2 Corinthians 2


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9. For--Additional reason why they should restore the offender, namely, as a "proof" of their obedience "in all things"; now in love, as previously in punishing ( 2 Corinthians 2:6 ), at the apostle's desire. Besides his other reasons for deferring his visit, he had the further view, though, perhaps, unperceived by them, of making an experiment of their fidelity. This accounts for his deferring to give, in his Epistle, the reason for his change of plan (resolved on before writing it). This full discovery of his motive comes naturally from him now, in the second Epistle, after he had seen the success of his measures, but would not have been a seasonable communication before. All this accords with reality, and is as remote as possible from imposture [PALEY, Horæ Paulinæ]. The interchange of feeling is marked ( 2 Corinthians 2:4 ), "I wrote . . . that ye might know the love," &c.: here, "I did write, that I might know the proof of you."

10. Another encouragement to their taking on themselves the responsibility of restoring the offender. They may be assured of Paul's apostolic sanction to their doing so.
for if I forgave anything, to whom I forgave it--The oldest manuscripts read, "For even what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything."
for your sakes forgave I it--He uses the past tense, as of a thing already determined on; as in 1 Corinthians 5:3 , "I have judged already"; or, as speaking generally of forgiveness granted, or to be granted. It is for your sakes I have forgiven, and do forgive, that the Church (of which you are constituent members) may suffer no hurt by the loss of a soul, and that ye may learn leniency as well as faithfulness.
in the person of Christ--representing Christ, and acting by His authority: answering to 1 Corinthians 5:4 , "In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ."

11. Literally, "That we may have no advantage gained over us by Satan," namely, by letting one of our members be lost to us through despair, we ourselves furnishing Satan with the weapon, by our repulsive harshness to one now penitent. The loss of a single sinner is a common loss; therefore, in 2 Corinthians 2:10 , he said, "for your sakes." Paul had "delivered" the offender "to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the Spirit might be saved" ( 1 Corinthians 5:5 ). Satan sought to destroy the spirit also: to let him do so, would be to give him an advantage, and let him overreach us.
not ignorant of his devices--"Ignorant" and "devices" are words akin in sound and root in Greek: we are not without knowledge of his knowing schemes.

12. Paul expected to meet Titus at Troas, to receive the tidings as to the effect of his first Epistle on the Corinthian Church; but, disappointed in his expectation there, he passed on to Macedonia, where he met him at last ( 2 Corinthians 7:5 2 Corinthians 7:6 2 Corinthians 7:7 ) The history (Acts) does not record his passing through Troas, in going from Ephesus to Macedonia; but it does in coming from that country ( Acts 20:6 ); also, that he had disciples there ( Acts 20:7 ), which accords with the Epistle ( 2 Corinthians 2:12 , "a door was opened unto me of the Lord"). An undesigned coincidence marking genuineness [PALEY, Horæ Paulinæ]. Doubtless Paul had fixed a time with Titus to meet him at Troas; and had desired him, if detained so as not to be able to be at Troas at that time, to proceed at once to Macedonia to Philippi, the next station on his own journey. Hence, though a wide door of Christian usefulness opened to him at Troas, his eagerness to hear from Titus the tidings from Corinth, led him not to stay longer there when the time fixed was past, but he hastened on to Macedonia to meet him there [BIRKS].
to preach--literally, "for the Gospel." He had been at Troas before, but the vision of a man from Macedonia inviting him to come over, prevented his remaining there ( Acts 16:8-12 ). On his return to Asia, after the longer visit mentioned here, he stayed seven days ( Acts 20:6 ).
and--that is, though Paul would, under ordinary circumstances, have gladly stayed in Troas.
door . . . opened . . . of the Lord--Greek, "in the Lord," that is, in His work, and by His gracious Providence.

13. no rest in my spirit--rather, "no rest for my spirit" ( Genesis 8:9 ). As here his "spirit" had no rest; so in 2 Corinthians 7:5 , his "flesh." His "spirit" under the Holy Spirit, hence, concluded that it was not necessary to avail himself of the "door" of usefulness at Troas any longer.
taking . . . leave of them--the disciples at Troas.

