以西結書 3:16-21

16 過 了 七 日 , 耶 和 華 的 話 臨 到 我 說 :
17 人 子 啊 , 我 立 你 作 以 色 列 家 守 望 的 人 , 所 以 你 要 聽 我 口 中 的 話 , 替 我 警 戒 他 們 。
18 我 何 時 指 著 惡 人 說 : 他 必 要 死 ; 你 若 不 警 戒 他 , 也 不 勸 戒 他 , 使 他 離 開 惡 行 , 拯 救 他 的 性 命 , 這 惡 人 必 死 在 罪 孽 之 中 ; 我 卻 要 向 你 討 他 喪 命 的 罪 ( 原 文 是 血 ) 。
19 倘 若 你 警 戒 惡 人 , 他 仍 不 轉 離 罪 惡 , 也 不 離 開 惡 行 , 他 必 死 在 罪 孽 之 中 , 你 卻 救 自 己 脫 離 了 罪 。
20 再 者 , 義 人 何 時 離 義 而 犯 罪 , 我 將 絆 腳 石 放 在 他 面 前 , 他 就 必 死 ; 因 你 沒 有 警 戒 他 , 他 必 死 在 罪 中 , 他 素 來 所 行 的 義 不 被 記 念 ; 我 卻 要 向 你 討 他 喪 命 的 罪 ( 原 文 是 血 ) 。
21 倘 若 你 警 戒 義 人 , 使 他 不 犯 罪 , 他 就 不 犯 罪 ; 他 因 受 警 戒 就 必 存 活 , 你 也 救 自 己 脫 離 了 罪 。

以西結書 3:16-21 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains a further account of the prophet's call and mission; of his preparation of him for is work; of, the persons to whom he was sent; of what happened to him upon this; of the nature of his office, and the work of it; and of what followed upon the renewal of his call. His further preparation for prophesying is in Eze 3:1-3; where he is bid to eat the roll showed him, which he did, and found it in his mouth as honey for sweetness; and then he receives fresh orders to go to the people of Israel, and prophesy to them, Eze 3:4; and, that he might not be discouraged, an account is given beforehand of the people to whom he was sent; of their language, behaviour, and disposition; by which he could not expect success, Eze 3:5-7; and, for his further encouragement, strength, boldness, resolution, firmness, and presence of mind, are promised him, Eze 3:8,9; also a revelation of mere things to him; all which he should hear, receive, and speak, whether the people would attend to them or not; which ought to be no discouragement to him, since it was not regarded by the Lord, Eze 3:10,11; then follows an account of his being lifted up by the Spirit from the earth, when he heard a voice, which is described by the manner and matter of it; and a noise, both of the living creature's wings, and of the wheels he had seen in a former vision, Eze 3:12,13; and next of his being carried away by the same Spirit; and of the condition he was in, in his own spirit, as he went; and of the strength he received from the Lord; and of the place to which he, was carried; and his state and circumstances, and time of continuance there, Eze 3:14,15; where, after a time mentioned, he has a fresh call to his office, under the character of a watchman, whose business was to hear Christ's words, and warn the house of Israel from him; and who are distinguished into wicked and righteous; and whom the prophet was to warn at his own peril, Eze 3:16-21; and the chapter is concluded with a narration of various events which befell the prophet; he is bid by the Lord to go into the plain, which he did, and there saw the glory of the Lord, as he had before seen it at the river Chebar; which so affected him, that he fell upon his face, Eze 3:22,23; the spirit entered into him, let him on his feet, and spake with him; ordered him what he should do himself, that he should shut himself up in his house, Eze 3:24; informed him what the people would do to him; bind him with bands, that he should not come forth, Eze 3:25; and what Christ would do to him; strike him dumb in judgment to the people, that he might not be a reprover of them, Eze 3:26; but he is told that, when the Lord spoke to him; his mouth should be opened, and he should declare what was said to him, Eze 3:27.

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