authorities indicate a very extensive and unusual acquaintance with the literatures especially the recent and contemporaneous literature, of the subject discussed. If Dr. Strong holds to the old in theology, it is not because he is not acquainted with the new; but because he is acquainted with it, and feels that the old is better. He disclaims writing for theologians, but there are few theologians who would not find his book exceptionally valuable and helpful.
January, 1887.
Theological science has produced in this country very few works of the scope and merit of this solid octavo. The only previous publication of the kind that bears comparison with it is Dr. Charles Hodge's " Systematic Theology," in three volumes. While this one volume comprises as much printed matter as those three, it has the advantage of smaller and therefore more convenient bulk, having the whole work, including a copious index of 158 pages, in a single book. It has also the merit of greater conciseness and condensation. It excels In the element of freshness. It is a comprehensive survey of modern theological opinions, exhibiting prodigious and well-digested learning, marked by an uncommon faculty of analysis, logical arrangement and exact definition, and stumped
throughout by conservatism, candor and charity Publications of this kind are
very much needed just now amid the general haze in the theological world, and while this may not solve all or many of the problems that are rife, it will help students to clear thinking and scriptural knowledge, two of the foremost requisites for a sound theology.
REV. CHARLES H. SPURGEON, in the Sword and Trowel, London, November, 1886. A remarkable body of divinity which may serve for Baptists as Hodge does for
Presbyterians Wo might take exceptions [to its doctrine of the Communion, the
Atonement, and the Second Advent], but when we have said all, we still feel that this is a great work, and that men who study it will be men indeed, if the Lord blesses them. . ... If our young ministers knew more of theology — that is to say, of the Word of God — they would not be so easily duped by pretenders to knowledge, who endeavor to protect their own ignorance by crying down a thorough and systematic study of revealed truth. Wo hope Dr. Strong will enable the English reader to procure his invaluable Cyclopaedia, for It is nothing less.
PROFESSOR A. C. KENDRICK, D. D., of the University Op Rochester. I have taken occasion to dip into the volume here and there and to assure myself of its great thoroughness and completeness. I anticipate much pleasure and profit in its further examination, and I feel sure that your students, as well as theological students in general, will find it a great and invaluable aid to their theological studies. It is in every respect un elegaut book, and will be a credit, I am sure, both to our Seminary and our city. Our city press is to be congratulated on such a specimen of book-making, and I cannot doubt that you will realize in the impulse and aid which it will give to theological study a rich reward of your labor.
PRESIDENT JOSEPH ANGD8, D. D., of the Baptist Colleoe, Regent's Park, London. I am greatly indebted for a copy of your Systematic Theology, which reached me a couple of days ago. I have spent some time in looking it over — with great interest and satisfaction. It is clear, sufficiently full, and eminently suggestive. Mr. John Sheppard used to say that no author should be allowed a copyright in any book unless he added an Index. Eveu if his notion had become law, your title to proprietorship would be complete. The Indexes are capital, and will prove of great value to all students.
REV. SAMUEL G. GREEN, D. D., Secretary of the London Religious Tkact Society. I like it [ Dr. Strong's book l far better than Dr. Hodge's " Outlines." I agree with it more, and there is more to stimulate thought. Half the use of such a text-book is in stimulating those who use it to think for themselves. I sometimes decidedly dissent from Dr. Strong, as e. g. on the Communion question, but I like the book none the less on that account.
REV. T. WITTON DA VIES, D. D., Professor of Hebrew in the Baptist College, Haverfordwest, Wales. I lately received a copy of Dr. Strong's Systematic Theology Dr. Davies, the President of the College, has borrowed my copy, and he is so pleased with it that he has resolved to introduce it into his classes as a text-book.
PRESIDENT W. T. STOTT, D. D., of Franklin Colleoe, in the Indiana Baptist. If it could once have been said that American Baptists have no representative authors In Christian and theological literature, it can be said no longer. Among the best books
on Systematic Theology that have appeared in this country is Dr. Strong's The
book contains more matter, possibly, than Dr. Hodge's, and will doubtless take the place
among Baptists that Dr. Hodge's does among Presbyterians It is a biblical and
scholarly exposition of the fundamental doctrines of theology The minister,
though he be not educated in the schools, may comprehend the drift and substance of every discussion, while the man of learning will see that he is reading after a mind that is broadly familiar with the present sum of human knowledge in science, philosophy, and history. We cannot but rejoice that so able an exposition of Scripture doctrines, as Baptists hold them, has appeared. Wc are sure that the volume will be a standard for a long tune to come.