14. Now--Greek, "But." Though we left Troas disappointed in not meeting Titus there, and in having to leave so soon so wide a door, "thanks be unto God," we were triumphantly blessed in both the good news of you from Titus, and in the victories of the Gospel everywhere in our progress. The cause of triumph cannot be restricted (as ALFORD explains) to the former; for "always," and "in every place," show that the latter also is intended.
causeth us to triumph--The Greek, is rather, as in Colossians 2:15 , "triumphs over us": "leadeth us in triumph." Paul regarded himself as a signal trophy of God's victorious power in Christ. His Almighty Conqueror was leading him about, through all the cities of the Greek and Roman world, as an illustrious example of His power at once to subdue and to save. The foe of Christ was now the servant of Christ. As to be led in triumph by man is the most miserable, so to be led in triumph by God is the most glorious, lot that can befall any [TRENCH]. Our only true triumphs are God's triumphs over us. His defeats of us are our only true victories [ALFORD]. The image is taken from the triumphal procession of a victorious general. The additional idea is perhaps included, which distinguishes God's triumph from that of a human general, that the captive is brought into willing obedience ( 2 Corinthians 10:5 ) to Christ, and so joins in the triumph: God "leads him in triumph" as one not merely triumphed over, but also as one triumphing over God's foes with God (which last will apply to the apostle's triumphant missionary progress under the leading of God). So BENGEL: "Who shows us in triumph, not [merely] as conquered, but as the ministers of His victory. Not only the victory, but the open 'showing' of the victory is marked: for there follows, Who maketh manifest."
savour--retaining the image of a triumph. As the approach of the triumphal procession was made known by the odor of incense scattered far and wide by the incense-bearers in the train, so God "makes manifest by us" (His now at once triumphed over and triumphing captives, compare Luke 5:10 , "Catch," literally, "Take captive so as to preserve alive") the sweet savor of the knowledge of Christ, the triumphant Conqueror ( Colossians 2:15 ), everywhere. As the triumph strikes the eyes, so the savor the nostrils; thus every sense feels the power of Christ's Gospel. This manifestation (a word often recurring in his Epistles to the Corinthians, compare 1 Corinthians 4:5 ) refutes the Corinthian suspicions of his dishonestly, by reserve, hiding anything from them ( 2 Corinthians 2:17 , 2 Corinthians 4:2 ).

15. The order is in Greek, "For (it is) of Christ (that) we are a sweet savor unto God"; thus, the "for" justifies his previous words ( 2 Corinthians 2:14 ), "the savor of HIS (Christ's) knowledge." We not only scatter the savor; but "we are the sweet savor" itself ( Solomon 1:3 ; compare John 1:14 John 1:16 , Ephesians 5:2 , 1 John 2:27 ).
in them that are saved--rather, "that are being saved . . . that are perishing" blinds in darkness the weak, is for all that still light; and honey, though it taste bitter to the sick, is in itself still sweet; so the Gospel is still of a sweet savor, though many perish through unbelief [CHRYSOSTOM, Homilies, 5.467], ( 2 Corinthians 4:3 2 Corinthians 4:4 2 Corinthians 4:6 ). As some of the conquered foes led in triumph were put to death when the procession reached the capitol, and to them the smell of the incense was the "savor of death unto death," while to those saved alive, it was the "savor of life," so the Gospel was to the different classes respectively.
and in them--in the case of them. "Those being saved" (2 Corinthians 3:1-4:2'): "Those that are perishing" ( 2 Corinthians 4:3-5 ).

16. savour of death unto death . . . of life unto life--an odor arising out of death (a mere announcement of a dead Christ, and a virtually lifeless Gospel, in which light unbelievers regard the Gospel message), ending (as the just and natural consequence) in death (to the unbeliever); (but to the believer) an odor arising out of life (that is, the announcement of a risen and living Saviour), ending in life (to the believer) ( Matthew 21:44 , Luke 2:34 , John 9:39 ).
who is sufficient for these things?--namely, for diffusing aright everywhere the savor of Christ, so diverse in its effects on believers and unbelievers. He here prepares the way for one purpose of his Epistle, namely, to vindicate his apostolic mission from its detractors at Corinth, who denied his sufficiency. The Greek order puts prominently foremost the momentous and difficult task assigned to him, "For these things, who is sufficient?" He answers his own question ( 2 Corinthians 3:5 2 Corinthians 3:6 ), "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God, who hath made us able (Greek, 'sufficient') ministers," &c.

17. not as many--( 2 Corinthians 11:18 , Philippians 2:21 ). Rather, "the many," namely, the false teachers of whom he treats (tenth through twelfth chapters, especially 2 Corinthians 11:13 , 1 Thessalonians 2:3 ).
which corrupt--Greek, "adulterating, as hucksters do wine for gain" ( 2 Corinthians 4:2 , Isaiah 1:22 , 2 Peter 2:3 , "Make merchandise of you").
as of sincerity . . . as of God--as one speaking from (out of) sincerity, as from (that is, by the command of, and so in dependence on) God.
in Christ's--as united to Him in living membership, and doing His work (compare 2 Corinthians 12:19 ). The whole Gospel must be delivered such as it is, without concession to men's corruptions, and without selfish aims, if it is to be blessed with success ( Acts 20:27 ).