Proverbs 6:22

Proverbs 6:22

When thou goest, it shall lead thee
The law of God taught by parents; this directs man in the path of duty and business of life; teaches him what way to shun, and which to walk in; it leads out of the paths of sin, and into the way in which he should go, which is most conducive to his good, and to the glory of God; it will lead him safely, so that he shall not stumble, ( Proverbs 3:3 ) ; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee;
from terrifying dreams, evil spirits, dangers by fire or thieves; one that observes it conscientiously may lie down and sleep, secure of the guardianship of divine Providence, and not fear any evil; or "shall watch over thee"


F8 in the night season; and [when] thou awakest, it shall talk with thee;
familiarly; and instruct what to do, and how to behave the day following; or "it shall go out with thee" F9, into the fields for a morning's walk, and assist in meditation. Jarchi interprets this of sleeping by death, and of awaking at the resurrection of the dead.
F8 (Kyle rmvt) "excubabit apud te", Cocceius; "excubias aget super te", Michaelis, Schultens.
F9 (Kxwvt ayh) "illa ipsa spatiabitur tecum", Schultens.