2 Chronicles 30 Footnotes
30:2-3 Passover was normally held on the first month of the year (Ex 12:2; Lv 23:5; Nm 9:5). But exceptions were not unknown for those who had been unclean because of contact with a corpse or who had been traveling (Nm 9:10-11). Both of these exceptions were applied here. The temple and the nation were unclean due to contact with Ahaz’s idols. The burial of the idols in the Kidron Valley was an important symbol in this respect (29:16). In addition, because the northern kingdom was invited to the feast, time was needed for the journey. Also, Jeroboam had changed the religious calendar by one month (1Kg 12:32-33).
30:5 “From Beer-sheba to Dan” was the theoretical extent of the nation’s territory (1Ch 21:2).
30:25 One purpose of the nation of Israel was to declare the glory of the Lord to the nations (Ex 6:1-6). Non-Israelites, “resident aliens,” had always been welcome at Passover (Ex 12:48-49).