Psalms 72


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8. The foreign nations mentioned ( Psalms 72:9 Psalms 72:10 ) could not be included in the limits, if designed to indicate the boundaries of Solomon's kingdom. The terms, though derived from those used ( Exodus 23:31 , Deuteronomy 11:24 ) to denote the possessions of Israel, must have a wider sense. Thus, "ends of the earth" is never used of Palestine, but always of the world (compare Margin).

9-11. The extent of the conquests.
They that dwell in the wilderness--the wild, untutored tribes of deserts.
bow . . . dust--in profound submission. The remotest and wealthiest nations shall acknowledge Him (compare Psalms 45:12 ).

12-14. They are not the conquests of arms, but the influences of humane and peaceful principles (compare Isaiah 9:7 , 11:1-9 , Zechariah 9:9 Zechariah 9:10 ).

15. In his prolonged life he will continue to receive the honorable gifts of the rich, and the prayers of his people shall be made for him, and their praises given to him.

16. The spiritual blessings, as often in Scripture, are set forth by material, the abundance of which is described by a figure, in which a "handful" (or literally, "a piece," or small portion) of corn in the most unpropitious locality, shall produce a crop, waving in the wind in its luxuriant growth, like the forests of Lebanon.
they of the city . . . earth--This clause denotes the rapid and abundant increase of population--
of--or, "from"
the city--Jerusalem, the center and seat of the typical kingdom.
flourish--or, glitter as new grass--that is, bloom. This increase corresponds with the increased productiveness. So, as the gospel blessings are diffused, there shall arise increasing recipients of them, out of the Church in which Christ resides as head.

17. His name--or, "glorious perfections."
as long as the sun--(Compare Psalms 72:5 ).
men shall be blessed--( Genesis 12:3 , 18:18 ).

18, 19. These words close the Psalm in terms consistent with the style of the context, while Psalms 72:20 is evidently, from its prosaic style, an addition for the purpose above explained

20. ended--literally, "finished," or completed; the word never denotes fulfilment, except in a very late usage, as in Ezra 1:1 , Daniel 12:7 .