PROFESSOR E. H. JOHNSON, D. D, of the Okozek Theological Seminary, in the National Baptist Cursory examination of the whole and closer reading of various parts warrant the prediction that Dr. Strong's "Systematic Theology" will prove to educated ministers and to theological students one of the most interesting and instructive surveys of the field yet afforded to the public. It has the advantage high in any science, of being recent,
and of being at once concise and comprehensive The general arrangement is
logical, often especially felicitous, the analysis of a doctrine thorough, the definitions
clear and firm, the discussions vigorous, the spirit both conservative and kind
A wide sweep of theological erudition has been required for the preparation of this
volume The friends of the Seminary presided over by Dr. Strong, and the lovers
of a wise orthodoxy, may well rejoice at the appearance of this exceptionally able and useful work.
REV. HENRY S. BURRAGE, D. D„ lh Zton's Advocate, Portland, Maine. The part of the work which treats of the church is very full and satisfactory. Here, as indeed in the volume throughout, we have clear analysis, careful exegesis, and a sufficiently elaborate discussion for a forcible presentation of the author's views. .... The volume is a storehouse of religious truth, a complete handbook of theology, which should be in the hands of every minister, and every intelligent layman. To such we commend it most heartily. Its publication is an honor to the Baptist name, as well as u> its author.
REV. JUSTIN A. SMITH, D. D.. in the Chicago Standard. It la especially desirable as a 'ibrary-book, a book to be kept at hand for frequent use by those .... who may need to have access to a statement of Christian doctrine, which shall be, while concise, still complete, presenting in few words a clear statement of the
truth on each point Whatever point in theological discussion or inquiry the reader
may wish to consult his author upon, he will be quite sure to find it included In
respect to its general treatment of the great themes of theology, the book seems to us deserving of high praise. It is a book for a Baptist to name with pride and satisfaction as be compares it with those which bear the names of emlneut theologians of other denominations. The signs of research, and of careful, scholarly and critical study of
authorities are on every page At the same time one feels that he is receiving the
instructions of an independent thinker, whose mind works along the lines of the old and orthodox theology because study and reflection have seen in that theology all the notes of ascertained truth The book is admirably printed, and in point of mechanism, every way, is perfect. An Immense amount of labor has been bestowed upon it, in the mechanical parts of which Dr. Strong has had efficient co-laborers, yet which must still remain, in his own case, an example of industry, patient research, and conscientious fidelity.
PRESIDENT JOHN H. CASTLE, D. D., of the Toronto Baptist College. I am under deep obligations for your courtesy in sending me a copy of your great work on Theology. It is a monument to your industry, wide-reading, skillful gleaning,
keen insight, clear statement, and above ail, to your fidelity to God's own Hook
I am proud to see this rich contribution to theological science emanating from one of our Baptist Seminaries, my own Alma Mater.
PROFESSOR MOSES COIT TYLER, of Cornell University. I am deeply impressed by the greatness and nobility of the work you have thus achieved, and I congratulate you, and rejoice with you. I am delighted with the type, which concentrates a vast amount of matter and is also clear and beautiful. But the comprehensiveness of the work, its analysis, order, great learning, and reverent spirit —all fill me with admiration.
REV. G. W. LASHER, D. D., In the Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati, O. The more we read, the more we admire the sincerity and exhaustlveness with which each subject is treated, the frankness with which objections are stated, and the legion i
and Scriptural acumen with which the truth is vindicated This volume is one of
the most exhaustive and satisfactory treatises that has ever fallen into our hands, .... The student who has this book in hand is put into communication with the master minds of the Christian world. . . ; . A second feature of the work with which we arc specially
pleased is its thoroughly biblicul character The final appeal is to the word of God,
and the work is what the title of the author's professorship in the Theological Seminary indicates as his special field —" Biblical Theology."
REV. A. E. DICKINSON", D. D., in the Religious Herald, Richmond, Va. While this book will be specially valuable to theological students, it may be studied with profit by others. Such a work needs no commendation from us, It will take its place as one of the great authorities on the subjects of which it treats. The work is dedicated very appropriately to John B. Trevor, a great and notable patron of higher education.
of Tarrytown, N. Y.
