Job 37


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13. Literally, "He maketh it (the rain-cloud) find place," whether for correction, if (it be destined) for His land (that is, for the part inhabited by man, with whom God deals, as opposed to the parts uninhabited, on which rain is at other times appointed to fall, Job 38:26 Job 38:27 ) or for mercy. "If it be destined for His land" is a parenthetical supposition [MAURER]. In English Version, this clause spoils the even balance of the antithesis between the "rod" (Margin) and "mercy" ( Psalms 68:9 , Genesis 7:1-24 ).

14. ( Psalms 111:2 ).

15. when--rather, "how."
disposed them--lays His charge on these "wonders" ( Job 37:14 ) to arise.
shine--flash. How is it that light arises from the dark thundercloud?

16. Hebrew, "Hast thou understanding of the balancings," &c., how the clouds are poised in the air, so that their watery gravity does not bring them to the earth? The condensed moisture, descending by gravity, meets a warmer temperature, which dissipates it into vapor (the tendency of which is to ascend) and so counteracts the descending force.
perfect in knowledge--God; not here in the sense that Elihu uses it of himself ( Job 36:4 ).
dost thou know--how, &c.

17. thy garments, &c.--that is, dost thou know how thy body grows warm, so as to affect thy garments with heat?
south wind--literally, "region of the south." "When He maketh still (and sultry) the earth (that is, the atmosphere) by (during) the south wind" ( Solomon 4:16 ).

18. with him--like as He does ( Job 40:15 ).
spread out--given expanse to.
strong--firm; whence the term "firmament" ("expansion," Genesis 1:6 , Margin; Isaiah 44:24 ).
molten looking glass--image of the bright smiling sky. Mirrors were then formed of molten polished metal, not glass.

19. Men cannot explain God's wonders; we ought, therefore, to be dumb and not contend with God. If Job thinks we ought, "let him teach us, what we shall say."
darkness--of mind; ignorance. "The eyes are bewilderingly blinded, when turned in bold controversy with God towards the sunny heavens" ( Job 37:18 ) [UMBREIT].

20. What I a mortal say against God's dealings is not worthy of being told HIM. In opposition to Job's wish to "speak" before God ( Job 13:3 Job 13:18-22 ).
if . . . surely he shall be swallowed up--The parallelism more favors UMBREIT, "Durst a man speak (before Him, complaining) that he is (without cause) being destroyed?"

21. cleanseth--that is, cleareth the air of clouds. When the "bright light" of the sun, previously not seen through "clouds," suddenly shines out from behind them, owing to the wind clearing them away, the effect is dazzling to the eye; so if God's majesty, now hidden, were suddenly revealed in all its brightness, it would spread darkness over Job's eyes, anxious as he is for it (compare, [UMBREIT]. It is because now man sees not the bright sunlight (God's dazzling majesty), owing to the intervening "clouds" ( Job 26:9 ), that they dare to wish to "speak" before God ( Job 37:20 ). Prelude to God's appearance ( Job 38:1 ). The words also hold true in a sense not intended by Elihu, but perhaps included by the Holy Ghost. Job and other sufferers cannot see the light of God's countenance through the clouds of trial: but the wind will soon clear them off, and God shall appear again: let them but wait patiently, for He still shines, though for a time they see Him not

22. Rather, "golden splendor." MAURER translates "gold." It is found in northern regions. But God cannot be "found out," because of His "Majesty" ( Job 37:23 ). Thus the twenty-eighth chapter corresponds; English Version is simpler.
the north--Brightness is chiefly associated with it Here, perhaps, because the north wind clears the air ( Proverbs 25:23 ). Thus this clause answers to the last of Job 37:21 ; as the second of this verse to the first of Job 37:21 . Inverted parallelism. (See Isaiah 14:13 , Psalms 48:2 ).
with God--rather, "upon God," as a garment ( Psalms 104:1 Psalms 104:2 ).

23. afflict--oppressively, so as to "pervert judgment" as Job not," that is, gives no account of His dealings, is like a transcriber's correction, from Job 33:13 , Margin.

24. do--rather, "ought."
wise--in their own conceits.