6. The Genre of the book of Revelation
2 It is universally recognized that Revelation is composed of three genres: apocalyptic, prophecy, and letter.Grant R. Osborne, Revelation (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2002), 12.
3 Robert L. Thomas, Revelation 1-7 (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1992), 23-24.
4 Woods identifies attributes typical of apocalyptic writings: Extensive use of symbolism, vision as the major means of revelation, angelic guides, activity of angels and demons, focus on the end of the current age and the inauguration of the age to come, urgent expectation of the end of earthly conditions in the immediate future, the end as a cosmic catastrophe, new salvation that is paradisal in character, manifestation of the kingdom of God, a mediator with royal functions, dualism with God and Satan as the leaders, spiritual order determining the flow of history, pessimism about mans ability to change the course of events, periodization and determinism of human history, other worldly journeys, the catchword glory, and a final showdown between good and evil.Andy Woods, What is the Identity of Babylon In Revelation 17-18?.