Song of Solomon 7
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7. palm tree--( Psalms 92:12 ). The sure sign of water near ( Exodus 15:27 , John 7:38 ).
clusters--not of dates, as MOODY STUART thinks. The parallelism ( Solomon 7:8 ), "clusters of the vine," shows it is here clusters of grapes. Vines were often trained (termed "wedded") on other trees.
8. The daughters are no longer content to admire, but resolve to lay hold of her fruits, high though these be. The palm stem is bare for a great height, and has its crown of fruit-laden boughs at the summit. It is the symbol of triumphant joy ( John 12:13 ); so hereafter ( Revelation 7:9 ).
breasts--( Isaiah 66:11 ).
the vine--Jesus Christ ( Hosea 14:7 , end; John 15:1 ).
nose--that is, breath; the Holy Ghost breathed into her nostrils by Him, whose "mouth is most sweet" ( Solomon 5:16 ).
apples--citrons, off the tree to which He is likened ( Solomon 2:3 ).
9. roof of thy mouth--thy voice ( Proverbs 15:23 ).
best wine--the new wine of the gospel kingdom ( Mark 14:25 ), poured out at Pentecost ( Acts 2:4 Acts 2:13 Acts 2:17 ).
for my beloved--( Solomon 4:10 ). Here first the daughters call Him theirs, and become one with the bride. The steps successively are ( Solomon 1:5 ) where they misjudge her ( Solomon 3:11 ); Solomon 5:8 , where the possibility of their finding Him, before she regained Him, is expressed; Solomon 5:9 ( Solomon 6:1 , Song of Solomon 7:6 Song of Solomon 7:9 , John 4:42 ).
causing . . . asleep to speak--( Isaiah 35:6 , Mark 5:19 Mark 5:20 , Acts 2:47 , Ephesians 5:14 ). Jesus Christ's first miracle turned water into "good wine kept until now" ( John 2:10 ); just as the Gospel revives those asleep and dying under the law ( Proverbs 31:6 , Romans 7:9 Romans 7:10 Romans 7:24 Romans 7:25 , 8:1 ).
10. Words of the daughters of Jerusalem and the bride, now united into one ( Acts 4:32 ). They are mentioned again distinctly ( Solomon 8:4 ), as fresh converts were being added from among enquirers, and these needed to be charged not to grieve the Spirit.
his desire is toward me--strong assurance. He so desires us, as to give us sense of His desire toward us ( Psalms 139:17 Psalms 139:18 , Luke 22:15 , Galatians 2:20 , 1 John 4:16 ).
11. field--the country. "The tender grape (MAURER translates, flowers) and vines" occurred before ( Solomon 2:13 ). But here she prepares for Him all kinds of fruit old and new; also, she anticipates, in going forth to seek them, communion with Him in "loves." "Early" implies immediate earnestness. "The villages" imply distance from Jerusalem. At Stephen's death the disciples were scattered from it through Judea and Samaria, preaching the word ( Acts 8:4-25 ). Jesus Christ was with them, confirming the word with miracles. They gathered the old fruits, of which Jesus Christ had sown the seed ( John 4:39-42 ), as well as new fruits.
lodge--forsaking home for Jesus Christ's sake ( Matthew 19:29 ).
12. ( 1:35 , John 9:4 , Galatians 6:10 ). Assurance fosters diligence, not indolence.
13. mandrakes--Hebrew, audaim, from a root meaning "to love"; love apples, supposed to exhilarate the spirits and excite love. Only here and Genesis 30:14-16 . Atropa mandragora of LINNÆUS; its leaves like lettuce, but dark green, flowers purple, root forked, fruit of the size of an apple, ruddy and sweet-smelling, gathered in wheat harvest, that is, in May (Mariti, ii. 195).
gates--the entrance to the kiosk or summer house. Love "lays up" the best of everything for the person beloved ( 1 Corinthians 10:31 , Philippians 3:8 , 1 Peter 4:11 ), thereby really, though unconsciously, laying up for itself ( 1 Timothy 6:18 1 Timothy 6:19 ).