Psalm 124 Study Notes


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Ps 124 title On ascents, see note at Ps 120 title.

124:1-3 Attacked us is literally “stood up against us” (3:1; 86:14; 92:11). See Rm 8:31: “If God is for us, who is against us?”

124:4-5 Fast-moving water and floods would have washed away all evidence of Israel’s existence (69:2,15; Is 30:28; 66:12). The Hebrew term translated raging is related to a word that means “arrogant” (Dt 17:13; Neh 9:10,29), characterizing the destructive water and the oppressive enemy.

124:6 Hostile people are depicted as devouring, unrestrained monsters (79:7; Is 9:12; Jr 51:34).

124:7-8 The mouth of a bird trap (Pr 7:23; Am 3:5) has been torn by God and the captured bird has escaped, as if from prison. The setting of a fowler’s trap suggests premeditation by the opposition, who lay in wait to capture God’s people.