I have received your monumental volume, and I thank you for it. My own experience In book-making enables me In some degree to appreciate what such a book costs to the author. I have not yet read the whole of it, but I have sampled it here and there, always finding, what I should certainly have expected, marks of clear consecutive thinking and answerably lucid expression. I congratulate you on this great work happily achieved What next?
of Providence, R. I.
I am sure I Rhall enjoy your book, and I hope profit by it. I know what book-making on a small scale means, and I can imagino what a herculean task it was to get such a book through the press.
PRESIDENT HENRY G. WESTON, D. D., of the Crozer Theological Seminary. I was just on the point of writing to you to congratulate you on the deserved success
of your recent work Every one, so far as I hear, feels that pleasure with your
Theology. You have done admirably a work at once very difficult and very desirable. It is the more gratifying because of the influence it will have in keeping our young ministers walking in the old paths. I very heartily rejoice in the favor whioh your book everywhere meets,
St. Louis, Mo.
All students in the ministry will give it a hearty welcome .... The doctrinal statements are brief but clear, scriptural proof-texts are printed in full (a great convenience for the student), various theories are characterized and discussed with sufficient fullness, and bibliographical indications are given for those who may wish to pursue a topic further. .... There is a freshness and breadth in the ii:ustrative material that give a pleasant flavor to the strong meat of the doctrine. . . . , While we congratulate Dr. Strong upon his excellent work, we are prouder than ever of the denomination that produces such a scholarly, pious and orthodox exposition of the doctrines of the Holy Book. Let us add that the publisher's work has been beautifully done; the paper, type and binding of this handsome octavo are worthy of high praise.
REV. A. C. CAPERTON, D. D., in the Western Recorder, Louisville, Ivy. This is for Baptists the most Important treatise on systematic theology that has
appeared since Andrew Fuller Dr. Strong combines brevity of statement with
clearness In a remarkable degree Instead of unfolding his views and supporting
them by texts, he unfolds the Scriptures On the great doctrines and on our
distinctive principles, this work leaves little to be desired The denomination owe
Dr. Strong a debt of gratitude for this great work.
of Detroit, Michigan.
It would be an excellent gymnastic for any one. Christian, Jew, or heathen, to work
through these lucid arguments and powerful presentations The typography
adapts it for lay as well as for professional reading The indexes of this great
work represent something like fine art. They are six in number, and with the Table of Contents occupy 170 pages. These are the special work of Rev. R. K. Ecclcs, M. D., of Salem, O., and supply all probable needs for ready-reference of any kind to the book.
• Jena, Germany.
How shall I thank you for sending me your magnum opus to cheer me, as by daily visits from yourself, In this exile? If I were to speak without restraint, I fear that I should transgress even the privilege which our friendship gives, in expressing my admiration of the book. It is un honor to yourself, to t he denomination whose peculiar views it states with admirable clearness, and. above all. a real contribution to the knowledge of God and his relations to man—the subllmcst of all sciences.
Granville, Ohio.
The work is Intrinsically of the highest value. I am astonished at its comprehensiveness and minute carefulness. It is by far the most exhaustive, and satisfactory manual that I know. The style of publication also, in typography, paper, and general arrangement. is admirable. The Index leaves nothing to be desired. Taken altogether, it is a monumental work, and I shall prize it as such.
In the Baptist Weekly, New York. The appearance of Dr. Strong's " Systematic Theology" will be hailed with delight by
all who are interested in the study of Christian doctrine and church polity He has
no sympathy with the theory of a pre-mlllennlal advent By some. Dr. Strong's
pasitions will be regarded as too conservative But if there is any danger to be
apprehended to our doctrinal basis from the influence of the " new theology," it is fit, perhaps, that those who are charged with the responsibility of training young men for the ministry should be careful to keep in the old paths and not expose themselves to the charge of encouraging dangerous deviations. The mechanical execution of this volume is superior, reflecting great credit on the Rochester publisher. It is appropriately dedicated to the most generous friend of Rochester Theological Seminary, John B. Trevor, Esq.
Rochester, N. T.
