2Sa Intro


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NOTES ON The Second Book of SAMUEL

NOTES ON The Second Book of SAMUEL

This book is the history of the reign of David. It gives us anChapter Overview:

account of his triumphs and of his troubles.
  1. His triumphs, over the house of Saul, chap. 1 - 4.
    Over the Jebusites and Philistines, chap. 5.
    In the bringing up of the ark, chap. 6, 7.
    Over the neighbouring nations, chap. 8 - 10.
  2. His troubles; the cause of them, his sin in the matter of Uriah, chap. 11 - 12.
    The troubles themselves, from the sin of Amnon, chap. 13.
    The rebellion of Absolom, chap. 14 - 19.
    And of Sheba, chap. 20.
    From the famine, chap. 21.
    And the pestilence, for his numbering the people, chap. 24.
    His song we have, chap. 22.
    And his words and worthies, chap. 23.
    In many instances throughout this book, he appears as a great and a good man. Yet it must be confessed he had great vices: So that his honour shines brighter in his psalms than in his annals.