Song Of Songs 7


In these verses, the husband’s description of his bride’s body is the most detailed in the entire Song. Many Christians have the idea that the human body is somehow unclean or sinful, but verses like these show that that idea is mistaken. Yes, our human nature has become sinful, but not our body. The body is morally neutral; it can be used for either evil or good (Romans 6:11–13,19). The human body is a magnificent creation of our loving heavenly Father (Psalm 139:14), and it is to be marveled at and enjoyed—just as the husband here enjoys the body of his bride. Remember, God Himself came to earth in a human body. Likewise, the body of each believer in Christ is a temple of God’s HOLY SPIRIT(1 Corinthians 6:19). The body is a gift of God.

Starting in the middle of verse 9, the bride responds to her husband. He has just said that her mouth is like the best wine, and so she invites him to “drink her wine,” her kisses. She recognizes that her husband’s desire17 for her is as strong as her desire for him (verse 10); this gives her freedom and security in their relationship. She invites him to come with her out to the countryside where they can renew their intimacy (verse 11).