Job 12


7–12 Job then turns to the world of nature—animals, birds, fish—to prove his point. Even they will teach his friends that often the righteous suffer while the wicked remain secure (verses 7–8). Even the creatures “know” that their lives are in God's hands (verse 10). Surely Job's friends, who are among the aged (wise), should have the wisdom to understand these things (verse 12).

13–25 In these verses, Job continues his argument that God is completely in control of everything in the world; He is absolutely sovereign. All wisdom and power are His (verse 13). No one, not even counselors, judges, kings or priests can withstand Him34 (verses 17–21). Nations and their leaders are in His hands and He does with them as He pleases. It is folly to “set up rules” for God, and say that He must always reward the righteous and punish the wicked; God has greater purposes than humans can understand, and He will surely carry them out.