Mt Intro
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The Gospel (that is, good tidings) means a book containing the goodChapter Overview:
tidings of our salvation by Jesus Christ. St. Mark in his Gospel presupposes that of St. Matthew, and supplies what is omitted therein. St. Luke supplies what is omitted by both the former: St. John what is omitted by all the three. St. Matthew particularly points out the fulfilling of the prophecies for the conviction of the Jews. St. Mark wrote a short compendium, and yet added many remarkable circumstances omitted by St. Matthew, particularly with regard to the apostles, immediately after they were called. St. Luke treated principally of the office of Christ, and mostly in a historical manner. St. John refuted those who denied his Godhead: each choosing to treat more largely on those things, which most suited the time when, and the persons to whom, he wrote.The Gospel according to St. Matthew contains,
I. The birth of Christ, and what presently followed it:- a. His genealogy.......................................... Chap i,1-17 b. His birth.................................................... 18-25 c. The coming of the wise men................................. ii,1-12 d. His flight into Egypt, and return............................ 13-23II. The introduction a. John the Baptist.......................................... iii,1-12 b. The baptism of Christ........................................ 13-17 c. His temptation and victory................................. iv,1-11III. The actions and words by which Jesus proved he was the Christ a. At Capernaum................................................. 12-16 Where we may observe 1. His preaching................................................. 17 2. Calling Andrew and Peter, James and John................... 18-22 3. Preaching and healing, with a great concourse of people.... 23-25 4. Sermon on the mount.................................. v, vi, vii, 5. Healing the leper....................................... viii,1-4 6. The centurion's servant..................................... 5-13 7. Peter's mother-in-law...................................... 14-15 8. Many that were sick........................................ 16-17 b. In his journey (wherein he admonished two that offered to follow him) over the sea Here we may observe 1. His dominion over the winds and seas....................... 18-27 2. The devils passing from the men into the swine............. 28-34 c. At Capernaum again................................. Here, ix, 1. He cures the paralytic....................................... 1-8 2. Calls Matthew, and defends his conversing with publicans and sinners....................................... 9-13 3. Answers concerning fasting................................. 14-17 4. Raises Jairus's daughter (after curing the issue of blood). 18-26 5. Gives sight to two blind men............................... 27-31 6. Dispossesses the demoniac.................................. 32-34 7. Goes through the cities, and directs to pray for labourers. 35-38 8. Sends and instructs labourers, and preaches himself.... x,1; xi,1 9. Answers the message of John.................................. 2-6 10. Commends John, reproves the unbelieving cities, invites the weary.......................................... 7-30 11. Defends the disciples' plucking the corn.......... Chap. xii,1-8 12. Heals the withered hand.................................... 9-13 13. Retires from the Pharisees lying in wait.................. 14-21 14. Cures the demoniac, while the people wonder, and the Pharisees blaspheming, are refuted................... 22-37 15. Reproves them that require a sign......................... 38-45 16. Declares who are his relations, and....................... 46-50 17. Teaches by parables................................... xiii,1-52 d. At Nazareth.................................................. 53-58 e. In other places 1. Herod having killed John, doubts concerning Jesus. Jesus retiring, is sought for by the people............. xiv,1-13 2. He heals the sick, and feeds five thousand................. 14-21 3. His voyage and miracles in the land of Gennesaret.......... 22-36 4. Unwashen hands........................................... xv,1-20 5. The woman of Canaan........................................ 21-28 6. Many sick healed........................................... 29-31 7. Four thousand fed.......................................... 32-38 e. Those who require a sign reproved................. xv,39; xvi,1-4 9. The leaven of the Pharisees................................. 5-12IV. Predictions of his death and resurrection a. The first prediction 1. Preparation for it by a confirmation that he is the Christ.13-20 2. The prediction itself, and reproof of Peter............... 21-28 b. The second prediction 1. The transfiguration, and silence enjoined............. xvli,1-13 2. The lunatic healed........................................ 14-21 3. The prediction itself..................................... 22-23 4. The tribute paid.......................................... 24-27 5. Who is greatest in Christ's kingdom.................. xviii,1-20 6. The duty of forgiving our brother......................... 21-35 c. The third prediction 1. Jesus departs out of Galilee........................... xix, 1-2 2 Of divorce and celibacy.................................... 3-12 3. His tenderness to little children......................... 13-15 4. The rich man drawing back, and hence...................... 16-22 Of the salvation of the rich................................ 23-26 Of the reward of following Christ........................... 27-30 Of the last and the first................................. xx,1-16 5. The prediction itself..................................... 17-19 6. The request of James and John; humility enjoined.......... 20-28 7. The two blind men cured................................... 29-34V. Transactions at Jerusalem before his passion a. Sunday His royal entry into Jerusalem............................ xxi,1-11 His purging the temple....................................... 12-17 b. Monday The barren fig tree.......................................... 18-22 c. Tuesday, transactions In the temple 1. The chief priests and elders confuted By a question concerning John's baptism................... 23-27 By the parables Of the two sons.......................................... 28-32 Of the vineyard.......................................... 33-44 2. Seek to lay hands on him.................................. 45-46 3. The parable of the marriage feast..................... xxii,1-14 4. He is questioned, concerning paying tribute............... 15-22 The resurrection.......................................... 23-33 The great commandment..................................... 34-40 5. Christ's question concerning David's Lord................. 41-46 Caution concerning the scribes and Pharisees......... xxiii,1-12 Severe reproof of them.................................... 13-36 and of Jerusalem.......................................... 37-39 Out of the temple: 1. His discourse of the destruction of Jerusalem, and the end of the world............................ Chap. xxiv,1-51 2. The ten virgins, the talents; the last judgment........ xxv,1-46VI. His passion and resurrection A. His passion, death, and burial.......................... xxvi, 1-2 a. Wednesday His prediction........................................ xxvi, 1-2 The consultation of the chief priests and elders............ 3-5 Judas bargains to betray him............................... 6-16 b. Thursday 1. In the day time The passover prepared................................... 17-19 2. In the evening The traitor discovered.................................. 20-25 The Lord's Supper....................................... 26-29 3. In the night 1. Jesus foretells the cowardice of the apostles........... 33-35 2. Is in agony............................................. 36-46 3. Is apprehended, reproves Peter and the multitude; is forsaken of all...................................... 47-56 4. Is led to Caiaphas, falsely accused, owns himself the Son of God, is condemned, derided................... 57-68 5. Peter denies him and weeps.............................. 69-75 c. Friday 1. The height of his passion In the morning 1. Jesus is delivered to Pilate........................ xxvii,1-2 2. The death of Judas....................................... 3-10 3. Jesus's kingdom and silence............................. 11-14 4. Pilate, though warned by his wife, condemns him......... 15-26 5. He is mocked and led forth.............................. 27-32 The third hour The vinegar and gall: the crucifixion; his garments divided; the inscription on the cross; the two robbers; blasphemies............................................ 33-44 From the sixth to the ninth hour The darkness, his last agony............................ 45-49 2. His death.................................................... 50 The veil rent, and a great earthquake.................... 51-53 The centurion wonders; the women behold.................. 54-56 3. His burial................................................ 57-61 d. Saturday The sepulchre secured.................................... 62-66 B. His resurrection 1. Testified to the women by an angel................... xxviii,1-8 By our Lord himself....................................... 9-10 2. Denied by his adversaries................................. 11-15 1. Proved to his apostles.................................... 16-20