Lamentations 4:16


16 The Lord Himself has scattered them; He regards them no more. The priests are not respected; the elders find no favor.

Lamentations 4:16 Meaning and Commentary

Lamentations 4:16

The anger of the Lord hath divided them
Or, "the face of the Lord" F6; the anger that appeared in his face, in the dispensation of his providence, removed them out of their own land, and dispersed them among several countries and nations of the world, and as they now are: these are not the words of the Heathens continued, but of the prophet: he will no more regard them;
or, "he will not add to look on them" F7, with a look of love, but continue his anger and resentment: they respect not the persons of the priests, they favour not the
which is to be considered either as the sin of the false prophets and priests before described, which was the cause of their punishment; that they east great contempt on the true prophets of the Lord, as Jeremiah and others, and showed no regard to the elders of the people, or those godly magistrates; who would have corrected and restrained them: or else this is said of the nations among whom they were dispersed, as the Targum; who would pay no respect to their characters as priests, or show any pity to them on account of their age.


F6 (hwhy ynp) "facies Domini", V. L. Montanus, Piscator.
F7 (Mjybhl Pyowy) "non addet aspicere eos", Montanus.
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Lamentations 4:16 In-Context

14 Blind, they stumbled in the streets, defiled by this blood, so that no one dared to touch their garments.
15 "Stay away! Unclean!" people shouted at them. "Away, away! Don't touch [us]!" So they wandered aimlessly. It was said among the nations, "They can stay here no longer."
16 The Lord Himself has scattered them; He regards them no more. The priests are not respected; the elders find no favor.
17 All the while our eyes were failing [as we looked] in vain for assistance; we watched from our towers for a nation that refused to help.
18 Our steps were closely followed, so that we could not walk in our streets. Our end drew near; our time ran out. Our end had come!
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