Psalm 119:136


Verse 136. -- If we grieve not for others, their sin may become Ezekiel 4:8 1 Corinthians 5:2 . -- William Nicholson.



Verse 136. -- Abundant sorrow for abounding sin. Other men's sins the saint's own sorrows. He thinks of the good God provoked, of the sinners themselves debased, of their death, and their perdition.

Verse 136.--

Verse 136. -- Sacred tears.

Verse 136.

I weep, because,

"That kingly prophet, that wept so plentifully for his own offences ( Psalms 6:6 ), had yet floods of tears left to bewail his people's" ( Psalms 119:136 ). --Thomas Adams.

"Benedetti, a Franciscan monk, author of the Stabat Mater, one day was found weeping, and when asked the reason of his tears, he exclaimed, I weep because Love goes about unloved." --W.H.J.P.