Habakkuk - Introduction


The position of the book immediately after Nahum is appropriate; as Nahum treated of the judgments of the Lord on Assyria, for its violence against Israel, so Habakkuk, those inflicted by, and on, the Chaldeans for the same reason.

The style is poetical and sublime. The parallelisms are generally regular. Borrowed ideas occur (compare Habakkuk 3:19 Habakkuk 2:6 spelcom.net/bible?passage=Isa+11:9">Isa 11:9). The ancient catalogues imply that his book is part of the canon of Scripture. In the New Testament, Romans 1:17 not naming him); compare also Galatians 3:11 ; Hebrews 10:38 quotes Habakkuk 1:5 ( Habakkuk 1:9 ; Habakkuk 2:6 Habakkuk 2:16