The plan of the work and the untiring labor by which the purpose was carried out, merit the gratitude of all who desire definite knowledge on the great subject of which it treats. .... It is a magnificent thesaurus of learning on the science of sciences.
Yonkers, N. Y.
I see that at last you have launched your bark " Systematic Theology," and have been kind enough to inscribe my name on the " head-board." I hope the new craft may have the favoring gales of Ood's blessed spirit, and in due time make a return voyage to you freighted with the lading of precious souls.
PHOF. GEORGE B. STEVENS, D. Dof the Yale Theological Seminary, in the New Englander. It is a work of long and painstaking labor, and places before the student the material of theology in far greater completeness than mere lectures could possibly do. The only danger would be that the mass of literature and detailed exposition of theories brought to his attention might quite overwhelm and discourage him. But as a Compendium which places before the student in comprehensive form almost the whole "Stoff" of theology, it is certainly a model in form and execution. It differs from such coinpendiums as Luthardt's and Hase's, in giving larger place to the dogmatio development of its various themes, using the historical material as illustrative chiefly. The opinions of the author are developed from a strictly conservative position. He is a Calvlnlst, but not all. Though following mainly the lines marked out by Augustine, the mediaeval realism and Calvin, the author's theology has bent at some points under the pressure of philosophical objections to these types of doctrine. In his exposition of the views which are peculiar to his denomination, Dr. Strong appears as a champion of the high-church Baptist theory
REV. TALBOT W. CHAMBERS. D. D„ in the New York Observer. It is not a hasty publication, but one that represents the labor and repeated study of a lengthened period. This is likewise apparent from its fulness of matter and accuracy of statement. It covers the whole ground of dogma, and the author's views are expressed with precision and clearness, and with entire fairness toward opponents
The author is In harmony with the views of the Reformed Churches, and his system is substantially what is known as Old Calvinism, but he is not fettered by any symbol or
formula, and states his opinions in a genial and attractive form The treatment
of God and the classification of his attributes are fresh and vigorous, quite an advance
upon the methods common half a century ago The discussion of the decrees of
God is profound and thorough and careful. The true view is maintained, but with such a wise choice of terms as to forestall tho common objections which confound certainty
with necessity, and providence with fate The chapter on the consequences of
sin is very discriminating and very strong. . . . The volume closes with no less than six
elaborate indexes, and in this respect is a model of book-making The book is a
very important contribution to American theological literature, and is worthy to stand on the same shelf with the stately volumes of Dr. Hodge's Theology.
PROF. M. B. KIDDLE, D. D., of the Allegheny Theological Seminary, in the Sunday School Times, Philadelphia, January 15,1887. It is but natural that here in America, where Christianity is courageously facing some of the most burning social and ethical questions, there should appear great treatises on Systematic Theology. Greatness we can attribute to such works without endorsing all the positions taken by the authors, and we gladly class the new volume of Dr. A. H.
Strong among these great treatises He is candid and consistent in his utterances,
and may well win praises from those who differ from him The chief excellence of
the work seems to be the happy union of strictly logical method with human interest, taking that phrase in its widest sense. This is meant to be high praise, and it may encourage some of our readers to obtain this book and study it The volume is
dedicated to John B. Trevor, Esq., whose liberality enabled the author to publish it,
The worthy Baptist banker cannot have made many better investments Dr.
Strong's theology is "up with the times." He deals with living issues, and can be used with profit in forming a correct estimate of the most recent doctrinal disturbance. The new aspects of truth he never ignores; but all such treatises as this of necessity suggest
how old the main issues are If any of the readers of this notice suppose that all
the thinking of a robust type is done by a few literary essayists of unevangclical tendencies, let them get this book, study a chapter or two, and if they are capable of thinking deeply, they will admit that systematic theology still receives the attention of strong minds, and that the views deemed "antiquated" by some elegant essayists have still their competent defenders.
REV. PROF. FRANCIS L. PATTON, D. Dof Princeton Theoloqicai. Seminary, in the PraibyUrian Review, April, 1887. We advise theological students to buy this book and keep it within easy reach for reference. It is a handsome octavo of 758 pages, of which the last 158 are indexes. It is a marvel of compression and at the same time of clear statement. The reader is greatly helped by its mechanical execution as well as by the author's skill in the art of expression. By judicious use of large and small print Dr. Strong is able to present his arguments adequately, and at the same time introduce ample references to the literature of the several topics with which he deals. Every page gives evidence of his wide reading and painstaking scholarship. He evidently wishes his pupils to be reading men
and to theologize for themselves The chapter on the Existence of God shows
acquaintance with the latest phases of the theistic controversy, and is very discriminating The apologetic value of prophecy and of miracles is vindicated in a way that
exhibits very gratifying contrast to the hesitating and half-hearted manner of some of our recent apologetes. The defense of Inspiration and the exhibition of the various
theories regarding it is the best that we have seen in a work of this kind The
chapters that deal with Sin and Imputation arc among the finest in the volume.
April, 1887.
This is one of themost Important contributions made in recent years to the subject of systematic theology. The book is rendered especially valuable by its methodical arrangement, its clear and condensed statements of the theological positions controverted or maintained, its judicious quotations from acknowledged authorities, and its abundant references to contemporary and standard literature. It thus will fill the place in one's library not only of a doctrinal statement, but of an outline of the history of doctrine as well. The value of the volume is greatly enhanced by an index well-nigh unexampled in fulness, occupying no less than 156 pages. Throughout the volume the author defends, with great clearness and vigor, the main positions of evangelical theology, especially as held among the Baptist churches, though it is doubtful if the majority of his brethren will go with him in his advocacy of the traducian hypothesis respecting the origin of the
human soul On the chapters upon the Scriptures a Revelation from God we have
little but unqualified praise Dr. Strong's argument for miracles, though brief, is
admirably conciived With this clear and correct statement of principles, short
work can be made of the great mass of objections to the Bible, and the student will do better to read carefully the ten pages devoted to them by Dr. Strong, than to read many
elaborate volumes that could be mentioned specifically devoted to their solution. ....
The chapter upon decrees is among the best In the book Dr. Strong's chapter
upon Eschatology would be admirable at any time, and is especially so, as adapted to
correct the evil tendencies of the present But in a single article scant justice can
be done to a book so comprehensive in its scope and so elaborately wrought nut In its details as this of Dr. Strong's is. We hail with gratitude the publication of such works even where we do not altogether agree with the views of the author.
PRESIDENT JAMES CULBOSS, D. D., of the Baptist College, Bristol, England. Its "idea" is patiently and finely worked out. . . . It will prove of real practical value to theological students and Christian teachers—being clear and precise In style, fair in spirit, wide in its sweep, and full of information, of vigorous and reverent thinking and tokens of personal Insight. It promises to meet my craving for an ideal book on systematic theology — that shall be an orderly exhibition, in just proportion, of ascertained truths, by a good man. Too often the systematlzcr dictates to the exegete, and utters his imperious "Stand/" where there is no danger: In your case, so far as I have seen, systematlzcr and exegete are in partnership.
REV. WILLIS A. ANDERSON, in the Andover Review, July, 1887. Dr. Strong's method enables him to compress into a single volume an unusually full discussion. Large use is made of historical theology, and this element makes it a very
valuable compendium for the student and pastor Another characteristic is the
large place given to the Scriptures. Every position taken is fortificd by Biblical evidence, and the citations are printed In full in the subordinate text. The discussion la carried forward in a direct logical manner and characterized by breadth ami scholarly attainment. We note, as particularly satisfactory, Dr. Strong's vindication of the necessity of theology and its importance for right religious life, the discussion of the
existence of God, the Trinity, and the Person of Christ The severity of form
with which this treatise is cast befits tho type of theology, which is thoroughgoing Calvinism. The new theology, ancient or modern, receives no hospitality. The New England Improvements In their diversity, from Edwards down, find no place in this consistent Calvinlstic divinity. Yet it is so tempered with a Christian catholicity of spirit, and is so interpenetrated with the suggestions of modern thought, as to be
attractive and inspiring As a whole, the work la a credit to the intellectual
strength of the author, a monument of learning which his friends may well cherish. The faults are mainly those of the theological system which holds the author in its grasp. However much one may dissent from his positions, he must admit the force of his logic. We regard Dr. Strong's work as one of the strongest presentations that can be made for the extreme Calvinlstic system of theology. And though its conclusions may not commend themselves generally, even to his own denomination, the reverent temper and caihoUo spirit which pervade the book must command universal admiration.